Title: ARTICLES AREN’T WORKING - Episode II Spoilers
Author: Darth Vader "The Dark" Lord of The Sith
Date: Dec 28, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Anakin Skywalker - Jedi Apprentice

Actor Hayden Christensen

Anakin is now 19 and is still the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi. In Episode II he is assigned to protect Padme from potential assasinations and accompanies her across the galaxy.

Senator Ask Aak - Malastarian Senator

Actor Anthony Phelan

Not much else is currently known about this senator. Masked, radio controlled character.

Aurra Sing - Bounty Hunter

Actor Lara Cox

Lucasfilm stated we’d see Aurra Sing in Episode II, but we still await confirmation.

Bail Organa - Viceroy and First Chairman of Alderaan

Actor Jimmy Smits

Bail Organa, Princess Leia’s adopted father, will make a brief appearance in Episode II with more screen time in Episode III.

Barriss Offee - Jedi Padawan

Actor Nalini Krishan

Another Jedi in Episode II, Padawan of Luminari Unduli.

Battle Droid

(The Anorexic) Battle Droids return in this film and we see where they are manufactured, along with who makes them.

Beru Whitesun -

Actor Bonnie Piesse

Beru Whitesun eventually marries Owen Lars and becomes Luke’s aunt in A New Hope. We see the younger version of her in this film. She and Owen are possibly boyfriend/girlfriend in the story.

Boba Fett - Gift from Dooku to Jango, First Clone

Actor Daniel Logan

We discover that Boba Fett is actually a clone of Jango Fett - the first of many. This 12-yr old boy eventually becomes the bounty hunter and Sarlaac food we love from the classic trilogy, but he already displays his fighting spirit in Episode II. He is a gift from Count Dooku to Jango Fett.

C-3PO - Cyborg Relations Droid

Actor Anthony Daniels

We catch up with C-3PO again on Tatooine, still owned by Shmi.

C-3PO finally gets a new exterior, but it is battered and dirty. Still a ways to go before the golden version

Commerce Guild - A New Faction in Episode II

This is a new faction in Episode II like the Trade Federation and is a member of the Corporate Alliance.

Cordé - Senator Padme’s Handmaiden

Actor Veronica Segura

A handmaiden and bodyguard for Padme as she faces assasination on Coruscant.

Corporate Alliance - Political Commerce Movement

The Corporate Alliance is made up of a group of corporations that have made a political and business alliance. It includes the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild, and more.

Darth Sidious - Aka Palpatine, Sith Master

Actor Ian McDiarmid

Anyone who couldn’t tell from his voice in Episode I probably couldn’t guess that Darth Sidious is truly Senator Palpatine, now Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

Droideka - Destroyer Droid

Destroyer Droids return in this film in a huge battle with the Jedi on Geonosis.

Dormé - Senator Padme’s Handmaiden

Actor Rose Byrne

A handmaiden and bodyguard for Padme.

Eeth Koth - Jedi Master

Expect to see more of Eeth Koth, Jedi Council Member, in Episode II.

Assassin Droid

The assassin droid is able to fly and it dispenses poisonous, bug-like creatures called ’kouhouns’. The droid is operated by Zam Wesell.

General Jar Jar Binks - Gungan General/Naboo representative

Actor Ahmed Best

Oh my God, well we knew this would happen, Jar Jar is back. (If only Lucasfilm just could kill of Jar Jar some way.) Jar Jar makes another appearance in Episode II, this time helping to represent the Gungans for Naboo in the Senate.

Intergalactic Banking Clan -

One of the financial forces in Episode II.

Jango Fett - Bounty Hunter

Actor Temeura Morrison

The original warrior that the clones in Episode II are made from. Wearing a blue and silver version of Boba Fett’s Mandalorian armor, Jango Fett is more than a match for Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, or any other Jedi that may cross his path. He works for Count Dooku in this film.

Ki-Adi-Mundi - Jedi Knight

Actor Silas Carson

This Coneheaded Jedi Council member will have significantly more screen time, and action, then he did in Episode I.

Luminari Unduli - Jedi Master

Actor Mary Oyaya

Another Jedi in Episode II, master of Padawan Barriss Offee.

Mace Windu - Jedi Master

Actor Samuel L Jackson

Head of the Jedi Council, Mace Windu will have a spectacular lightsaber battle against a deadly foe.

Madame Jocasta Nu - Jedi Academic

Actor Alethea McGrath

Madame Jocasta Nu helps Anakin with some research in Episode II.

Mas Amedda - Galactic Senate Vice Chairman

Actor David Bowers

Seen briefly as a background character in Episode I, Mas Amedda will be seen more in Episode II.

