Walker Garrison That is Physics

Title: Walker Garrison That is Physics
Author: Zane "Godzanet" Thorp
Date: Nov 28, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (6)

Hoth Ice Plains (5th Marker)

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Arrest Order & Secret Plans

Prepare For A Surface Attack

You May Start Your Landing

Fear Is My Ally

Defensive Shields (10)

A Useless Gesture

Allegations Of Corruption

Do They Have A Code Clearance?


Leave Them To Me


There Is No Try

We’ll Let Fate Decide, Huh?

Wipe Them Out, All Of Them

You’ve Never Won A Race?

Locations (6)

Blockade Flagship Bridge

Hoth Defensive Perimeter (3rd Marker)

Hoth Echo Docking Bay



Imperial Holotable

Characters (9)

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Ozzel

Admiral Piett

Grand Admiral Thrawn

General Veers

Commander Igar

Commander Merrejk

Darth Maul x2

Starships (6)





Maul’s Sith Infiltrator


Vehicles (6)

Blizzard 1

Blizzard 2

Blizzard 4

Imperial Walker x2

Tempest 1

Effects (9)

Battle Order & First Strike

Expand The Empire

Ice Storm x2

Imperial Decree

No Escape

Prescence Of The Force x2

Rebel Base Occupation

Interupts (15)


Imperial Command x4

Masterful Move x2

Masterful Move & Endor Occupation

Trample x2

Walker Garrison x2

We Must Accelerate Our Plans x3

Admiral’s Orders (3)

We’re In Attack Position x3

Strategy: ‘

After Reflections III, there has kind of been an uprising of Walker Garrison. I don’t know why. The deck really sucks, but I have chosen to venture forth and put one of these crappy decks up myself. (In all actuality, I like the deck. I am glad that it got another boost, because it sure needed it.)

Of course I am just kidding about that stuff above. (See above.) Walker Garrison is a solid deck that just got rock solid with the new effect out of RIII. The cards says deploy a star detroyer from your reserve deck (-2). Damn, that’s cool. This is the one that I have been working with for a while now. It has been completely successful. Read and enjoy.

For starters let me dicuss the deck overall. It is designed to deal diret damage and that is about it. Whether it be force drains, walker damage, occupation damage, or admiral’s order damage, that is how the deck is supposed to win. (And let me stress the supposed to in that last sentence.) You are not out to pick a fight with anybody. ANYBODY. Run your stuff and let them come to you if need be. But for every thing that is holy, leave your oppenent’s sites the hell alone. And if this deck does win, it probably won’t do it by thirty cards. Maybe 10-15 differential. I hope that is enough.

Now let us talk about card selection.

The only cards that may raise any kind of question are the Maul’s and his ship. The only reason that they are in here is defense against Menace Fades. Stick Maul up there and take away Menace Fades for a turn and play Walker Garrison for it’s full potential. All of the other cards are easy to see why.

A standard star destroyer package consisting of the ability 2 permanent pilots. Plus the standard Admiral package to compliment. 		The standard walkers with the two guys who drive them best, Veers and Igar. 											The interupts have pretty decent destiny and all have viable uses, plus most of them are easily recyable, which is good if you want your tramples to hit anything. 											All of the effects are no brainers. EVERY Walker Garrison deck has to have No Escape. And I don’t mean that defensive shield that doubles as butt wipe. The Ice Storms help deal with smugglers and the like. The Prescence of the Force help make battle grounds out of outer marker sites that, in turn, help deal direct damage. And Expand the Empire is just so cool when it is played on the 3rd marker. And anybody who can’t set up Decree with a Walker Garrison deck needs to be playing in the drive way while Dad backs up the car.

The Admiral’s Orders are also inlcuded for your direct damage entertainment. Veers, Igar, and Merrejek sitting in an AT-AT under an Ice Storm. That, my friends, is phyiscs. And also some direct damage. 

All in all, if you play the cards on the table when you are supposed to, I predict that this deck will do well. 

"The game plan is this; if we can put the football in the end zone more times than our opponent, I think that we can win the game."

And the moment that we have all been waiting for….

the matchups

vs. Lightsaber Combat

This is a matchup that I have seen several times, and I can honestly say that this deck has not lost to it yet. And I do stress the yet part. Actually, this deck performs real well against it, because you leave them alone. Get it? You leave them alone on Naboo. The drains will hurt, but yours will hurt more. Direct damage seems to be the only weakness that Lightsaber Comabt has, but guess what? This deck does direct damage. And by the way, leave them alone on Naboo.

vs. Rebel Strike Team

Same as above.(See above.) You have more drains, plus they are bigger. And you deal direct damage. If they choose to blow the bunker, let them. It will hurt a little, but no pain, no gain, right? Just remember to hold your sites, and leave them alone. Have I stressed this enough?

vs. Watch Your Step

I hate these decks. I can’t beat them, and I can’t win with them when I play them. But the general strategy still applies. Hold your sites and let them come to you. It might be tough holding the Hoth system, but you have the space power to do it if you play well. This deck has performed well against WYS, but it has been a close game every time.

vs. Mains

Ice Storm are going to be your best bet, but make sure that you put a hefty supply of power in the docking bay where they can hide from them. Imperial Command is awesome against the Super Falcon as long as you play well. EPPs can’t really hurt your forfeit since they can’t target your vehicles. Just hope that the direct will slow them down enough. Another tough matchup. 

vs. Quiet Mining Colony

I haven’t seen this matchup up much, but of course it plays out a lot like the rest of the matchups. Drain and direct. Their Paths of Least Resistance do them no good on Hoth. Imperial Decree will hold the Thryss drains at bay. You also have enough of a space force to make it hard for them to hold Bespin if you wanted to do such a thing. 

Play your own game. Let them come to you, and leave them alone. They are either going to hold to thier game plan and lose, or they are going to have to come to you. Just play smart and have fun. It is a game after all.

Thanks for reading. Rate nice.

Play on.