Senate Big Blue II aka Remake Of An Epic

Title: Senate Big Blue II aka Remake Of An Epic
Author: Alex "george3785" George
Date: Nov 16, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 8

My Lord Is That Legal?

Coruscant Galactic Whorehouse


Fear Is My Ally

Prepared Defenses


Mob. Points


Def Shield 10

Battle Order

Come Here You Big Coward

Allegations Of Corruption

A Useless Gesture

Do They Have Code Clearance


Youve never won a race?

Well Let Fate-a Decide Huh?

You cannot Hide Forever


Locations 5


Endor DB




Characters 21

Lott Dodd x2

Tikkes x2

Aks Moe x2

Edcel Bar Gane

Passel Argente

Yeb Yeb Ademthorn

Commander Merrejk

Admiral Piett

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Ozzel

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Darth Maul x2

Lord Vader x2

Emperor Palpatine



SS and V 11

Bossk In Hounds Tooth

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Boba In Ship

Dengar In Ship



Trade Federation Droid Control Ship



Tempest 1

Blizzard 2

Effects 4

Motion Supported

This Is Outrageous

Accepting Trade Federation Control

Lat. Dam.

Interrupts 10

Squabble Squabble x2

Imp Comm x4

GHHK Combo

Unsalvageable x2

Neimoid Advisor

AO 1

Battle Deployment

Strategy: ‘

*HJedi why did you give it 2.5 stars yet, say great 5 star deck?

*Response Im sorry to say, but there was a review that I deleted on here that was completely stupid. It read something along the lines of ”this deck is stupid. Merrejk will get lost in the wilderness. Sac will kill you. The new obj kills you” Merrejk does not go to the Endor DB, He goes up on a space ship with Piett to Naboo. Sac kills me? I start the Sac killer. THe new Obj kills me? explain what do they do, after my drains eat them for supper. did Jamintheeye even read the strategy. I dont think so. next time think before you rate something so stupidly. And to the people that are giving it half stars, JUST STOP.


Yesterday I posted the prototype version of the deck. There were some major mistakes that I and some reviewers noticed. This is the updated version and It is just as strong if not stronger. I hope you like it. Now on with the Strat.

Ever since I saw the senate objective, I have thought that it would be great played with Big Blue. Only problem was that too make the deck solid and able to win, It required way to many card slots, and was way to card intensive. Then R3 came out, with defensive shields, of course, and made making this deck a whole lot easier. Now I had a way to put in all the counters, so that I could trim the deck down to the legal limit and keep it strong. This is the only version of Senate Big Blue Space that I have seen, and I think that it could be a very strong force to be reckoned with.

This deck is also good, because it can get the opponent to waste their defensive shields on cards that will not greatly help them. Most opponents will deploy battle plan if you get a big drain second or third turn, while you have no one on the ground. They will deploy their grabber after seeing imperial command and Squabble. And they will deploy a wasted DDTA after you get out your docking bay and they want to stop Activation. This leave resistance still in the deck to not help them stop your huge drains.

Early game

I chose to start Naboo instead of Blockade Bridge, because since I plan to give the opponent a lot of force anyways, then why wait? This also helps me set up in space faster, giving me a system first turn.

This deck gets itself rolling rather fast. First action of the game is to pull the executor out of the reserve deck with Mob. Points. This way DDTA does not kill it. With that in mind this is how your opening hand should look usually


Senator (or Squabble)

Character (or Imp Comm)

Neimoid, Merrejk, or System


3 other cards


With that set up you should try always for the first turn flip. Deploy your senators to the senate, flip, and take the FD adder effect into hand and deploy it. Second turn, (or first if you get enough force), deploy Merrejk to the bridge, use Neimoid to pull a system, or use Imp command to get Admiral Piett and also get Merrejk with him. Deploy your systems fast, and deploy your Starships to space. Start the drain race off and try to hold the systems and sites.


Deploy your starships fast and furiously. Get out your senators that will help you in the game. Deploy your walkers and characters to the endor docking bay. This will get Aks Moe set up to add to your Endor drain. Also your characters will be protected, because with Edcel opponent gets only one destiny, and you can subtract it by 3. In space get Chiraneu out and spread out, adding to drains with him and your Pol. Effect. Deploy your Undercover spies to their drain sites, and use your Pol. Effect to cancel their drains. Keep your starships together, unless you know that they do not have a heavy space deck. Spread out, if you are certain you will not get your ships lost. Aks Moe adds to your capitals power, and Battle deployment limits destiny. You should be able to control the Endor DB, and at least all 3 systems by the mid to the late game. Use Resistance to stop big drains that you do not cancel. Deploy Battle Order once you control your battle ground. Most likely there deck will be shut down, and you will have control. This is not the fastest deck in the world, but after a few turns, it will start to completely wreck your opponent.

Late Game

With the heavy draining in the air, and the lock set up the end game should be rather fast. It is possible to get a total drain up to 22 if you control all of the locations that are yours. Normally, your drain will be around 15, because you Do not want to spread out, unless you are playing a deck that you can tell has no space left. With drains that high, opponent will die rather fast. With battle order and your Imperial commands, they will not be able to take out your space presence so you will most likely be able to stick to your systems, 1 site, and the senate. Use Squabble to retrieve. Track your destinies, and take out anyone that comes to you. Force drain him out and you will win. It may not be the highest diff, but a win is a win.

Specific Cards

Fondor Gets Executor for cheaper, and opponent can only drain you for 1 there.

