DS ForceChoke V2 0

Title: DS ForceChoke V2 0
Author: Charlie "Bad Player" Herren
Date: Jan 2, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (10) Death Star (start) Death Star War Room Cloud City Downtown Plaza Coruscant Endor Back Door Executor Meditation Chamber Hoth Defensive Perimeter Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave Dagobah Cave

Characters (15) Darth Vader Darth Vader, DLOTS EPP Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Ozzel Captain Lennox Lieutenant Arnet Officer Evax Captain Needa Lt. Pol Tredium Commander Igar DS-61-2 DS-61-3 Lieutenant Cabbel General Veers

Vehicles (4) Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Dune Walker Tempest 1

Creatures (1) Bubo

Devices (2) Homing Beacon x2

Starships (8) Avenger Devastator Bossk in Bus Dengar in Punishing One Executor Dreadnaught x2 Fett in Slave 1

Interrupts (9) Evader x2 I’d Just as Soon Kiss a Wookkiee Torture x3 Twi’Lek Advisor x3

Effects (11) Presence of the Force x2 Come Here You Big Coward Imperial Arrest Order A Bright Center To The Universe Security Precautions Battle Order First Strike Crush the Rebellion Lateral Damage Blast Door Controls ‘

Strategy: ‘

For strategy on how to play this deck, I refer you to the original, since the two decks play almost entirely the same. The card changes I made were to combat MWYHL (thanks Mike Fitzgerald) and other non-interactive decks. I added drain-2 sites to help with the lack of Force drain potential in the deck. I also added a third Vader (don’t know why I didn’t have this in the deck at the beginning). This deck is almost completely immune to Grimtaash, with a total of 52 different cards in it. If your area isn’t very big on inserts, pull a Torture for an I Have You Now. I notice people are saying a lot about how SAC tears this deck… it’s all a matter of meta. This area doesn’t see much LS SAC at all, since most DS decks here are HuntDown variants. It was made as an anti-anti-HuntDown deck. A revision on this is to come sometime in the near future. Also, the term “force choke” is used very loosely. Please keep that in mind… ‘