Throne Room Holograms

Title: Throne Room Holograms
Author: Chris "vader69" Seymour
Date: Nov 13, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (6)

yavin 4 massasi throne room

heading for the medical frigate

battle plan/draw their fire

do or do not/wise advice

projection of a skywalker

an unusual amount of fear

Characters (14)

qui gon jinn x2

obi-wan with lightsaber x2

han with heavy blaster pistol x2

luke skywalker jedi knight x2

chewie enraged

chewbacca, protector

leia with blaster rifle x2

lando calrissian, scoundrel

dash rendar

locations (8)

coruscant jedi council chamber

yavin 4 massasi ruins

tatooine obi-wan`s hut

dagobah yoda`s hut

yavin 4 headquarters

hoth echo command center

dejarik hologameboard x2

effects (7)

projection of a skywalker

revolution x3

honor of the jedi

wars not make one great

traffic control

starships (2)

millenium falcon


weapons (2)

luke`s lightdaber

qui gonn`s lightsaber

interrupts (21)

clash of sabers x3

i know x2

jedi presence x2

ooc/tt x2

lost in the wildness

gift of the mentor x2

life debt

all wings report in/darklighter spin

run luke run

i`ve got a very bad feeling about this

control x2

grimtaash x2

don`t get @#$%y

defensive shields

let`s keep a little optimism here

a close race

tragedy has occured


another pathetic lifeform

aim high

only jedi may carry that weapon

ounee ta

don`t do that again

your insight serves you well

Strategy: ‘


to start with you need to get your locations out, all big force generation and none for the dark side except the hologame which is 1. the starting effect makes them pay 3 force and with wars not make one great they have to pay 4 force to drain. projection of a skywalker makes force drain +1 at hologame. do or do not combo is protection from sense and alter.

jedi presence makes chewie enraged power 18, lando power 12, and the others double as well. try and have qui gon in a battle like this because hes not a jedi but jedi presence can be played on him to make the others double power. if they have characters at adjacent sites and they have a bit more power than 4, put han down, play bad feeling card, if you win losses are tripled, have luke at adjacent site, play run luke run, dont get @#$%y- power 12, 3 battle destiny, 1 gun and losses are trebled.

if they just play in space which is unlikely, you`ve got the falcon, han leia and chewie and the adding battle destiny cards, the power and the damage will hurt them and the outrider for more power and the opponent less. transmission terminated to cancel their holograms.

for matchups you play the deck the same way, but here is one

-vs- let them make the first move

deploy your locations and try and get your holograms for draining. wait till they put stuff down. you can decide whether to go and beat down,if you get stuck you can revolution obiwan`s hut, the ruins- both for a force drain of 3, but you really should beat them down. ‘