My Way’s Not Very Sportsmanlike

Title: My Way’s Not Very Sportsmanlike
Author: Casey "Smeg" Barson
Date: Dec 5, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Starting (8)

Executor Meditation Chamber

Executro Holotheater

Visage of the Emperor

Fear Is My Ally

Prepared Defenses

Crush the Rebellion

No Escape

You Cannot Hide Forever

Defensive Shields (10 not toward card limit)

A Useless Gesture

Allegations of Corruption

Battle Order

Come Here You Big Coward

Do They Have a Code Clearance


Oppressive Enforcement


Secret Plans

Weapon of a Sith

Characters (13)

Darth Maul with Lightsaber x3

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith

Lord Vader x4

Janus Greejatus

Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba


Emperor Palpatine x2

Weapons (2)

Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Interrupts (21)


Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us

Sniper & Dark Strike x2

Evader & Monnok

Sniper x2

Force Field

Elis Herlot

Weapon Levitation

Force Lightning

Masterful Move & Endor Occupation

Neimoidian Advisor x2

I Have You Now x2

Maul Strikes x2

We Must Accelerate Our Plans x2

Masterful Move

Ships & Vehicles (3)

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Boba Fett in Slave 1

Blizzard 4

Effects (6)


First Strike

Blast Door Conrtols

The Phantom Menace x2

Visage of the Emperor

Locations (6)

Tatooine Desert Landing Site

Blockade Flagship Bridge

Naboo Theed Palace Generator

Tatooine Cantina

Endor Forest Clearing

Hoth Defensive Perimeter (3rd marker)

Strategy: ‘

**UPDATE** Apparently eveyone is saying that I need to add in Boba Fett Bounty Hunter instead of his ship. Thats fine. Feel free to take it out a Vader for him, as I mentioned earlier in the strategy, this is not a bad thing. You can either replace him in his ship with Bossk in Bus, another Zuckuss in MH, or with the Chimeara. The deck can and does funcion with this few characters. Its all you need, trust me. I’ve been playing Hunt Down since SE came out. I’ve only lost one sanctioned game with it at a regional almost 2 years ago against Josh Martin. It was controversial and close, but thats my only loss with Hunt Down in sanctioned play. I’ve beaten names like John Arendt, Al Dong, Martin Schuhmacher to just name a few. There are plenty of characters.


Did anyone else notice that the deck listed as the example on how to post your deck is actually Mike Girard’s Maelstrom deck before the errata? Just an observation, thought you might be interested. Also, my deck name is from The Princess Bride. Fesik is disappointed that his way to finish people off isn’t very sportsmanlike. And thus the quote, like him its big, mean, and virtually unstopable. But enough of this rubberish talk, on with the show.

Yes, I’m sure that eveyone who is reading this is aware that this is just your run of the mill HDADTJ deck, with a few twists. Let me go over a few of them for you. For my benefit as well as the benefit of those who are new to the game.

Card Selection

Sniper You’ve probably noticed that there are 4 Sniper cards in the deck. When I built this, LSC for the Light Side was all the rage. The best way for me to combat that is to kill off the LS Jedi before they have a chance to kill me off. Sniper and Sniper/Dark Strike are the best way that I could find to do this. Only Obi-Wan is immune to Sniper and with the YCHF out all of them are Defense -1.

Drop I was once told that if you have to put cards back in mass to track, you should get over it and learn. This card works great so that you don’t have to leard to track. You can set up 3 destinies vs. LSC as well as functioning as a used Monnok on your turn. Great card, especially since I play with a great deal of doubles.

Ghhhk & Ghhhk/Those Rebels The reason is obvious for having one, but two? One is grabable, one is not. I like the security of being able to get one with the Masterful Move and not having to worry. The combo is just a good all around card to have in almost any deck. Oh, yeah, and it can really save your a$$ when you need it.

Naboo Theed Palace Generator If they are playing LSC then this site is what you want to play against them. Imagine power 9 Vader. Power 9 Maul. Power 6 Emperor. Pretty impresive if you ask me plus its force drain -1 for the LS. Good drain of 2 also if they aren’t playing LSC. Sure you give your opponent 2 icons, but its worth it when you drain them for 3. Its like the Cantina, but better for this deck.

