TIE Bombers The Real Deal

Title: TIE Bombers The Real Deal
Author: edmund "edmund" gray
Date: Dec 28, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Start (7)

Set Your Course

Death Star

Death Star Docking Bay


Fear is My Ally

Twilek Advisor

Mobiliztion Points

Locations (6)







Characters (3)

Darth Sidious x2


Starships (16)

TIE Defender Mark I x3

TIE Interceptor x3

Scimitar Squadron TIE x3

Death Star Assault Spaudron

The Emperors Sword

The Emperors Shield

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Dengar in Punishing One

Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x2

Admirals Orders (1)

Fighter Cover

Weapons (3)

SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons x2

Proton Bombs


Sienar Fleet Systems x2

Lateral Damage

Dreaded Imperial Starfleet

Dark Waters

Enter the Bureacrat

Interrupts (18)

All Power to Weapons x3

Neimoidian Advisor x3

Twileck Advisor

We Must Accelerate Our Plans

I Cant Shake Him x2

Ghhhk & Those Rebels Wont Escape Us x2

Relentless Pursuit

Gravity Shadow

Id Just as Soon Kiss a Wookie x3

Control/Set for Stun

Sheilds (10)

Do They Have a Clearance Code

There is No Try

Oppressive Enforcement

Come Hear You Big Coward


Battle Order


Well Let Fate-a Decide, Huh?

Allegations of Corruption

Secret Plans ‘

Strategy: ‘


Exterior sites on Naboo are NOT a problem, Dreaded/Dark Waters work there, unlike the interior ones, which you just bomb.

Planetary Subjugation does not belong in this deck. There are only 3 bombers, and to be honest i don’t want anymore. I’d much rather play powerful ties and sfs cannons. Planetary only belongs in a deck if you are going to play Overloads. Overloads are useless in this deck because I’m not going to the ground, and I have plenty of ways to deal with X-Wing Cannons.


Bombers are an auto-win against QMC, and unless you are very unlucky, Combat as well. WYS should be a walk in the park, but some would disagree. Even though TIES will face Aim High and Battle Plan every game, Light Side gives away more force than it ever has. QMC, Combat, RST, and WYS, can hardly be considered choke decks, which balance out the damage done by the defensive shields. The only deck I’ve experienced any trouble against is RST, and I think this deck has the potential to beat it.

TIES are often able to completely shut down your opponent, and make most of their deck useless. They can inflict huge amounts of damage very quickly, as well as defend/attack equally well.

Why I use Set Your Course

SYC offers many advantages, it’s easy to fulfill Battle Plan, a good activation platform, and allows me to pull Death Star Assault Squadron.

Battle Plan will hit the table every game now, so you must be prepared, this deck allows two options. One of which is to deploy Darth Sidious at the Death Star Docking Bay. He fulfills I Hope She’s All Right, Battle Plan, is immune to attrition and battle damage, will not capture Luke if opponent is playing There is Good in Him, immune to Orrimarko, allows you to activate another force plus one to two more (due to Mob. Points), and is difficult to hit, even with lightsabers. The other option is to deploy a non-unique TIE to the docking bay. This lets you retrieve a force and activate one to two extra force, if opponent attacks, you simply put him in the used pile, just to deploy another to continue the cycle. This may or may not fulfill Battle Plan depending on whether your opponent want’s you to pay for Battle Plan or retrieve a force per turn.

SYC allows you to activate five force, and allows an easy platform for exploiting Mobilization Points.

The Death Star Assault Squadron is a very, very powerful card. It takes twelve to deploy, but makes up for it with twelve power, ten ability, and ten forfeit. With All Power to Weapons and/or a Dreadnaught, the power can soon become ridiculous. The Sqaudron is pullable, allows you to retrieve three force, and can safely hold any system by itself.

How to bomb

*I Can’t Shake Him 5

Used Interrupt

If your starship weapon aboard your starfighter was just fired during a battle, add one battle destiny or During your deploy phase, deploy one starship weapon or tractor beam from Reserve Deck; Reshuffle.

Versus WYS or QMC they supply the system, all you need is a Scimitar TIE (through All Power to Weapons) and Proton Bombs (through I Can’t Shake Him). Protect the Bomber, and use the cannons/power to clear the system, then force drain. There are plenty of fives in the deck to track for the bomb, and you can even use Fighter Cover to redraw the weapon destiny.

Versus Combat pull Naboo through Neimoidian Advisor, then just follow the above guide.

Specific Cards (or lack there of)

TIE Defenders They have hyperspeed, can fire a Cannon, and helps minimize the threat of grimtassh.

Dengar in Punishing One Removing immunity to attrition is HUGE, it’s the only reliable way to kill Han & Chewie in Falcon, R2in Red 5, and Home One. It also puts the nails to any rouge X-Wing swarm decks.

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Brutal against WYS and QMC, also helps against Han & Chewie in falcon.

Enter The Bureaucrat Pull it with Fanfare or Twi’leck. Put this on the shielded site. If they control, just play resistance, or use Dreaded to cancel drain.

*I’d Just as Soon Kiss a Wookie 2

Lost Interrupt

If opponent just deployed a card, use three force to return it to opponent’s hand. Any Force used to deploy that card remains used.