Nute Gunray - Trade Federation Leader

Actor Silas Carson

Nute returns for more evil doings in Episode II, courtesy of the Trade Federation. Why are these guys still in business? Is now a separatist allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Knight

Actor Ewan McGregor

Jedi Master for Anakin, Obi-Wan is older, wiser, and beardier than he was in Episode I. Obi-Wan splits up from Anakin to pursue an investigation for the Jedi Council. It doesn’t take long for him to get in over his head.

Owen Lars - Son of Cliegg Lars

Actor Joel Edgerton

We meet the younger version of Uncle Owen in this film and discover his new family ties to Anakin.

Republic Guards

The blue Republic Guards seen in Episode I have now changed to the red guards (Royal Guards) we saw in Return Of The Jedi.

Senator Orn Free Taa - Ryloth Senator

Actor Matt Rowan

This senator was seen briefly in Episode I. He will play a larger role in Episode II.

Senator Padmé Amidala- Senator for Naboo

Actor Natalie Portman

-No longer Queen of Naboo, Padme now represents her people as a Senator on Coruscant. The problem is someone wants her dead. As she travels around the galaxy with Anakin, we learn more about her family and background when she takes him home to Naboo.

Passel Argente - Head of the Corporate Alliance

Actor Stephen Boyle

One of the separatist senators.

Super Battle Droid

A new, hefiter, and tougher version of the battle droid seen on Geonosis. They fight the Jedi in the final battle.

Plo Koon - Jedi Master

Actor Matt Sloan

The Jedi Council member will be focused on in Episode II. Plo Koon is involved with a mission with Ki Adi Mundi.


A creature seen in the Geonosis areana. Large and bull-like, it fights with Mace Windu and Jango Fett.

R2-D2 - Astromech Droid

Actor Kenny Baker

The ever-reliable R2-D2 follows Padme and Anakin in their adventures to Naboo, Tatooine, and beyond.

Saesee Tiin - Jedi Master

Actor Jesse Jensen

The Jedi Council member will be involved in Episode II.

Shaak Ti - Jedi Knight

Actor Orli Shoshan

One of the new Jedi in Episode II.

Shmi Skywalker/Lars - Anakin’s Mother, Wife to Cliegg Lars

Actor Pernilla August

Now married, she has a new life on Tatooine as a free woman. But what will happen when she and Anakin meet again?

Sio Bibble - Naboo Governor

Actor Oliver Ford Davies

Sio Bibble, another Episode I character, returns for Episode II.

Sly Moore - Palpatine’s Aide

Actor Sandi Finlay

Senatorial aide to Palpatine seen in his office.

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - Supreme Chancellor, Darth Sidious

Actor Ian McDiarmid

Still sticking to his evil ways, Palpatine manipulates the Senate to do his bidding and start the Clone Wars.

Techno Union - A new faction in Episode II

The Techno Union is an organization that oversees the production of technology and is a political force.

Senator Tikkes - A separatist senator in Episode II

One of the separatist senators and part of the Confederacy. (Formerly called Senator Tessek.)

Senator Toonbuck Toora - Separatist

Seen in Episode I. One of the separatist senators and part of the Confederacy.

Captain Typho - Senator Padme’s Bodyguard

Actor Jay Laga’aia

Typho replaces Captain Panaka as Padme’s bodyguard in Episode II.

Sentaor Wat Tambor - Separatist member

One of the separatist senators and part of the Confederacy.

Tusken Raiders - Tatooine Sand People

The Sand People again make an appearance in Episode II and play a very important role in the life of Anakin Skywalker.

Watto - Tatooine Junk Shop Owner

Actor Andy Secombe

Watto returns for a brief cameo, and encounter with Anakin, on Tatooine.

Yaddle - Jedi Master and Librarian

This Jedi Council member from Episode I should have another appearance in Episode II with the rest of the Jedi Council.

Yoda - Jedi Master

Actor Frank Oz

Expect to see Yoda in some serious action in Episode II. We will see why he’s the Master.

Zam Wesell - Bounty Hunter

Actor Leanna Walsman

A female bounty hunter sent to kill Padme.

Sola - Padme’s Sister

Actor Unknown

Padme’s sister seen on Naboo. (Luke and Leia’s aunt)

Queen Jamillia - Queen Of Naboo

Actor Ayesha Dharker

Since the people of Naboo elect their Queen, Padme moves on to a role as senator and Jamilla takes over as ruler of the planet.

Geonosian - Alien Race

Geonasians are an alien species native to the planet Geonosis, a rocky world, and home of Poggle. Geonasians come in several forms including flyers that have wings, picadors, guards, workers, and more. They resemble battledroids in form and are likely the manufacturers of them.

Cliegg Lars - Tatooine Farmer/Business Man

Actor Jack Thompson

Cliegg Lars marries Shmi and becomes Anakin’s new stepfather in Episode II. He is a businessman on Tatooine.

