Lordi Mauli - In Command of Combat

Title: Lordi Mauli - In Command of Combat
Author: michael "Deck" Gemme
Date: Nov 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Fear is my Ally

Let them Make the first move/ at last dark wins

Naboo Generator

Naboo Generator Core

Deep Hatred

Pepared Defenses



Wipe them out, all of em

Locations (4)

DS2 Dbay

Exec Dbay



Characters (13)

Lordi Mauli x4

Arica x2

U3PO x2

Keder the Bliznack

Piett the Admiral

Merrijk the Commander

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Chinoonoo

StarShips (7)


Chimera x2



Boba Fett


Interrupts (16)

Imperial Barrier x3

Blow Parried x2

Maul Strikes x3

Masterful Move

Masterful move combo

Imperial Command x4

Force Field x2

Effects (9)

Lateral Damage x2

Imperial Decree

Phantom Menace x5

Blast Door Controls

Weapons (2)

Maul’s Double Saber x2

Strategy: ‘

Maddest Props to the Ill Hoostino warren for helping us come up with this deck late night. more to come about that in my TR


I play mobpoints because its not hard to get a ship to space. The shield is gay, all i want is the executor and activation late game to do whatever i want.

ALso, okay, i want the black sun admiral order so i can move like, zuckuss or bossk or whatever over in front of a third system to suspend menace fades during my control phase, then like move him back later, i could take out U3P0 for that i think. Also, maybe put in the emporer, he can hold a site? i cant imagine having to go battle really? i dunno feedback.

Zwitter - i can beat QMC becuase i , after alex klammrodt (and along with steebo) am the king of QMC, been playing it for a long long long time, longer than most, and i know the ins, the outs and the weaknesses. this deck can take qmc.

The idiot i am, i forgot shields in this deck too


Battle Order

Come here you coward

Code Clearance

Useless Gesture

Never won a race


Fate Decide

Cannot Hide Forever

There is no Try

Allegations of Corruptness


Okay, a lot depends on your opening hand. If you get Maul and Saber (or mauls strike to USE 1 to pull saber) then you put them down and say go. Otherwise you can put maul down anyways, or go to set up space first.

If you dont know how to set up space that is a problem. Pull the executor. Get the systems out with merrijk via piet and imp command. Then start dropping ships and draining in space and on the ground.

Try and remember if menace fades is in effect before draining for +2.

Also, dont stack too many combat cards. put one down and then wait, if they dont come down, then you are screwed out of two cards. Otherwise when they deploy, you can put a combat card down in their deploy phase so its all set. Try and get the protector interrupts like barrier and force field.

Force field is the maddest tech of this deck, it protects maul for free and your important undercover spies for a little more, but it is still not so bad. With that and barrier, arica can hold a site with one of your other guys as backup, like thrawn or chirnoonoo or merrijk.

Always duel, dont forget maul’s saber adds one and maul adds to the force loss. The only way this deck will lose to a combat deck is if they play dark maul’s demise and put him out of play, otherwise you are golden.

There isnt much to this deck. You activate a ton because it isnt hard to get a ship up to a system and start activating for docking bays. With the activation in this deck it is possible to drop the executor and an adimral third turn with lat damage and win the game. I did it, you can too.

This deck lost to only Drew scott cause i never ever got maul, and Gogolen becuase i didnt come here you big coward his podrace… stupid. ‘