Haakon’s Revenge YMSYL

Title: Haakon’s Revenge YMSYL
Author: Haakon ".prototype." Geburtstag
Date: Nov 25, 2001 Rating: 4.5




japan 5th marker

prep def

surface attack


combo arrest order


japan 3rd marker

japan tokyo airport db

japan system

executordb AKA piett’s broom closet


fondor (FAKEOUT)


suicide vader x2

admiral chirac


admiral piett (aka merrejeks btch)

commander ’ill give you mad activation’ AKA Lord Merrejek

commander igar x2

gen veers

admiral ozzel

gen tagge

admiral motti


bliz 1

bliz 2

bliz 4 AKA free imperial vader aboard

tempest 1

foil jap imperial walker

admirals orders4

battle deployment x2

foil battle deployment

we’re in attack position now


chimaira x2







foil imperial command x4

foil japanese trample x3

combo box

walker garrison x2

foil twilek advisor x2 AKA adam amy stole my accelerates


oldskool code clearance

Presence of the force

Rebel btch occupation x2

imperial decree

no escape

ice storm

lateralus damage

fear is my ally

Strategy: ‘

NOTE pick whatever shields you like, i suggest battle order, grabber and oppressive number among them..but dont use Code Clearance for obvious reasons.

okie, its landing, you send walkers to the japan plains, to 3rd marker if you feel gutsy, and garrison the system which you pull using lord merrejek/piett. when you’ve finished getting all 3, move them down to the docking bay, put merrejek on a walker, and piett onboard a destroyer. i dont use executor, cos its just too damn expensive, and Chimaira is more versatile anyways. this deck runs 2x occupation for direct damage overlap from Landing and the docking bay battleground, then you pull your Garrison on them and they’re dead. this deck went 2/1 for me, losing only to my nemesis rod’s WYS, due to an unlucky pull for battle destiny, and rod’s supremely god draw of two 6’s to wipe out the chimaira. so that was luck, could have happened to anyone. otherwise, this is a damn solid deck, makes the opponent lose force out of EVERY orifice, EVERY turn.


WYS. get a chimaira, fish thrawn, save force, pull lateralus damage, spring this combo on dash. oh, and have a command to limit attrition. read my latest TR for what happened for me without a command. use the solid walkers to garrison hoth, use bliz4 to pull a vader on some scrub on tatooine.

Duel of the Farts(typo, really) its your direct damage vs theirs. your drains cant be cancelled, neither can theirs. just setup, lockdown the system, pull battle order to slow them. with the 4 icons they give you, walkers/destroyers with surface attack is a piece of cake.

Hidden Base luckily for you, walkers are immune to permanent weapons. limit their battle destinies to one via battle deployment, and use command to add one. this should clean them out for you. trample the linchpin scrubs like han and chewie, leaving leia and luke to die terribly at the hands of the imperial death machine. oh, and did i mention your drains cant be cancelled?

QMC imperative here, send Chimaira loaded with btches to Bespin and lockdown that system, while setting up walkers on the ground. fortunately qmc gives away a bit of force for you…in combination with your systems and twix sites, you activate enough to pay for your expensive mufukas.

Pile see hidden base. revo hurts, but not insurmountable.

well, thats about all the major ones, give me your opinions…its already a tight deck, and im not sure what to take out/put in…im thinking of a barrier or 2, and some accelerates with bridge to speed up activation a bit.


giles. ‘