Captain Ambu Fett - Clone Captain

Actor Bodie ’Tihoi’ Taylor

This warrior is from another batch of clones we meet in Episode II. They are possibly one of the good guys.

Count Dooku - Aka Lord Tyranus, Charismatic Separist, Ex-Jedi Lost Twenty, Darth Sidious’ Apprentice

Actor Christopher Lee

Count Dooku is a “charismatic separatist”. He is one of a group of Jedi known as the “Lost Twenty” who left the order in search of other pursuits. He is in league with Sidious and holds the leash of Jango Fett.


-It takes place around 10 years after Episode I.

-Anakin and Padme begin to develop their relationship.

-We discover more about Padme’s family and background.

-Anakin returns to Tatooine and meets up with Shmi, Watto, Owen Lars, and Beru Lars.

-We learn the origin of Boba Fett and Stormtroopers.

-Episode II reveals information about the Clone Wars mentioned in A New Hope.

-The film is darker than Episode I and is closer to The Empire Strikes Back.

-Padme and Anakin go off on one adventure while Obi-Wan takes a separate adventure. They all cross paths again in the end.

-Expect return appearances by Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, Mas Amedda, Jar Jar (briefly), R2-D2, C-3PO, and, of course, Palpatine.

-Expect several new bad guys and bounty hunters in this film.

-We return to Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine. Expect two new planets.


Trade Federation Droid Control Ship

The Federation returns in Episode II. These are SIMILAR to the sphere sections of the Droid Control Ship, but it lacks the crescent arms.


Used by Jango Fett and young Boba Fett.

Obi-Wan’s Ship

Obi-Wan travels from Coruscant to Kamino to Geonosis in this ship. There’s an Imperial logo (??) on the side. Also has an R4 Unit next to the @#$%pit.

Geonosian Speeder

A speeder used on the planet Geonosis. Count Dooku uses this to flee the battle and escape to the Solar Sailer hangar. (If you took Darth Maul’s speeder bike, and elongated the back so that it looks like an X-Wing’s nose, that’s about it.)

Naboo Royal Starship

A new Queen’s ship makes a brief appearance before being destroyed. The new cruiser seen at the beginning of the movie resembles a flying wing.

Interstellar Sail Ship / Geonosis Solar Sailer

Count Dooku’s ship. In landed mode it looks a little like an oversize Droid fighter.

Republic Military Cruiser

Resembles a Star Destroyer and transports the clone troopers into battle.

Facts About Episode II

These are some questions asked to Rick McCallum and here’s the answers

Will we meet a young Luke?

No. You’ll see him be born. But there the story ends and goes to episodes 4, 5, and 6.

Why did Qui-Gon Jinn not disappear like the other Jedis do when they die?

The Qui-Gon Jinn thing you will discover as time goes on. There is a whole issue around that and the ability to disappear. The key line to understanding this is when Ben Kenobi tells Darth Vader, “If you try to strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” Hey, he’s with a fan magazine. What do I know about these things? So, that’s a key line. And it’ll be explained as we go along. The other issue is that I have very specific projects. I have TV shows; I have movies. I have a whole line of them. I don’t know which one I’m going to start with when I finish these because it’s five years from now. I don’t know where my head will be. I know I’ve got a lot of them sitting on the shelf. Some of them I’m very anxious to get working on, but we’ll see when I get there.

In Episode 1 Qui-Gon Jinn said Anakin would bring balance to The Force. What does that mean?

Let me explain briefly. If good and evil are mixed things become blurred - there is nothing between good and evil, everything is grey. In each of us we have balance these emotions, and in the Star Wars saga the most important point is balance, balance between everything. It is dangerous to lose this. In The Phantom Menace one of the Jedi Council already knows the balance of The Force is starting to slip, and will slip further. It is obvious to this person that The Sith are going to destroy this balance. On the other hand a prediction which is referred to states someone will replace the balance in the future. At the right time a balance may again be created, but presently it is being eroded by dark forces. All of this shall be explained in Episode 2, so I can’t say any more

When I think that Anakin will become Darth Vader, I feel it is better he not be trained as a Jedi - has Qui-Gon Jinn made a mistake?

I think it is obvious that he was wrong in Episode 1 and made a dangerous decision, but ultimately this decision may be correct. The Phantom Menace refers to the force of the dark side of the Universe. Anakin will be taken over by dark forces which in turn destroy the balance of the Galaxy, but the individual who kills the Emperor is Darth Vader - also Anakin. The tale meanders and both the prediction, and Qui-Gon are correct - Anakin is the chosen one, and he did bring peace at last with his own sacrifice. Luke couldn’t kill the Emperor himself, but he could make Anakin reflect on his life and kill the Emperor.

Strategy: ‘

Sorry I had to do this I tried to post this article many times, didn’t work so I’m posting it in the deck share. Thank you. ‘