Rebel Strike Team - il41 Style

Title: Rebel Strike Team - il41 Style
Author: Ilhan "il41" Mathews
Date: Dec 24, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Rebel Strike Team/

Garrison Destroyed



Endor Rebel Landing Site

Endor Hidden Forest Trail

Endor Landing Platform

Endor Back Door

Rendezvous Point


General Solo

General Crix Madine

General Calrissian

Corran Horn


Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk

Daughter Of Skywalker

Leia with Blaster Rifle

Colonel Cracken

Lieutenant Blount

Ric Olie, Bravo Leader

Officer Dolphe

Nien Numb

Sergeant Brooks Carlson

Major Panno

Major Orlander Brit

Corporal Midge

Orimaarko x2

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout

Corporal Kensaric


Luke’s Lightsaber

Anakin’s Lightsaber


Tala 1

Tala 2

Bravo 1

Bravo 2

Gold Squadron 1

Home One


Heading For The Medical Frigate

Out Of Nowhere x2

All Wings Report In/Darklighter Spin

Insertion Planning x2

The Signal x2

Rebel Barrier

Weapon Levitation

Leia’s Back


Close Air Support x2

Menace Fades


The Shield Is Down

An Unusual Ammount Of Fear

Lightsaber Proficiency

Squadron Assignments

Strike Planning

Anakin’s Podracer

Bacta Tank

Admiral’s Orders(2)

I’ll Take The Leader x2


A Close Race

A Tragedy Has Occurred

Aim High


Don’t Do That Again

Do Or Do Not

Battle Plan ‘

Strategy: ‘

Okay, this is my first shot at a Light Side deck for a good while, cause I haven’t been into the game since mid-summer and catching up with all the new stuff that’s come out is kinda tricky. Anyway, any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. I dont know if RST is even still around, but it was by far the deck for me and it’s won me the most games. Here’s the strat

To start your game you use HFTMF to pull Strike Planning, Squad Ass, and The Shield Is Down. You will always want to pull Madine and Solo first. If one of them is already in your hand then that’s cool. First turn you’ll want to deploy Madine and any scout you may have in your hand. Then look for Kensaric and smack him down too should your opponent decide he wants to come to Endor ahead of schedule. Anyway, as the game progresses you’ll want to continue pulling scouts with Madine. Pull Chewie, then use him to pull Wuta, then use Wuta to pull out your Endor sites to get the activation running. This deck sets up real fast cause of Madine so you shouldn’t have trouble spreading to three Endor sites after a little while. Get Close Air Support out asap. Then use Madine to pull Cracken and Blount and use Squad @#$% to fetch their ships and drop them at Endor.

Now, in every battle you’ll be drawing two battle destinies plus a destiny to your total power. Once you flip the game flows smoothly as you continue to deploy what you can to the air. Ric and Dolphe together are just incredibe. Three battle destinies. Combined with GS1 and it’s pilots you’re looking at a helluva lot of attrition for your opponent (just watch out for Imp Command, you may want to grab it with A Tragedy should the inerrupt see the light of day). You’re also probably wondering what Rendezvous Point is doing in here. Well, your ships deploy for practically nothing there (cept for the Bravos but they’re cheap anyway). Besides you can move free to Endor from there which saves a whole lotta Force. in battles on the ground, insertion planning and close air support greatly aid you to hold your Endor sites. The fact that you can retrieve Reb scouts after they’ve been killed with the objective and then pull’em back with Madine just adds to the versatility of it all. Should you need to lose more then one the Bacta Tank is laways there for ya. Insurrection pumps up forfeit for your scouts and Luke and his little sister with their sabers are great in a fight.