Endor and Endor DB Aks Moe adds to your endor drain while you control the site and the system. Mainly used to satisfy Battle Order/Plan.

2 Aks Moe Great for the power addition and the extra drain. Also a senator.

Mains I chose the Immunity Mains, rather than the Lightsaber mains because I wanted to maintain presence there, and with the minus 3, I should be able to keep them there for a long time.

System Selection I chose Kessel, because It will cancel out opponents Kessel, your starships deploy minus 1, and opponent needs ability 6 to get destiny. Endor, because It is the only system besides Bespin and Naboo with a Docking bay from parsec 4-8. I did not want Naboo Docking bay, cause of the new objective. Sullust, for the drain of 2. Fondor, For the minus 5 to the Executor. Do not deploy until you have executor, you do not want to get the executor stuck.

Battle Deployment Xwings suck. Walkers rule. Less destiny if Edcel cannot be found.

Droid Control Ship This ship is pimpin. Power 5, deploy 6, ability 2, destiny 2, and good forfeit. This is an all around good ship to just sit at a system. Power +2 with Akssy boy.

Unsalvageable kills power pivot if I get swarmed. Kill Hyper escape if opponent tries to be gay. Kills that Lone starship after they forfeit their pilot. Kills that rogue OOC.

Matchup Time

WYS This deck is rather anti-WYS. It uses Edcel to limit destinies on the ground and Imp comms to limit their mass destiny In the air. It can control the systems with your superior power and Battle Deployment makes their star ships less power. Unsalvageable kills their starships that they leave after forfeiting Wedge for 10 to the bacta tank. You get your mass drains off. You get your battle ground. This can beat WYS.

Def. Shields to use

A Useless Gesture

Allegations of Corruption

your choice

EBOX This deck beats EBO with a vengeance. Passel hurts their swarm. Resistance can hold down their drains. Battle Deployment wrecks their power. Beats power pivot and hyperescape. Hurts their drains with battle order. EBO is no match for this deck.

Def. Shields to use


Battle Order

your choice

RST This deck will see much less play, but if someone does play it, it could be tough with all the direct damage. If you can get set up fast, you can beat it. Come here you big coward will stop some of their retrieval if you surprise them after they win the race. Battle order will keep them paying, and your Starships can keep them out of space. You can still control one site with your characters. With the heavy drains you should be able to win the game.

Def. Shields to use

Youve never won a race (if racing)

Battle Order

Come Here You Big Coward

Allegations Of Corruption (if not racing)

QMC This could be a tough game. If they are smart and play Ultimatum, because controlling 3 locations with their mains will be rather easy. But if you play smart you can get them to use their defensive shields. I explained earlier how to get them to use Defensive shields. Just set up in space and send U.C. spies to the sites that Pucimir is not at. Cancel as many drains as possible. Set up in space like normal. Beat down any Space ships that they try to deploy to space. Hold the Bespin System and play smart so they Do not get to control a System. Do not over deploy systems so that there is not a big chase around for Star Ships.

Def. Shields to use

Do They Have Code Clearance

your choice (Battle order if you can control space)

your choice

Profit You will beat profit. Start Arica at the audience chamber. Deploy your other u.c. spy. Get your drains set up and spread because they will not have a space presence at all. Control your one location and use resistance to keep their drains at 2. the direct damage may hurt you, but you should be able to out drain them with your mass drains.

Def. Shields to use

Battle Order


your choice (CHYBC most likely)

Well Handle This This is going to be a rather Easy Game. Deploy to space and get resistance out. Now the opponent will not be able to drain you for more than 6 a turn. You on the other hand will be getting your mass drains off. Just set up in space, and deploy your shiz to the Endor DB. You wont be able to drain there, but the space drains are enough. Get out battle order to make them pay 9 to drain at their 3 sites. I dont see this deck losing at all to a WHT deck. If he deploys Ultimatum, which he may, just spread out, because this type of deck will not have heavy space. Drain for 2 at each of your systems and you should still win the game easily.

Def. Shields to use

Battle Order



Hidden Base just set up in space with your massive drains. Dont spread out, you do not want to lose your ships. Just hold 2 or 3 systems and you can drain for enough. Go probing. Hold your site and use Battle Order. If your playing Mains, dont deploy weak to your site. Imperial Command will stop the Super Falcon, and Edcel will stop the EPP Swarm. If it is Xwings, Passel kills the swarm,and unsalvageable will hurt them. Battle deployment wrecks it. Matching pilots would be the toughest of the HB decks, but you should not really have a problem. Just keep some big power ships together, and he should not be able to take you out of space. You can beat Hidden Base Easily. Make sure to keep your ships together to avoid a beatdown.

Def. Shields to use

Depends on type you are playing

TRM and Mains If they have Docking bays, your U.C. spies should be able to hold down their small drains. Use your Pol. Effect to cancel the other drain. Imperial command stops mega falcon. Subtract from destiny. Easy Game. TRM is easier, because you do not really give them any sites to beat you down at. Do not deploy to your DB, until you have atleast Maul, Vader, and one Walker. You do not want a huge beat squad coming down with their massive force activation.

Def. Shields to use

Battle Order


your choice

This is most of the match-ups that you will see. This deck is very strong and can win almost every game that it is in. This is a control deck that will totally decimate your opponent. Most players will not know what to do with it, because it is not very popular. This deck should be able to win every game that it is in. I cannot think of a LS deck that would beat it constantly. Hope you enjoyed.

Milfonati Admin

Alex George