My Cumbat aka Lord Maul Sith In The Castle

Title: My Cumbat aka Lord Maul Sith In The Castle
Author: Alex "george3785" George
Date: Dec 9, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 9


Deep Hatred


Generator Core

Prep Def



Wipe Them Out All Of Them

Fear Is My Ally

Def Shields 10


A Useless Gesture

Well let fate-a decide huh?

Do They Have Code Clearance


You’ve Never Won A Race?



Battle Order


Locations 4

Blockade @#$%ship Bridge

Executor Docking Bay

Death Star 2 Docking Bay

Theed Docking Bay

Characters 16

Lord Maul x4

Emperor Palpy x3

EPP Vader x3

Boba Fett, STUD x2

Dre and Panda x2

4Lom with Conk Gun x2

Weapons 2

Mauls II Saber x2

Starships 2

Zuckuss in Ship x2

Effects 9

Visage x2

TPM x3

Qui-Gons End


Enter The Bureaucrat x2

Interrupts 17

Stunning Leader x4

Masterful Move Combo x2

I Have You Now x2

Blow Parried x3

Accelerate Plans x2



Maul Strikes x2

Pod 1

Sebulbas Beamer

Strategy: ‘


2nd update if you feel that it would help I think that a force lightning may be helpful instead of one of the stunning leaders. I am playing with FLightning now.

Slow Runner thanks for the review. I also put 4lom in the ship to get 4 destiny. Sorry for the mixup.

@#$%rol (interrupt) = Control

Sorry for the mixup

End Update

This the Let Them Make The First Move deck that I have been tearing up the tourney scene with ever since it was made. Combined with my friend, we are 11-2 with it, Losing To Bastian Winkelhaus QMC, and Chris Praskac TRM, at FCON. It is a very strong deck, that can battle to a win in basically any situation. It is a very strong deck, that has some very smart card choices in it that makes it one of the best dark side decks in the game at this moment. Basically it is a Mains deck with some nasty twists that take away most of your opponents offense so that you can win the game every time.

Basically the deck runs like this

Start/Early Game- This deck sets itself up rather fast. First turn, you should get an emperor or a Maul down. If you get Maul Strikes or his saber, obviously that goes down too. Maul always goes to the 3/2 site with his saber. If you do not have a saber. Take Maul to the Generator instead for the power +2. Emperor always goes to the Generator, and stays there, unless somehow wiped out, for the entire game. First turn, also deploy one of the 1/0 bays, if you can get out the bridge. Get out either I Have You Now or Evader/Monnok with Crush. If you have anything else just deploy it according to your gameplan. But remember, 4lom, Boba, Vader, Dre, and Zuckuss are not deployed except for beatdowns. Just set up on the ground and get the massive drains going on. Then you are set for the rest of the game.

Mid-Game- This is most likely the most important part of the game with this deck. Save your beatdown shiz until needed in order to wipe out some of your opponents sites. Save the Stunning leaders in your hands so that your jedi are protected. When he deploys a Jedi to your site, put a 7 or 6 under your jedi. When he tries to battle, Stunning Leader. Then your turn, put another 7 or 6 underneath your sith. Move phase put the jedi out of there. With this deck, whatever he comes to you with, is most likely a lost card. Jedi are gone, as well as the little scrubbies. If you can get to space to satisfy Battle Plan/Order go there with Zuckuss and 4Lom. Throw in Boba if you need to beat someone out of space. Throw Vader and Boba along with Dre at them to take them off of that site completely. Keep your drains up there, and make sure that you do not get wiped off of Naboo. Deploy the Theed DB, only if you need force or need to satisfy another Battleground against EBO or something to improve your drains.

Late-Game- In the late game this deck runs very well. Continue draining for 4 or 6 if Menace Fades, Resistance, or Great Warrior is out. If you can stay in space and then you will not have to pay for Battle Plan and can drain for 1 or 2 more. Your Drains are high, and your beaters can hold sites well and you will deal more damage than your opponent in most cases. You will have board control in almost every game you play and the opponent will be rendered helpless until you finish him off. This is the point in which you will win the game, almost every single game.

Choices for some cards

WTOAOT I chose to start this card because it is still a very helpful card. When you have interrupts such as stunning leader, that require force to be used, then this is the effect to have all the time. Activating extra force is key with this deck, especially if they can occupy 3 BGs and I Did It Is on table. This is a very good card to start.

Theed Docking Bay at first this was not in the deck, as I did not want a site that the opponent could go to when I only have 2 Dark Jedi, and stop my objective from running for a turn. But I also see it as a trap. If they go there with their Jedi, deploy your Vader and combat them out of existence. It is also good vs. EBO, so that you can get another site to drain at, since you want to deal damage as fast as you can so that they do not set up.

