Fcon deck Lightside from Guzman

Title: Fcon deck Lightside from Guzman
Author: Tim "Info Broker" Guzman
Date: Dec 23, 2001 Rating: 5.0




We’ll Handle this

Epic Events

Inner Strength


Naboo Theed Palace Generator Core

Naboo Theed Palace Generator

Coruscant Jedi Council Chamber

Home One Docking Bay


Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master x3

Qui-Gon Jinn x2

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight x3

Yoda, Master of the Force

Epp Luke x2


Baragwin x2

Weapons and Devices

Obi-Wan’s lightsaber (destiny 2 one)

Qui-Gon’s Lightsaber x2 (destiny 5)

Bionic Hand x3

Jar Jar’s Electropole

Intruder Missile x3

Ewok Catapult x3


Han, Chewie, and The Falcon



Insurrection/Aim High (start Always)

Another Pathetic Lifeform (start Always)

Your Insight Serves you Well (start sometimes)

Sando Aqua Monster(Start only if they start Colo, only real reason this is in deck)

We’re Leaving

Goo Nee Tay x2

Honor of The Jedi

I hope she’s Alright


Heading for the Medical Frigate

Shocking Info/Grimtaash

Speak With the Jedi Council x2

Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes

Control/Tunnel Vision

Blast The Door, Kid


Free Ride & Endor Celebration

Strike Blocked x3

Strangle(Yes tech against Ig-88)

Out Of Commission/Trans terminated x2

Starting Effect

An Unusual Amount of fear

IF you want to know what shields I played just ask.

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE I am really tired, with my crazy work schedule, and I see these crazy reviews, about trackable stuff, and Yoxgit…HELLO, did anyone every play Baragwins before? Read the strat before you review, or just don’t review. Thanks.

Update 2…Mike almost the same, but not quite.

Well this is it. I did add like one card in this deck since then, but this was pretty much it. First turn started with looking for the docking bay, and while you were looking then you checked if you activated the Chamber, or one of the You wil speak to the Jedi..something, because getting the Chamber early means win. Keep Yoda at the chamber unless you are facing off against DS Combat. This deck has out drain other decks, even ISB, and Tie’s, in fact if you have read my reports from Freedomcon then you would have notice I faced off against those, and won both of those games.

Vs Scum, It is best to stay on Naboo, and get out We’re Leaving…That pretty much will win alone, and with Baragwins, you get back what they drain, and boush at the right place will win.

vs Huntdown, give me a break this deck owns Huntdown. In one game I took 16 battle damage, and still won the game.

vs ISB…Baragwins all the way, and to some hit and runs. Boushh will hit the table.

vs DS combat,… Win the combat of couse, this is this decks hardest matchup, and that is why I play epp luke, track and battle Maul with him, and you should be fine.

vs Dark Deal…go after them, use Yoda, with Tunnel vision/control to set up Spiral and Falcon…that combo with a couple of tracked 7’s will do it.

vs anything else, well pretty much play your game, Let them come to you, and if they put a Dark Jedi down, just smile, because you will win, and retrieve…

This deck takes practice and skill to play, so if you are not used to playing Baragwins, then first build it, and play a few games, even with Theed out, this deck owns…

I know this strat section might not be helping you much, but if you have any questions just ask.

Tim Guzman ‘