big blue done HHH style aka it is THAT DAMN GOOD

Title: big blue done HHH style aka it is THAT DAMN GOOD
Author: brad "swccguy" eier
Date: Nov 13, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘No money/i’m a slave 4 u

Executor db

Mos espa db

Tatooine db

Mos espa

Watto’s junk


Watto x 3

GA thrawn

Admiral piett

General veers

Commander igar

Commander merrejik

Admiral chiraneau

Admiral ozzel

Darth vader with lightsaber

Blizzard scout 1

Tempest scout 3

Tempest scout 4

Blizzard 2

Blizzard 4

Tempest 1



Zuckuss in

Bossk in


Battle deployment

We’re in attack position now

Imperial command x 5

Trample x 3

Accelerate plans x 2

Projective telepathy x 2

Ghhhk combo x 2

Wattos cube

Prepared defenses

Enter the bureaucrat x 2


Wipe them out

Security precautions

First strike

Tatooine occupation

Mobilization points

Ability x 3

Search and destroy

No escape

Sebulba’s racer

Fear is my ally



code clerance



big coward




sabbacc (might switch to battle plan)

Strategy: ‘

ok this deck is pretty good. I like it because it can do early damage, but it can also keep up that damage the entire game. Its almost like a garrison deck on tatooine, except its faster and can play cards for free sometimes.

The basic strategy is to get watto out turn 1, imp commad for a guy, drop him and flip. i like to start mob points, then as your first action go grab the executor before they can take an action. so even if they play the ddta shield, you’ll be ok. oh yeah if they dont then abuse db activation. the next few turns you want to back-up your guys with walkers piloted by the empires finest. try for an early merrijik so you can grab the system. then you can setup occupation and the direct damage AO. that, combined with search and destroy, watto damage, aaa, and your ping-drains is usually enough. the new defensive cards really help this deck.

vs wys i recommend taking the system. you can ignore kessel with burecrat. do quick damage. the defensive shields help against retrevial and interrupt abuse. as always wys is a difficult matchup. trample/imp commnd owns.

vs new dueler ignore them. burocrat lets you. if they spread too thin vader can go for a hit but usually just toss him to a drain. i think you can out-damage them.

vs trm or mains you have the advantage. imp command, trample and battle deployment rule. its hard to hit guys hiding inside walkers. revo doesnt hurt too much. just be smart and hold your ghhhks.

vs dagobah or other non-interactive or racer chybc is great. you may want to start no escape to prevent honour. you have high destinies so you have a shot at the race. just setup damage and beware suicide runs. dont deploy vader (unless vs a test 6 deck, beware of uncontrollable fury though).

vs hbx types security precautions is good. setup a strong presence at the tat system. you can spread kinda thin on the ground (hold a ghhhk incase). once they flip start probing everywhere. probe tatooine and sit executor there, it will never leave. use burocrat on kessel/coruscant drains.

vs ebo style space beaurocrat is good. this is similar to the hbx matchup except they cant cancel drains. setup fast damage and you should be ok.

email me questions
