System Overload (Admiral Ozzel Superstar)

Title: System Overload (Admiral Ozzel Superstar)
Author: Michael "MadSkills84" Pistone
Date: Dec 6, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 7

ISB Objective


Prepared Defenses

Imperial Decree

Mob. Points

IAO & Secret Plans

Fear Is My Ally

Locations 5



Flagship Bridge

Executor DB


Characters 18

5x Outer Rim Scout


2x Admiral Ozzel

Officer Evax

Commander Merrejek

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Chiranneu


Epp Maul

Admiral Piett

Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter

Epp Vader

4-Lom With Gun

Vehicles 1

Blizzard 1

Admirals Order 1

Battle Deployment

Ships 8





2x Tie Interceptor

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Dengar In Punishing One

Weapons 2

2x Tie Cannon

Interrupts 14

Dark Maneuvers

Imperial Artillery

Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us

3x Imperial Command

2x Projective Telepathy

2x We Must Accelerate Our Plans

3x Overload

Abyssin Ornament

Effects 4

His Name Is Anakin

2x Bad Feeling Have I

Lateral Damage

Shields 10

There Is No Try

Oppressive Enforcement

Battle Order

You Cannot Hide Forever

Allegations Of Corruption

Do They Have A Code Clearance

Come Here You Big Cowards

We’ll Let Fate Decide

A Useless Gesture

You’ve Never Won A Race? ‘

Strategy: ‘


Hey ”LONGSHOT” read the damn LS Combat objective. I can’t cancel their drains but I CAN modify them.

So if you want a really tight deck that is incredibly fun to play look no further. This thing is incredibly solid, works well in the current meta and also is probably unexpected.

First, about card choices

Mob Points They can cancel it with the shield…great. Just pull Executor as your first action, and later on, you will get a battleground system.

Decree Canceling Drain bonuses is good.

Spaceport DB For wherever you need it…basically use it at Naboo, with 5-D6 aboard Blizzard 1 to subtract from drains of Lightsaber combat. And they can’t do anything about it

Admiral Ozzel Best deploy/forfeit ratio in the game. Pull him with Imperial command. He is an ISB agent. Lose him to drains, retrieve him during draw phase, pull him with Imperial command. Track him and use Overload. All this makes him a Superstar.

Guri Maybe unnecessary for this deck, but she just reinforces the whole idea about controlling your opponent.

Epp Maul He’s good…if you don’t have him, use a Tatooine Maul.

Fett Bounty Hunter When your opponent spreads thin and doesn’t think you will come to the ground, send him and Vader down and just win the game that way.

4-Lom W/Gun Incredibly powerful, adds w/ Zuckuss…helps Fett add destinies, and can cancel anyone’s game text.

Blizzard 1 For 5-D6 to cancel drains on.

Battle Deployment To deploy Blizzard 1

2x Tie Interceptor Shoot down all of QMC and WYS ships = you win the game.

Dengar in ship SOOOO Powerful, cancel immunity and add to destinies. This card makes them actually have to lose something in battle.

Dark Maneuvers Trackable 6 that makes it harder for your ship to be shot down.

Artillery Trackable 7 that deals damage. How is that NOT good.

Ghhk/Those Rebels This card is so useful in the environment right now where Light runs from everything.

2x Projective Telepathy If you notice…i give little force, this helps that especially against LS combat.

3x Overload INCREDIBLY good card. Qui-Gon’s new saber, and X-Wing Cannon’s are both destiny 5’s and being heavily played right now. Use this and it really hurts. Track Admiral Ozzel Superstar around, and it REALLY REALLY hurts.

His Name Is Anakin/Bad Feeling Have I These help aid the force denial even more.

Ok so this deck has a few major themes.

  1. Force Denial

Think about it, the 3 major ls decks right now are

LS Combat (activates about 9-10 force on average)

WYS (activates about 12 force on average)

QMC (activates about 12 force on average)

When you kick them out of space, you are making them pay to drain. Combine that w/ Bad Feeling and/or His Name Is Anakin, plus the fact i’m giving them 1-2 force MAX, that really puts this deck at an advantage. Against Lightsaber combat, my activation is ridiculous and I can get set up fast. With Bad Feeling and Battle Order, the LS is really limited on their options, while I can run rampant with mine.

  1. Superb space power

With the tie cannons, the ls doesn’t stand a shot in space with the Imperial Commands.

  1. Overload

Such an incredibly good card, if you can track well this will win you games.

As far as matchups go…i’ve basically explained it but here’s a little more

WYS Start His Name Is Anakin instead of Decree. If you get Bad Feeling out fast you have the definate edge in this game. The overloads are huge in this matchup against, as well as the Tie Cannons. Get the system and you win the game.

QMC Same as WYS except no His Name Is Anakin. Ghhhk/Those Rebels is huge this game.

LS Combat You screw them over on force, while they give you a good amount to get started with. Set up the Kashyyyk drain, reduce their drain w/ 5D6 and smack them if you can.

Feel free to contact me with question/comments

Props to Brad Reinhold and Alan Sagan (who came up with the Blizzard 1 and 5D6 against lightsaber combat idea) And anyone else who might have given Brad some of the ideas for this deck, bcuz he is the one that told me the idea. ‘