Quintuple D (This deck is The Game and it’s that damn good)

Title: Quintuple D (This deck is The Game and it’s that damn good)
Author: Joe "Average Joe" F.
Date: Dec 19, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Fear is my Ally (with 10 shields under it)

This Deal is Getting Worse All The Time/Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Farther

Cloud City Incinerator

Imperial Arrest Order & Secret Plans

Prepared Defenses

Inconsequential Losses

No Escape

I’m Sorry

Locations (6)


Bespin Cloud City

Blockade Flagship Bridge

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Cloud City Port Town District

Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay)

Characters (20)



4-LOM with Concussion Rifle

Captain Daultay Dofine

Destroyer Droid x5


IG-88 with Riot Gun

Infantry Battle Droid x2

Nate Gunray, Neimodian Viceroy

OWO-1 with Backup






Waepons (4)

Battle Droid Blaster Rifle x4

Interrupts (9)


Halt x2

Master, Destroyers x2

Neimodian Advisor

Rolling Rolling Rolling

Take Them Away x2

Effects (6)

Cloud City Occupation

Dark Deal

Droid Racks x2

Forced Servitude

They Must Never Again Leave This City

Starships (7)

Blockade Flagship

Boba Fett in Slave I

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth


OS-72-1 in Obsidian 1

OS-72-2 in Obsidian 2

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter ‘

Strategy: ‘

** Update **

Out Downtown Plaza, Port Town District

In Upper Plaza Corridor, Lower Corridor

Thanks to the guy that noted that I’m Sorry only pulls interior site

** End Update **

This may look like a crappy deck at first because there are no mains, no Maul, etc. The thing is with this deck is that they are NOT NEEDED Maul is supposed to be the jedi killers, the droids are the jedi killers

Ok, setting up the deck, standard Dark Deal, I start with the Incinerator because it’s text is god-like. ”If you control, use 2 force to retireve a droid.” It might as well just say character instead of droid, since a majority of the characters in this deck are droids.

Now, you may be asking, ”Why battle droids? Why not just straight-up mains and toys?” Well, as much as I like M&T (the deck idea, not the bank), battle droids have some pretty good helper cards (Interrupts and Effects) that some people will not expect. First, is Droid Racks. The Bacta Tank of battle droids, this efefct (which is immune to Alter) can hold ANY NUMBER of battle droids lost from the table and, provided I can pay the cost, can get put back into my hand and back on the table. Then, there’s the old card, Forced Servitude. ”Whenever you lose a droid from your hand or Life Force, it satisfies force loss up to its forfiet value.” WOW. Imagine a battle in which you have to lose 6 force. Ok, lose 2 droids from your hand, then retrieve them over 2 turns with the Incinerator. Sick.

Then there are the destroyer droids. These guys got a good boost in Theed Palace, which includes the cards Rolling Rolling Rolling (The Undertaker’s Theme for the WWF fanz out there) and Master, Destroyers But these are just little things when you lok at the droids themselves. They just dominate (provided you save 1 force to use their weapon.)

Then, there are the Blaster Rifles. Well, destiny 6 should be reason enough to put some in the deck. If not, Inconsequential Losses should convince you. It allows you to forfeit weapons from a site (forfeit=3) and send them to the used pile. Hmmmm, a destiny 6 back into the deck, don’t have to forfeit a droid… not bad for something that’s not M&T.

The rest of the card choices should be easy to see why, if not, I’ll explain some of the cards that aren’t so obvious…

Dioxis, the nerve-gas card Keep Jedi away

The Bridge I know this card can’t be pulled right away, but the benefit if too good to pass up (Presence droids are power +1). Gee, how many of those are there in the deck?

Strategies against certain decks

Lightsaber combat get DD set up first, drain them quick, stay off of Naboo, since you have no Dark Jedi and anyone going to Naboo will just get the middle finger from the Jedi there.

Hidden Base Occupation, if not, get all the sites and get a drain of 3 through. But, main weapon is occupation.

QMC Battle for Cloud city. Beat down

RST Beat them before they beat you, in other words, get set up first, and there shouldn’t be a problem.

WYS Get out the shield, get set up, then either go to them or go to their systems (Kessel or Tatooine)

Training Once again, Occupation is your friend.

Comments welcome.

Joe ”Average Joe” Frankino ‘