Portrait Of a Bounty Hunter

Title: Portrait Of a Bounty Hunter
Author: Chris "vader69" Seymour
Date: Nov 18, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (10)

Agents of the black sun

Imperial city

Prince xizor


Start your engines

Tatooine podrace arena

Sebulbas podracer

Boonta eve podrace

Imperial arrest order/secret plans

Fear is my ally

Characters (21)

Emperor palpatine x2

Vigo x3


Aurra sing

Guri x2

Djas puhr



Boba fett, bounty hunter

Jodo kast

4 lom with concussion rifle x2

I g 88 with riot gun

Makurth x4

Starships (3)

Bossk in hounds tooth

Zuckuss in mist hunter

Dengar in punishing one

Weapons (3)

Disruptor pistol x3

Locations (4)

Tatooine cantina

Tatooine docking bay

Tatooine lars moisture farm

Coruscant docking bay (battleground)

Effects (5)

Hutt influence x2

Expand the empire

Presence of the force x2

Interrupts (14)

Neimodian advisor x2

Jabbas through with you

Podracer collision x3

Stunning leader x2

We must accelerate our plans x2

Imperial artillery x3

Force lightning

Defensive shields

There is no try

You cannot hide forever

A useless gesture

Allegations of corruption

No escape

We`ll let fate a decide huh

Wipe them out all of them

Do they have a code clearance


You`ve never won a race

Strategy: ‘

This is my black sun racing deck with lots of high destiny

Start by deploying the coruscant docking bay, the battleground version, deploy a character there and move xizor over for an early flip, then start by getting your other tatooine sites out, there is 2 neimodian advisors in the deck to get them out, also get hutt influence out so they can`t cancel or modify your drains at tatooine

For the podracing there is 3 podracer collisions in there to help out with the podrace, theres loads of high destiny in the deck so you should win, if for some reason you don’t theres the defensive shield to cut the damage right down, in the deck there is also loads of adding battle destiny stuff, boba fett adds 2 when with another bounty hunter, jabbas through with you adds one when firing a character weapon, and Ig88 adds 1 when with a bounty hunter

In the deck there is also 2 presence of the forces for more activation and more drains, expand the empire on the moisture farm for more draining and add 1 to weapon destiny draw on all 3 sitea, vigos add 1 to force drain at tatooine, with hutt influence they cant cancel or modify your force drains, not even with menace fades, for direct damage the objective makes them lose 2, theres 3 imperial artillery for the makurths with disruptor pistols so they lose force from that and it`s a destiny 7, here are some matchups

-vs- watch your step

get your sites out, and put a character down to the coruscant docking and move xizor for an early flip, put some makurths and disruptor pistol and start playing imperial artillery to make them lose force, moisture farm adds to weapom destiny and there are high destiny so you should shoot luke and kill him, drain battle make them lose force and win

-vs- rebel strike team

deploy the coruscant docking bay and move xizor there for an early flip, set up your drains quickly, win the podrace, make them lose force from imperial artillery and force from the objective, spread out and drain, if they come down to you at the cantina or the docking bay use stunning leader to exclude their mains from battle, force drain, battle, win the podrace and make them lose force

-vs- hidden base or echo base

if you know they don’t play ground, spread out, get your sites out, when you get hutt influence out they wont be able to cancel your force drains even with hidden base, you’ve got some space power to try and take over a system, if they come down and fight you use stunning leader to exclude mains at the cantina, shoot them down, loads of high destiny and they lose force from imperial artillery, objective and when they get shot from the destroyer druids

-vs- there is good in him

get your docking bay down, put a character there and move xizor for an early flip, you can either go down and fight them or stay on tatooine and drain and make make them lose force from the interrupts and objective and win the podrace