Throne Room DS

Title: Throne Room DS
Author: Kyle "Meto" Krueger
Date: Nov 17, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘Starting(6+10 shields)

Fear is my ally

DS2Throne Room

Prepared Defenses

Oppressive Enforcement

YCHF & Mob. Points

First Strike








Emperor Palpatine x3

Darth Vader


Darth Maul

Darth Maul, YA

Mara Jade

Nute Gunray

Dr. E & PB


Janus Greejatus


Vader’s Stick

Maul’s Double Stick

Mara’s Stick


Blizzard 4

Blizzard Scout 1

Tempest Scout 3

Tempest Scout 4

Tempest Scout 6


Dreadnaught x5

Zuckass in MH


The Circle Is Now Complete

Vader’s Obsession

Omni Box combo x2

Imperial Barrier x2


Weapon Lev.

Force Field

Trample x2

Force Lightning

Nevar Yalnal


S & D

Sec Prec

Imperial Arrest Order

Emperor’s Power

The Phantom Menace x2

Admiral’s Orders(3)

Battle Deployment x2

Fighter Cover


Sebulba’s ‘

Strategy: ‘

Please read the strat before reviewing.

This is my first submission.

Before you activate Take Carida into hand with

Mob Points, take emp’s power w/Throne room, and take lose YCHF for Imperial Arrest Order.

Get the Emperor to his Throne ASAP.

Beatdown whatever your opponent lets you.

Play reactively until late game.

During late game, opponent should not have many characters left, so drain with whatever you have.


WYS Do not let them have Kessel. Set up in the cantina. Get battle deployment down to prevent beatdowns. Take over space with your impressive fleet. Track a phantom menace and trample Jedi Luke. Make sure to deploy dreadnaughts in pairs. Not a very tough game because most smugglers are easily trampled, and emperor’s power kills in space.

HBX Auto win. Ask the Wash. State Champ.

RST Don’t let them have the bunker (duh). Take thier system. Set up fighter cover. Your characters w/immunity are now more immune and hit stuff easier. Like WYS, trampling is easy most of the time.

Profit Probably your toughest match-up. Deploy Doc E and Mara to the chamber. They usually don’t have space, so take advantage of it. Trample whatever he puts outside. Duel Luke, and Obi, but I strongly recommend that you track, especially versus this deck. This match-up is about out-playing.


No objective BHBM makes this deck suck. They either throw Luke at you over and over or you are losing a force on your turn.

first strike This deck initiates a lot of battles.

Nute Gunray ability 4, forfeit 6, destiny 3 all for three force. With Emperor’s power he is an excellent kamikaze. ‘