In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death

Title: In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death
Author: Chris "vader69" Seymour
Date: Nov 24, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Quiet mining colony/independent operation


Cloud city guest quarters

Heading for the medical frigate

Keeping the empire out forever

Menace fades

Squadron assignments

An unusual amount of fear

Characters (21)

Luke skywalker, jedi knight x2

Leia with blaster rifle x2

Han with heavy blaster pistol x2

Lando calrissian, scoundrel x2

Chewie enraged

Chewbacca, protector

Obi-wan with lightsaber x2

Corran horn

Pucumir thryss


Tawss Khaa

Derek hobbie klivian

Dash rendar

Wedge Antilles, rogue squadron leader

Theron nett


Starships (4)

Red squadron 1

Red 10


Red Squadron 4

Weapons (3)

x-wing laser cannon x2

luke`s lightsaber

locations (3)

Cloud city carbonite chamber

Cloud city west gallery

Cloud city lower corridor

Effects (2)


Cloud city celebration

Interrupts (19)

Path of least resistance x3

It could be worse x2

Clash of sabers x3

Jedi presence x2

Organised attack x2

Control x2

Life debt

It`s a hit x2

Power Pivot

Free ride/endor celebration

Defensive shields

Battle plan

A Tragedy has occurred

A close race

Only jedi carry that weapon

Your insight serves you well

Do or do not

Aim high


Ounee ta

Let`s Keep a little optimism here

Strategy: ‘


Try and control bespin as fast as possible, you start with squadron assignments, there is 4 pilots and their ships for good power and x-wings with laser cannons will shoot the opponents bounty hunter ships and their immediately lost, try and get your objective flipped and it cant be flipped back cause of the effect keeping empire out forever, once you do they cant cancel or modify your drains where you have an alien, path of least resistance is to jump in and out of battles.

Starting location leias quarters is because its interior, no vehicles can go there and leia is deploy minus 2. all the sites are interior for path of least resistance and no at-at`s or vehicles can go there.

For battling there is 3 clash of sabers to exclude a character which is big cause it might be vader or a hard person, the power of your characters is really high like lando or chewie enraged, combined with jedi presence their power is doubled, if han and chewie are together life debt adds two battle destiny, the permanent weapons on characters can shoot people down and the luke`s lightsaber and obi-wan with lightsaber can chop people, in space your power is a lot, red 10 adds destiny to power, dash in outrider is very powerful, x wings with laser cannons might put people off coming to bespin, power pivot is if the executor or a big star destroyer comes down making their power 0, organized attack makes x-wings power+1 and immune to attrition

For draining pucumir thryss makes all your drains +1 at cloud city cites, lukes lightsaber adds 1, control can cancel opponents force drains, artoo with an undercover can cancel opponents force drain, its a hit and it could be worse is good against watto or if you lose a duel from hunt down or the new objective, endor celebration is to cancel the opponents occupation card, menace fades is huge cancelling all their force drain bonuses once you control a battleground site and a system, keeping the empire out forever once flipped can get a card from force pile. Carbonite chambers game text is +1 force drain, cloud city celebration is for retrieving force.

vs watto objective

setup in space, if they want to deploy executor for free use stuff like power pivot to make it power 0, setup your characters on the ground, if they come down battle them, bespin makes their deploy cost +1, menace fades will cancel all their force drain bonuses, artoo cancel one of their force drain, retrieve with celebration, drain them, they cant cancel once flipped, use it could be worse, its a hit to cancel the damage from the objective, drain them out, retrieve and win.

vs maul deck with drains on tatooine

major thing in this game is getting menace fades up and running, then it cancels all their force drain bonuses, setup up in space, you shouldn`t have many problems, the power with their cannons and the interrupts. On the ground the characters are very powerful, use artoo and an undercover to cancel one of their drains, retrieve with celebration, if they play occupation use endor celebration to cancel it, drain them out.

vs hunt down podracing

quite a hard matchup, setup up in space, usually they use bounty hunter ships which shouldnt be too much of a problem, x-win cannons can shoot them down, the defensive shield can suspends wattos box once you occupy 3 battlegrounds and it cuts the damage right down, usually they will come down, if your lucky to win the duel which is unlikely it would be cool, if you do lose, use it could be worse to cancel the damage, if they play its play its a hit to cancel it, try and kick them off with your power characters, use celebration to retrieve what you lost from visage.

vs senate

bit of an easier matchup, setup in space, if they want to come with star destroyers use stuff like power pivot and dash and outrider to reduce one of their ships power by 6, setup up on ground, if they come to you use your power characters and chop people with lightsabers and use jedi presence so your rebels are double power, if they play sense and alter play the defensive shield that makes them lose 2 force, use celebration to retrieve cards, play aim high defensive shield to make them pay to retrieve, just drain them out.