For the air? Well Spiral deploys cheap as a react. If you’ve got your 2 Bravos, GS1 with both pilots, and Out Of Nowhere with 1 Force handy, you’re looking at 5 battle destinies, and with I’ll Take The Leader your immunity to attrition will be insane and it will kill TIEs should they come to you. The All Wings Report In combo is also pretty sweet, letting you look for ships in Reserve or perhaps using the Falcon’s maneuver as a battle destiny. Midge will insure that your drains don’t go by unoticed. There are about 4 scouts in here that can get the drain modifier and exactly 4 sites. Plus the sabers, your drains should be hurting. Barrier can stall a beatdown squad and you can use Wep Lev to steal sum weapons should your opponent show up with a gun. Onto the matchups

Speed Deal A tough matchup but not impossible. Menace Fades is your best friend. Try to get it out as fast as possible. Deploy everything you have to Endor. If he sets up Cloud City Occupation, move everything you’ve got over to the Bespin system and tyr to knock out whatever he has there. Usually he’ll have his ships spread out between Bespin and BespinCC so the 1st time you attack you should give him quite the rattle. Set up on the ground as you would normally and get the drains underway. If you really want to, you can also send some mains to clear out a site or two. ITTL will help weaken his ships that don’t have actual pilots (and knowing most speed deals this will be the case). If you do manage to knock out his air, don’t forget to play Battle Plan and stay at Bespin to keep a drain going. If you really want to you can occassionally send some characters over to Bespin (like EPP Obi) for a suicide run to clear out a site to stop a drain.

HDADTJ Well, I won’t try to pull this over your eyes, but if there is a deck that gives this one lotsa trouble it’s Hunt Down. Luke and Obi shouldn’t ever hit the table. Maul can be a real pain in the a$$ here. A real tough matchup, but by no means is it impossible. Horn, Ori, and DoS are all able to fight him though. Use Kensaric so your opponent has to empty everything he’s got to get his characters out. Flip as fast as you can, and right after regroup everyone you have to one or two sites (preferably the Back Door and somewhere else). If you can, try to beat him out of the air. Insertion Planning and Close Air Support can help you out tonnes in battles. Use Bacta Tank to keep your men alive and your objective to get back any other scouts you may lose in a fight (Chewie is GREAT forfeit fodder; with insurrection on table he’s forfeit 9 and he can be pulled back with madine). Anyway, drain him when you can and basically eat his deck little by little through Force drains. Close Air Support is KEY to holding your ground on Endor. Track as much as you can to break the immunity of his Dark Jedi. Anyway, this is all I can say here.

Walker Garrison Another toughy, playing against walker garrison can be real stressful. Your worst fear is Imperial Decree and ofcourse, the direct damage. In a case like this, it may be wise to hold Endor with just a handful of scouts and perhaps send some of your men to the Hoth system (particularly Kensaric, this guy will severely starve your opponent for Force if he deploys AT-ATs to his site). If you can, try to take the Hoth system (if you get there early, I can guarantee you your chances will increase exponentially of holding the system for the rest of the game). Luke Rebel Scout would be better on Hoth then JK since he can cancel the immunity of combat vehicles. Insertion Planning can work at any exterior so don’t dismiss it. Reb Barrier can help too and DON’T forget about Close Air Support. It can work anywhere just as long as Talas 1 and 2 are there to back it up. Menace Fades can come in real handy as well, and if ya dont have that out, the next best thing is Ultimatum.

LS Combat Well, I’ve been outta the game a good long while, so I haven’t played against any of these yet but they look very similar to Hunt Down so I’d reccommend the same course of action. Hold Endor tight with Close Air and Insertion Planning and keep your scouts bundled up to prevent any beatdowns. With Menace Fades in play, his drains also won’t be doing much for him especially when yours will undoubtedly exceed his after you flip. Battle Plan should help out here too. If Maul is in the skies get Horn on GS1 asap so that you can put up a fight. The good thing I suppose, is that there aren’t too many Jedi available to combat in this deck so you can play out your own strategy without too much difficulty. Ultimatum can also help out, keeping the max damage of his Force drains at 2 so POTF shouldn’t help him out much. Anyway, that’s all I can say here.

Well, that’s it for the strat. I know, it probably has alot of things to improve on and I’m still checking out the theed palace cards so if anybody has any pointers they’d be greatly appreciated. Thanks everybody. ‘