Antichrist Troopers

Title: Antichrist Troopers
Author: Chris "vader69" Seymour
Date: Nov 17, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

this deal is getting worse/it is for you

cloud city west gallery

secret plans

prepared defenses

i`m sorry

mobilization points

imperial arrest order

fear is my ally

Characters (11)

darth vader with lightsaber x2


ig-88 with riot gun

sergeant elsek

sergeant wallen

trooper jerrol blendin

trooper davin felth

corporal oberk

sergeant irol

navy trooper fenson

locations (5)


bespin cloud city

cloud city carbonite chamber

cloud city lower corridor

cloud city east platform docking bay

Starships (7)

bossk in hounds tooth

zuckuss in mist hunter

obsidian 7

obsidian 8

os-72-1 in obsidian 1

os-71-2 in obsidian 2

executor (dagobah)

effects (7)

dark deal x2

cloud city occupation

no escape

search and destroy

they must never again leave this city x2

interrupts (21)

trooper assault x3

stunning leader x3

i`d just as soon kiss a wookie x4

tactical support x3

uncertain is the future x2

control/set for stun x2

imperial supply x2

twi`lek advisor x2

podracer (1)

sebulba`s podracer

defensive shields

allegations of corruption

battle order

you`ve never won a race

we`ll let fate a decide huh

do they have a code clearance

a useless gesture

there is no try


you cannot hide forever


Strategy: ‘

speed deal is all about setting up fast with troopers on the ground to drain out the opponent. first turn deploy the docking bay, get 2 interior sites from reserve using im sorry. for the starting effects imperial arrest order-not the combo cause you dont get the forfeit+2 on the combo, secret plans to make them pay to retrieve.

on the ground its power +4 for dark deal, power plus how many starships youve got at bespin cloud city and trooper assault makes your troopers power +2. stunning leader is very effective because it excludes characters, if there left with someone like chewie or an ability 2 charcter there is only one thing BATTLE DAMAGE.

cloud city occupation makes them lose force for every site you occupy combined with search and destroy if they play all space is loads of direct damage. theres 2 twileks to get out the city effect, theres 2 of them, it lets you deploy executor for free. tactical supports are in there to get out the troopers faster. a big card in the deck id just as soon kiss a wookie, it delays there charcters from beating you are a few matchups.

-vs- echo base opperations or hidden base

get out your sites as you would, get the executor for free, setup up hopefully by turn 2. if they are playing all space you don`t have to worry about a beat down. drain them out super fast, direct damage will just kill them off. if you fear a beatdown be a bit more careful, delay them or use cards like stunning leader.

-vs- podprofit

start by getting your sites out as you would, secret plans slows them right down, try and drain them before they can do much, podracer is in there for the defensive shield to cut the damage right down and makes i did it suspended. if they go down to cloud city to delay them as much as possible, use cards like stunning leader to exclude their mains from battle.

-vs- there is good in him

get out all your sites like usual, you get the head start cause your dark side, if they stay on endor which is a bad move drain them out really quick and direct damage will kill them off. you`ve got executor for free in space, if you forfeit a tie you can put it back in your hand cause of the city effect. drain them and win. ‘