We’ll Handle The Podrace/ Duel Of The Holograms

Title: We’ll Handle The Podrace/ Duel Of The Holograms
Author: Chris "vader69" Seymour
Date: Nov 17, 2001 Rating: 4.5



’ Starting (10)

We’ll handle this/duel of the fates

Naboo theed palace generator core

Naboo theed palace generator

Inner strength

Podrace prep

Tatooine podrace arena

Anakin`s podracer

Boonta eve podrace

Menace fades

An unusual amount of fear

Characters (20)

Obi-wan jedi knight x2

Qui gon jinn jedi master x2

Luke skywalker jedi knight x2

Han with heavy blaster pistol x2

Chewie enraged

Corran horn

Lando calrissian scoundrel


Dash rendar

Naboo fighter pilot x5

Sio bibble

Jar jar binks

Starships (7)


Naboo defense fighter x6

Locations (4)

Naboo battle plains



Dejarik hologameboard

Weapons/devices (3)

Jar jar`s electropole

Bionic hand x2

Epic events (1)

I did it

Weapons (3)

Qui gon jinn’s lightsaber (ref 3)

Luke’s lightsaber

Obi-wan`s lightsaber (ref 3)

Effects (3)

Projection of a skywalker x2

Energy walls

Interrupts (9)

Double agent x2

Mindful of the future x2

All wings report in

A step backward x2



Out of commission combo

Defensive shields

Aim high

Battle plan

Do or do not

A tragedy has occurred


A close race

Ounee ta

Lets keep a little optimism here

Your insight serves you well

Don`t do that again

Strategy: ‘

You get a nice force generation of 7 + what opponent gives you,

Start by putting your characters down for power youve got the force for a first turn qui gonn or an obi wan if you have them. If they play defensive shields by the time the podracing is over you should be occupying 3 battlegrounds so I did it isn’t suspended. I use naboo defence fighters in an non episode 1 enviroment because they cost 1 force to go to naboo with their pilot its free and youve got power 6 force for nothing and you can use all wings report in to retrieve on them.

Try and get your space locations out naboo you’ve got cheap defense fighters with their pilots, force drain of 2 and on the ground power+ how many starships you have at the system. 2 mindful of the futures to get out locations faster. Corran horn can get rid of opponents undercover spys or you can use double agent to get rid of them there also destiny 6

Hologameboard is in there for another drain and activation, projection makes force drain +1 boushh and artoo with an undercover to cancel the opponents drains. On the ground you’ve got some destinys for dueling to get rid of opponents dark jedi and use cards like double agent to get rid of characters like mara jade. Menace fades to cancel their force drain bonuses, here are a few matchups

vs senate

start with force generation of 8 plus if opponent gives you any more, get down your characters to start draining and try to control naboo so menace fades can go into effect use corran horn to get rid of opponents spys using double agent. Kick their dark jedi off with some destiny 7s in there and 6s and 5`s, hopefully win the podrace retrieve 6 all wings report in is more retrieve, outdrain them battle and win.

vs tatooine draining deck

start out with force generation of 8+ if they give you any more, start putting down your charcters, put undercover spys down to cancel their force drain, and get menace fades up and running and all their force drain bonuses are cancelled, you should win the podrace retrieve lots of force combined with all wings report in and I did it, you’ve got good force generation so secret plans won`t effect much

vs huntdown

start with 7 force, put characters down with more backup cause they might beat you down, out of commission combo cancels their visage, double agent to get rid of characters like mara jade, if it is a super high destiny deck and you lose the defensive shield cuts the damage right down, you`ve got quite a few high destiny to get rid of their dark jedi by dueling, aim high will make them pay to retrieve, drain battle all wings report in and win

your defensive shields, insight serves you well if they play odds, tragedy has occurred to grab one of their interrupts, do or do not for some protection against sense and alter. ‘