Atkins Door Slammer

Title: Atkins Door Slammer
Author: Clayton "TheDohMan" Atkin
Date: Nov 16, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Objective (1)

Lem Them Make the First Move/At Last We Will Have Revenge

Epic Event (1)

Deep Hatred

Locations (7)

Naboo Theed Palace Gen Core (starting)

Naboo Theed Palace Generator (starting)

Naboo Theed Palace Docking Bay

Endor Back Door

Endor Landing Platform


Blockade Flagship Bridge

Characters (17)

Darth Vader DLOTS x2

Lord Vader x2

Lord Maul x2

Emperor Palpatine x2

Mara Jade TEH

Janus Greejatus

Aurra Sing

Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba

IG-88 with Riot Gun

Prince Xizor


Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Weapons (4)

Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Maul’s Double Stick of Fun

Vehicles & Starships (5)

Blizzard 4

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Maul’s Sith Infiltrator

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter


Interupts (10)

Prepared Defenses (starting)

We Must Accelerate Our Plans

The Ebb Of Battle

Weapon Levitation x2

Force Lightning x2

Counter Assault

Vaders Obsession

Twi’lek Advisor

Effects (14)

Conduct Your Search (starting)

Imperial Arrest Order (starting)

Mobilization Points (starting)

Closed Door x6

Blast Door Controls


Security Precautions

Enter the Bureaucrat

Search and Destroy

Starting Effect (1)

Fear Is My Ally

Defensive Shield (10)

Oppressive Enforcement

Come Here You Big Coward

Battle Order

You’ve Never Won a Race?

We’ll Let Fate-a Decide, Huh?

Secret Plans

You Cannot Hide Forever

Weapon Of a Sith


A Useless Gesture

Strategy: ‘

11/19 For those of you who didn’t get the picture……I’ve been out of the game for 6 months and had just bought a box of R3 and Coruscant in hopes of getting back into the swing of things. With the Eratta to Conduct your Search, this deck needs a major overhaul because the base of the deck doesn’t work. You could use Crush the Rebellion instead to pull I Have you Now and use that as a combat card…..but I’m greedy and wanted the destiny 7’s. Do me a favor and just let this deck review go by the wayside. I’ll playtest a couple of other ideas I had for this objective and when I’m done, I’ll post it. Thanks for the understanding.

11/16 Bye the way, If there was any errata……I wasn’t aware of it. Guess thats what I get for being out of the game for 6 months. If thats the case…….then I guess the deck sucks.

First thing you do after you draw your starting 8 cards is go in your reserve deck and get Rendeli with Mob Points before your opponent has a chance to get their defensive shield. If they do deploy it afterwards, it’s alright. The extra force activation is only a bonus… don’t really need it. After you take Rendeli into hand, go back into your reserve deck and get out Endor Back Door with Conduct Your Search. Activate your force (at least 6 with your icons alone) and start dropping locations. Go get one of your docking Bays with IAO. If you’ve got a jedi, go ahead and drop him. Nothing irritates a light side player more then an aggressive dark side deck.

Now, this is where the fun begins. During your opponents turn, go through your reserve deck and pull out a Closed Door. (For those of you who don’t know, it’s a destiny 7 effect from Endor) During your opponents deploy phase, put the Closed Door Face down under your Dark Jedi so that he may use it for Lightsaber Combat. You get to do this every turn…..yours and your opponents. Now do you really think any light Jedi is going to be eager to come down knowing that there are 7’s stacked under the dark Jedi? If your affraid of EPP Hitsquads, then simply just don’t leave your Jedi alone. If your opponent has anybody left over from their turn hanging around, then they’re in trouble. If light jedi are hanging out, Lightsaber Combat will do the trick. If they have lesser characters, Weapon Levs, Force Lightning, and the objective itself, which lets you get rid of one character present with your Jedi during your control phase.

Just set up your Dark Forces on Naboo and they will be forced to come to you. If they don’t, the early drains will eat them alive.

Now for some card explanations

Conduct Your Search The base of the deck. Allows you to pull out Endor Back Door, Blast Door Controls, and a Closed Door every turn. Combined with ”Drop” you can set up your Lightsaber Combat and Battle destinies.

Mobilization Points Lets you get your battleground system before the game even starts. I don’t even count on the force bonus’s at docking bays because your opponent is sure to bring out Don’t Do that Again. Even without the bonus’s, your still activating for 13 by yourself. (12 against WYS….the only site that objective effects is the Bridge)

DLOTS The Bomb. With all the high destinies floating around, you can choke almost anybody out.

Lord Maul Great Bonus’s in Lightsaber Combat

Emperor Palpatine Destiny 6, and pulls a Force Lightning every turn

Aurra Sing Weapon Levetation anybody??

Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter Ummm, Broken?

Blizzard 4 Ummm…..see Boba Fett. Pulls Mara, Vader, or Thrawn and deploys them for free.

The Ebb of Battle Great for cancelling that damn Kessel drain once before you …….

Enter the Bureaucrat Tired of the early WYS drain for 3 at Kessel? This takes care of it.

Vaders Obsession Deep Hatred also lets you use the lightsaber combat cards for deuling. Nothing like a late obsession of Luke to retrieve some force.

Closed Door Nothing like pulling a destiny 7 out of your deck and putting it wherever you want it. With Drop and Janus…….it can set up just about anything.

Ships I know i’m limited here….but they’re primarily used for getting past Battle Plan or for some nice sneak attacks. (As Brian would say….”Clay, your space fleet is lacking.”) The sheer strength of this deck lies on Naboo. If your opponent doesn’t come to you……It’s over.

Now for a few Match-ups

WYS Set up on Naboo. Then take it to them on the ground. DLOTS will have plenty of fun. Use Enter the Bureaucrat to limit that Kessel drain. If they come to you, they had better hope that nobody’s left on your turn. (Hayes….gimme some input here)

HB Flip ”Your force drains at Naboo sites where you have a dark Jedi may not be canceled.” Nuff Said.

Senetors w/Jedi Council A really fun game with Jedi Guts flying everywhere. Your destinies will prevail in the end.

We’ll Handle this Same as above. Not much draining going on, but you should win all the lightsaber combats.

What this deck is lacking is something in the way of Imperial Barrier to that YOU can control when the action takes place. My only concern is that it would get countered. So instead of spreading too thin…….just beef it up on Naboo and look at the expression on your opponents face when their trying to decide on what to do.

Well, there you go. Hope you have as much fun trying it out as I did building it.