Luke is skipping class

Title: Luke is skipping class
Author: Lewis "Duke Devil" Blake
Date: Nov 18, 2001 Rating: 4.0



’ START(6)



Insurrection/Aim High

Your Insight Serves You Well


An Unusual AMount of Fear


Don’t Do that again

Battle Plan

A Tragedy has occured

7 others to fit current meta


Dag Yoda’s Hut

Dag Swamp

Dag Jungle

Dag Bog Clearing

DagTraining Area

Endor DB

Tat DB



Chewbacca, Protector


Chewie w/ blaster

Corran Horn

General Han

Jar Jar

Lando Calrissian, Scoundrel

Lando w/ axe

Leia, Rebel Princess

Leia w/ blaster

Luke w/ saber

Master Luke

Phylo Gandish

Qui-Gon Jinn x2

Shimi Skywalker

Threepio w/ parts showing



Han, Chewie, Falcon

Home One



Anakin’s Saber

Chewbacca’s caster

Qui-Gon’s Saber


Changing the odds

Clash of sabers

Losing track

Noble Sacrifice


Slight weapons malfunction

Sorry about the mess


Strike blocked

The signal x2

Too close for comfort x2

Weapon levitaion



Brisky Morning Munchen


Draw their fire

Honor of the Jedi

Mantellian Savrip


Thrown back ‘

Strategy: ‘

Pretty much an all purpose mains deck. The only other effect I could start would be draw their fire, and if I did that I would give away that it’s a mains deck. Hopefully they’ll set up for dagocheese or testing or something else, but then get smacked down with a couple mains.

First turn is just pulling a docking bay, yoda’s hut, and deploying yoda to his hut. 4 force gain right there.

Next few turns keep yoinking out sites to up activation, try to get out thrown back so you can draw up a lot and throw back stuff u don’t need. by turn 3 or 4 you should be about ready to drop and smack.

2 spies and jar jar let beatdowns be easier, and plenty of mains, destiny adders, and weapons make battling the most fun you’ll ever have (2 game garuntee )) yoda at his hut is much more valuable than it would seem, so many decks like hunt down have lotsa ones floating around, and yoda’s hut cancels it out right off.

the characters are pretty much self explanitory, just a bunch of high powered guys to beat up everyone else. there are 7 weapons/epps, so most battles should have at least 1 weapon.

not enough space to beat a good deck, but enough to put up a fight. Homeone, Falcon w/ pilots, and spiral make up most of the rebel’s best.

advantage is like the legendary starfighter of the ground.

Mantellian savrip is just the god card. With dupes of several mains, putting up battle damage agaisnt high powered opponents like walkers is easy. I can get up to 9 battle destinies in one battle, which does add up after a while…


Not an easy matchup if they get set up quickly. just make sure you have enough characters to hold the 3rd marker and commence beating. Their power can be a pain, but mantellian savrip takes some of the pressure off of battle damage runoff, keeping your characters alive. Also, chewie’s caster can target vehicles, and ya know blizzard 4 is only armor 4…

LTMTFM/ALWWHR (new combat obj)

hmmm. this is the single worst matchup of all time. unfortunately, they have a slight advantage at the start, with a huge drain coming at you. Your best chance is to save up for a couple turns and drop like 6 or 7 characters all at once with weapons to hit someone and beat the living daylights out of them. Really depends on who gets a a better hand and faster set up. I’ve lost big time and beaten big time against this.


heh. this is the kinda deck that my deck is built to beat. they provide me with plenty of activation and battlegrounds to drain, I provide them with the worst loss they will ahve in a while. since I don’t have anything better to do than beatdown on a few guys, it’s not like I’ll be letting them set up for a really long time…


Just take the Death star by force and drain at their own sites. try not to let them flip if you can. possibly beat down on a lone destoyer, han/chewie/falcon is good at that.


Shouldn’t be too hard. with 2 qui gons to flip the objective bac over and other mains to beat up on vader, maul and mara, hunt down is one of the better decks that actually shouldn’t be that hard.


whether it be maul’s site, court, or MKOS, it shouldn’t be hard at all, seeing as the new R3 mains beat the crap outta everyone else. even the new fett can’t beat the whole beatdown squad all at once.


hard game. try to drain at their sites, get out honor to reduce all their little picky damage things like drains at the senate or the battle destiny canceler senator or whatever. if they put ANYONE outside the senate, beat the snot out of them. and wipe it up afterwards, that stuff gets nasty when it lies around.

That’s about all the decks I can think of for now, tell me if you think of more.


–Lewis ‘