The latter half of the card has been errated, so I’ll leave it off. This card is simply great. It allows you to break up what would be damaging combos, or at the very least slow down your opponent. Is that X-Wing Cannon on Red Squadron One going to clear the system? Just Kiss it, destroy the now-weaponless X-Wing, problem solved. Have Lateral Damage? Kiss Hasshan or that new R2, then watch your opponent squirm. No one, except those who play me often, expects this card, it is a savior, allows you to spread thin yet still be able to handle anything that comes at you.

Control/Set For Stun Allows you to get rid of Hasshan, Capt. Han, Chewie, Dash, etc., a must in any good TIE deck.

*Gravity Shadow 4

Lost Interrupt

If opponent’s starship has just begun to move through hyperspace, draw destiny. If Destiny > pilot’s ability (pilot with highest ability), starship must return to original location and may not move this turn. If destiny =pilot’s ability, starship is lost.

Another card that allows you to spread thin, if they clear one system, and move for another just play this to slow them down a turn, or even destroy their starship. I’ve used this to destroy a home one with Hasshan, EPP Luke, EPP Leia, EPP Han, Ackbar and 3+ other characters, as well as the super Falcon. It’s also great to beetdown a starship that was planning on Hyperescaping.

Fighter Cover It is a must to be able to replace I’ll Take the Leader, this Order also allows you to add power and redraw weapon destinies.

Come Here You Big Coward Helps prevent an early Death Star invasion.

We’ll Let Fate-a Decide, Huh? The greatest fear of any experienced TIE player is Frozen Assets (or Beggar) with Draw Their Fire, thankfully I can now replace the five Operational as Planneds I used to run, with this one side board card.

I do not play Kedar or U-3po because they are easily countered and cannot start against Profit. Ideally you will bomb all but one of their sites, and can use Dreaded or Allegations to reduce damage from them.

General Beginning Game

This deck has the supporting red to put pressure on very quickly. With Neimodian Advisors, Ghhhk x2, I’d and Just as Soon Kiss a Wookie you can pull systems and put TIES there right away. Many Light Side decks run very few ships these days, use this to your advantage. Pull Death Star Assault Squadron, and use it to counter any assault. The Defender’s hyperspeed is great when combined with I’d Just as Soon Kiss a Wookie, just Kiss Home One, then solidify your forces. Find your critical effects like Sienar and Dreaded. Make sure if you are playing anything other than WYS or MWYHL to deploy Oppressive Enforcement before Sienar. Always put the pressure on, the Lights side will have to respond quickly and often incompletely (i.e. no Hasshan or EPP Leia), or find their cards being whittled down very quickly by two-drain locations. Always pay three for Battle Plan, unless it leaves you defenseless. Most Light Side decks these days give away a bit of force, use this to your advantage.


As opponent attempts to inflict damage on the ground, use Dreaded, Dark Waters, Bombs, Arica, and retrieval to minimize, if not completely stop force loss. Amass a great force in you hand, ready to counter any starships. I generally just go for the kill, rather than the beetdown. Unless your opponent is playing some really weird deck (i.e. Sand Crabs) there is no way they can win the drain race if you control space. I have played and beaten two speed/race profit decks, which is says a lot for this decks damage potential.

End Game

Opponent should be eliminated from space, and you should be well on you way to winning the drain race.

Specific Matchups

vs. QMC

If you win this game by less then 30, something has gone wrong, terribly wrong.

vs. Combat

Bomb the sites, most combat decks play little to no space. Watch to see if your opponent is looking for any cards, if they are watch out for Home One or Han & Chewie in Falcon. With Resistance/Enter the Bureaucrat you should win the damage race easily. Hopefully Sidious will fulfill I Hope She’s All Right, and if not there’s always the chance that they will only have one battle ground site and Hope will be canceled.

vs. Profit

Start Arica. Deploy systems/ties recklessly, put the pressure on right away, if they seem to be searching for something watch out for Home One. If your lucky enough to find Set For Stun, recycle it (use it on Han, then retrieve, track, draw), if you track well enough you should be able to win by a lot. Otherwise it’s a very boring drain race game that you should win every time thanks to Dreaded/Dark Waters.

vs. WYS

Personally I think this deck will win every time, but others don’t. Use Kiss and Set for Stun to keep Dash and Cannons in their hand, destroy everything else, shut down their drains with Bombs and Dreaded, clear space with Cannons/Lateral Damage/All Power. I really don’t see having a problem, I’ll Take the Leader isn’t that big of a problem because you’ll rely on your cannons more than power to clear the system. Don’t forget Interceptors can fire twice.

vs. RST

This is definitely the toughest matchup, and it’s not because of the early force loss, but losing your hand. This allows the opponent a huge window of opportunity to attack/beetdown with Home One etc. The Objective stops Dark Waters and Dreaded, and Double Agent stops Arica quick. Resistance still works though, and if you get a big enough jump you might be able to pull a win off. Play as if your playing against Profit, use the early force they give you to cause huge early drains and hope they aren’t able to pull of a beatdown until you’ve recovered from the loss of your hand.

Ok, I think that’s all that’s being played these days. Bombers aren’t really all that fun (though ’original’), unless playing against HB or WYS, but they a very effective, and I’m tired of seeing these pathetic versions on this site, hopefully this does the arch-type justice. Please read atleast some of the strategy before reviewing, also if you tell me to add anything, first tell me what to pull.

edmund ‘