SFS Force Drain Engine v2 0

Title: SFS Force Drain Engine v2 0
Author: Josh "DSJunkie" Brown
Date: Dec 31, 1999 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (3) Death Star Twi’lek Advisor –> Well Guarded

Characters (4) Darth Vader With Lightsaber x2 Grand Moff Tarkin U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio)

Starships (16) Dreadnaught x2 Executor Stalker Avenger TIE Scout x11

Sites (14) Kashyyyk Kiffex Wakeelmui x3 Dagobah Cave Big One x2 Asteroid Field x6

Interrupts (13) Ghhhk x2 Control x2 Twi’lek Advisor x3 All Power To Weapons x4 Short Range Fighters x2

Effects (11) Reactor Terminal Lateral Damage Presence Of The Force Rouge Asteroid x2 A Bright Center To The Universe Dreaded Imperial Starfleet Oppressive Enforcement Return To Base Sienar Fleet Systems Security Precautions ‘

Strategy: ‘

It’s pretty simple…the effects are to counter well most of what they can throw at me…once SFS is out I deploy a Big One and the 3 Field to a system (probably Wakeelmui) and deploy a Scout to the Big One, force drain, lose it to asteroid destiny, and retrieve it either by deploying another TIE or placing it in Return To Base. I also have the few big Capitols to take control of key systems, such as Bespin to shut down the ever so growing popular Quiet Mining Colony decks. I have the Vaders to hit them when they try to spread out forces to FD…smack someone there with his stick and lose him to attrition and chances are he’ll also cover battle damage then I’ll retrieve him in the next few turns by deploying a TIE and repeat the process all over again. U-3PO to block a really big drain that they have. A few Ghhhks just in case. A few Rouge Asteroids to make it all that much harder to come and battle me at Big One. And last a Short Range Fighters just in case I happen to lose a bunch…more than I can retrieve in any reasonable amount of time. If you have any advice to make this deck beter or any constructive criticism then I would be very happy if you would please post it for me. Thanks ‘