Character Selection The character selection seems pretty Basic. 4Lom to hang out with Zuckuss. Dre and Boba for Vader. You have 4 mauls so that you can get one first turn in a lot of games. 3 Emperors are great for holding the Generator and for the destiny of 6.

Zuckuss Bar None the best dark ship out there right now. Deploy 6, ability 4, limits destiny, adds destiny with 4lom. Put Boba in as a pilot and you have power 7 and 3 destiny. Great card to wipe someone off of a system.

Visage/TPM x 5 total These are very good cards. They are destiny 7 for my jedi. TPM is hardly ever deployed, but if its needed then just throw it down. I chose that I did not want 5 TPM because Grimtaash could @#$% me up.

DROP great card for tracking. Some cards back during opponents turn then activate down to them before you battle. Also great for pumpin up the diff, and keeping your opponents hand small if he draws mass or grabs Evader/Monnok.

Enter The Bureaucrat Stops Kessel, EBO, Saber Drains, Backdoor with Midge, etc.

Stunning Leader x4 This card is @#$%ing amazing. It helps this deck run so much faster and stronger. When the deploy jedi it gives you a chance to duel them before your Sith is killed. Also lets you be able to stack 2 7s or something so Qui-Gons end can be useful. Incredible card vs. almost any beatdown.

Masterful Move Combo gets out TPM and Visage. Stops all celebration. Trackable 5.

Control cancels Vergeance in the Force.

Sebulbas Hot Rod need it to abuse the racing shield. Can beat an unsuspecting racer.

Matchup Time

WYS This deck beats WYS like no other. Maul wrecks their smuggler beatings at the generator core, by taking out 2 smugglers. Kills little characters with your OBJ. Zuckuss can be used in space for one good battle to wipe them. Shield cancels Beggar and Frozen Assets, and the Other shield stops Interrupt Abuse. The 3 Man beat squad can take over the cantina and deal a lot of overflow if you are smart and strike at the right time. You can win this.

EBOX At first I was worried about this deck, but have now realized that I can own this deck. ETB kills 2 drains. Zuckuss in ship wrecks another system and then can follow their Xwings around. I drain for a lot early on the ground. S+D early will wreck them. If you feel the need, invade the base with the 3 Man Power Trip, after you see EBS so you do not have to fear a Snowstorm comin over the horizon. Very, Very winnable.

RST This beats RST. Stops their Jedi draining on Endor, so they will most likely not deploy them, and then that is when your Beats come down and wreak havoc on the forest planet. Go to the bunker and hold it, and they will not be able to blow it. Drain for 6 on Naboo. 1 or 2 at Endor with Zuckuss with 4Lom. Take over. Racing shield after you occupy 3 sites to take it down to 3 lost, and make them pay for it.

QMC this is by far this decks toughest game. It is the only deck that I would say has a 50/50 chance of beating this. They deal so much damage so fast that you cannot really stop it. Deploy Do They Have Code Clearance? To stop Off The Edge. Send your Beatsquad to the drain canceler site, so that you can cancel their drains. Do not worry that much about space, cause you will either be shot out, or beatdown with Dash. Drain for 4 on Naboo, because Menace Fades will be in effect for most of the game. If you can kill Pukeimore. Stunning Leader with Dre wrecks that @#$%ing @#$%head. Grab path. Wipe Them Out before their damage kills you. Be wary of Legendary Starfighter.

Profit This deck beats profit like a machine. They will not deploy their jedi to Tatooine unless they do not want to drain. If they do not deploy Jedi there, just beat them around with all your characters not on Naboo, since 4lom will not be needed in space. Kill Han to reflip their Objective. If they come over to Naboo, just follow the basic Stunning Leader Strategy and get rid of their mains. This beats profit.

WHT This is the most interactive game, but definitely not the hardest. In most games, there will not be a single battle all game long unless it consists of some small beat squad that will be squandered by Maul. Your destinies are high enough to kill the characters as well as duel the jedi. You want to Make sure you grab Strike blocked in order to win almost every combat. If you play smart this should be an easy matchup that consists of you dueling all of their Jedi away. With Quigons end, kill quigon and your set for game. Boom

Well those are most of the decks that you will see nowadays, and you can most likely beat all of them. That is why I think that this is the best Dark Deck out there, cause I do not see a light deck that will ever beat it constantly. I hope you have fun with this deck, and do well with it if you decide to try it out.

Im Out Thug,

Milfonati Admin,

Alex George