Executor on sale

Title: Executor on sale
Author: Pyry "Blizzard" Nystrom
Date: Nov 19, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘The deal is getting worse all the time/Pray i dont alter it any further

CCUpper walkway

IAO & Secret plans


Mob.points & You Cannot Hide For Ever

Crush The Rebellion

First Strike

Fear is my ally

Defensive Shields(10)

A Useless Gesture

Allegations of Corruption

Battle Order

There is no try

You`ve never won a race?



Come here you big covard

We`ll let the fate-a dcide, Huh?




CCDocking bay

ExecutorDocking bay




2xVader with saber

Grand Moff Tarkin

Darth Maul

Darth Maul, YA

Prince Xizor


Grand admiral Thrawn

Dr Evazan & Ponda Baba

Lando Calrissian

Emperor Palpatine

Captain Bewil

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Piett

Commander Merrejk

4-LOM with gun



Boba Fett, BH




Bossk in HD

Zuckuss in MH

Dengar in PO



Blizzard 2

Tempest 1

Blizzard 4


They Must Never Again Leave This City

Cloud City Occupation

Lateral damage



I Have You Now

Evader & Monnock

Ghhhk & Those rebels wont escape us

Shut him up or shut him down

4xImperial Barrier

Gravity Shadow

Theyre still coming through


Mauls Double-Saber

Admirals orders(2)

2xBattle deployment


Sebulbas Podracer ‘

Strategy: ‘

Here is the basic idea whitch is very simple indeed. Use your big pile of mains and ships

to rule over ground and space. All the sites are exterior so your combat vehicles are

usefull. You get all sites from reserve and systems come in time or with Merrejk.

Activation is no problem with locations from reserve and mobilization points(even if they get suspendet).

You should be able to crush all the resistance with the awesome potential of your warmachine.

Battle deployment really will make Cloud City yours, because of their destiny limit. Remember

to put Lando in to vehicle or ship Character base is powerfull and gets multiple

battle destinies easily. Free Executor(granted by They Must never again leave this city) is yours to command and pretty fast with 2xWMAOP Use Guri in space to stop destiny storms

This deck is a lot more versatile than the flipping version. You dont have to set up all day. Still you can get heavy drains and some DD.

So you can react against your opponent First Strike backs your aggressive strategy, and four barriers ensure that you`ll do the attacks(and retrieval)

Here come the matchups

MWYHL Use CC-occupation to deal damage.Drain heavily and battle.

EBO Fight in space, rule the ground and drain. Walkers can storm Hoth if necessary. Resistance will help.

WYS Take space, use Guri there if necessary. Grap their key interrupt. Conguer ground, stay in your city.

drain them to pieces

RTP Rule space, fight in ground. Try cancel bacta tank and kill the princess(many times).

“Shut him up or shut him down” will be their death.

QMC Take space and win, because of battle order making them pay. So A LOT OF FORCE THERE

Mains Battle and drain. Keep the iniative.

Agents in court Start Battle order. Aliens and droids can strike them.

Walkers can attack to sandstormed sites. Drain race them to grave

Hyper generator ist kaput Take space, fight at ground and finally win

We`ll handle this Resistance and Battle order will do the job for you. Dont send your dark jedi to Naboo(unless pretty high tracked destinies or heavy back up by other guys or AT-ATs)

HP Your fleet is enough to create a threat or crush them. No Problemo man

Thats all folks Thanks for revieving. ‘