Blizzard 4 Obviously to pull Vader for free when you deploy it. I have 5 Vaders in the deck in case I can’t pull it. However there is no other imperials to pull with it if Vader is already on table. At your discretion for you area, feel free to pull a Vader and add in another imperial warrior (Tarkin, Veers, Mara Jade, etc…)

Any other questions about certain cards feel free to D-mail me and I will be happy to explain them. Many choice are local meta and may not apply to yourself. So ask and I will reveal the truth unto you.

Deck Matchups

Basically Hunt Down is a good matchup vs. almost anything the LS can throw up against you. I will just cover the basics as you should pretty much know how to play Hunt Down by now.

vs. LSC This is the most popular LS deck out right now and so I will cover it first. Of course you will have some problems with these types of decks, but the game is winnable. You want to deploy your Jedi to his sights and wait/drain him there. He will come down to you and try to LSC your guys away. He can only do it once per turn and so If you have multiple guys your fine since he can’t battle you. The destiny in the deck is pretty high and so he shouldn’t beat you by 5 or more, especially if you have set up your destiny (ie Drop, Janus). After that he will either try to move away or stay. If he stays, Sniper him on the next control phase and drain, if he moved away, just drain. Either way, with Visage out and the massive drains this deck is capable of, not to mention the beats its capable of also, this deck can definitely match up well against LSC. You also start YCHF to kill any Numbers cards that they may be playing, not to mention that Hunt Down comes with its own SAC protection. You also have The Phantom Menace, which makes Maul immune to attriton against the jedi as well as defense value +2. Don’t worry, this game is very winnable, not easy, winnable.

vs. QMC This is typically an easy matchup for Hunt down, but I will cover it anyway because it is also a popular deck right now. You have the Endor Occupation combo to cancel the celebration if you need to. You also have Those Rebels Won’t Escape us to cancel reacts. Elis will be pretty big in this game if you get it because rarely do they play with Insurrection. Typically they play with majorily EPP’s which don’t have much staying power. Deploy to their sites and drain. Its very difficult for them to come battle you. Play Do They Have A Code Clearance to slow down their retrieval. You also start with Crush the Rebellion to limit their destinies. From what I’ve played this is a good game but the edge goes to Hunt Down. You don’t have to watch out for anti-dueling cards as you aren’t dueling. Sniper their guys away and beat them down. It works pretty effectively against any ground based deck type.

vs. WYS Whether they are podracing or not, Hunt Down, at least from my point of view, is far superior to WYS. I’ve never lost a sanctioned game to WYS while using Hunt Down. Its just a good matchup for the DS. Basically it goes like this. Drop Vader or Maul to the Cantina and Drain away. If he plays Battle Plan Pay to drain or go to the system with your ships if you feel you can handle it. Don’t deploy your ships if you fear death up in space, unless you have the ghhhk, and in that case its all good to go to space. Don’t drain outside unless you have Blizzard 4 to stop the Lost in the Wilderness. That card can really put a cramp in you day. Other than that its pretty easy matchup. Your shields will help if you’re facing a podrace, but that is fading pretty quickly around here and so I’m not to worried about it.

vs. Flipping Hidden Base This is probably your toughest matchup, in my opinion. You want to save your ships until after they flip. If they are doing all space, then you need to go to the ground and start draining fast. The more damage you can do to them early the better. If you can inflict enough of it, then you may even be able to make them loose a system and not be able to flip. Once they flip, you need to probe like mad. Find the Ghhhk and start probing. As long as your careful you should be able to probe it. Once you do that they are pretty much gone.

vs. Non-Flipping Hidden Base Basically this is a mains deck, just beat them down either at your sites or at their docking bays. This deck, even though it looks like it has few characters, can hold against any ground based deck. Trust me, even with only 6 separate characters, it can hold its own.

vs. any other LS deck Drop your guys to your/their sites and drain. Let Visage do its job and you should be able to pull out the win.

I know that there are quite a few of these decks going around right now. Mine has some tech from my area. Don’t rate the deck based on the fact that you’ve already seen 5 other Hunt Down decks this week. Rate based on how well you think that it would play. Any questions D-mail me and I’ll be more than happy to reply shortly therafter.

Anyone else notice that I listed them in order of their destiny? Alphabetical was getting so monotonous (probably mispelled).

Thanks for reading and staying in the game this far