RST the Way I Play 3-0

Title: RST the Way I Play 3-0
Author: Jonathan "Carny" brown
Date: Dec 9, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Rebel Strike Team/ Garrison Destroyed


Rebel Landing Site

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Strike Planning

Squadron Assignments

The Shield Is Down

An Unusual Amount of Fear

Locations (3)

Back Door


Hidden Forest Trail

Characters (19)

General Crixy Madine

General Solo

General Calrissian

Chewbacca of Kashyyyk


Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x 3

Daughter of Skywalker

Sergeant Brooks Carlson

Sergeant Junkin

Corporal Midge

Major Panno

Lieutenent Greave

Wedge Antilles, Rogue Squadron Leader

Colonel Crackhead

Lieutenent Blunt

Obi Wan w/ Saber x2

Weapons (4)

Luke’s Lightsaber

Explosive Charge x3

Starships (4)

Gold Squadron 1

Red Squadron 1

Tala 1

Tala 2

Interrupts (16)

Throw Me Another Charge x4

Out of Commission x3

Out of Commission/ Transmission Term.

We Wish to Board at Once

Too Close For Comfort

Bith Shuffle/ Desperate Reach

Strike Blocked

Alter x2

Gift of the Mentor

All Wings Report In/ Darklighter Spin

Effects (5)

Goo Nee Tay x2

Close Air Support

Battle Plan/ Draw Their Fire

Honor of the Jai

Epic Events (1)

Deactivate The Shield Generator

tata ‘

Strategy: ‘


a couple of you said use Anakin’s saber, I think thats a good idea. There it goes. umm, the third site is for drains, activation and to flip if I can’t blow the bunker. i know space is low, dash would prolly help, but I don’t think he is needed, besides he gets shot easily. oh yeah, alter x2 is to cancel sense. thought of it cause of some guys deck on the BBS. Bad Feeling Hurts? dunno.


well, fellow decktechers, this is a pretty standard RST deck, I believe, although I am NOT racing, due to the fact that it is TOO essential to have the extra generation from The Shiel Is Down on the First turn. It is the difference between having all your location out of you deck and not. Here is a breakdown of the first few turns, followed by cards choices and matchups.

Turn One

pull Madine and Solo, Calrissian only if you already have the others. Activate. drop Madine, look for Chewie, drop Chewie, look for Wuta, pull him out. pull out the back door and the hidden forest trail(with wuta) depending on what they gave you for activation, pull out the bunker. drop any scouts you can afford.

Turn Two

drop Solo, look for Junkin w/ Madine. pull out the Epic Event. at this point you should be trying to establish a presence at the Endor system. DO NOT GO AFTER THEIR SHIPS. you should fortify your position in space well enough that nothing short of a Big Blue deck on steroids can dislodge you. You don’t have a LOT of space, but if you play smart, it is enough.

Turn Three

pull Carlson and move over. Hopefully you have a few charges by now. you can blow the bunker pretty consistently with 1 charge, and if you have a Throw Me Another Charge in hand, it is possible to blow it with none. Once you blow the bunker, flip and drain unimpeded for 9 per turn. SECRET TECH if possible, leave Wuta in the bunker when it blows up. He only hinders you, as Midge will not add to drains where ewoks are.

card choices

no Orrikaarko I can’t look for him and it was either DOS for him or the third LSJK. use your discretion.

Greeve he is cheap for 3 power, but he is also interchangeable for Kensaric.

EPP Obi for LS Combat. your destiny is good enough to not lose by much, so sometimes it is better to leave him there and lose 2 a turn instead of 4 or 5. If you have one, take out 1 of Obi for a Qui-Gon w/ Saber.

OOC I know this is played out, but it is a GREAT card, and easy to recycle. can be played as often as needed. Grab bait to save TMAC.

3 Charges I only NEED 1, but this way I don’t NEED TMAC. also, makes Junkin a non-essential card. he just helps.

Panno late game activation…non-essential. good deploy/forfeit ratio.

Chewie/Wuta this is the fastest way to not only pull out my third site, but fortify the landing site against early attacks.


this deck plays absolutely the same against EVERY DS deck. you should concentrate on blowing the Bunker so you can drain them out. Beware of early beatdowns, since you give them a good bit of force. the only decks that can be trouble are Huntdown Beats decks. In this case, if you are having trouble maintaing Endor under all their bombardment, it might be best to go to the executor. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. ‘