Please Sir I want some more

Title: Please Sir I want some more
Author: Daniel "Shadow865" Blackford
Date: Jan 3, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(9) Obi’s Hut[SL] Beggar’s Canyon[SL] Jabbas Palace[Opt.] Cantina Yavin 4 HQ Hoth WR Yoda’s Hut Rendezvous Point Coruscant

Characters(13) Obi-Wan x2 EPP Luke x2 EPP Han x2 EPP Leia Orri Tawss Wedge Harc Seff Jeroen Webb Bothan Spy x2

Ships/Weapons(7) Tantive LandoInFalcon RLR1 GLG1 Obi’s Saber Landing Claw x2

Effects(9) Order to Engage Goo Nee Tay DTF Traffic Control Beggar x4 Push on Us

Interrupts(22) Out of Comission x3 Force is Strong x2 SATM x2 Nabrun x2 Gift of the Mentor Dont Get Cocky The Signal x3 Smoke Screen Reb Barrier x2 Glancing Blow x2 Smoke Screen Chimes Careful Planning ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is kinda weird…running off a good card advantage system based around old No Shelter. Mains pack a powerful punch and Beggar is REALLY aggravting. I had one guy complaining that he would contact decipher and tell them how broken it was…DTF/Beggar screws Ops and theres no real counter for it. You can beat Ops in one battle with Adders, Obis move away text, sabers. Hunt Down wont be dueling much until EJP…too many other cards to pack. So glancing blows will have to be itt for duel protection, however force is strong with this one has proven to be my best Anti-HD cards yet.ISB gets screwed like Ops. Coruscant is a pleasant surprise against non-heavy ship packers or against people who chuck there ships when they see lots of ground power and no systems for a while. Good deck..dont believe me play me online[IM Shadow865. My CT wont let me connect so It’ll have to be AIM or AOL Chat Sorry =( ] ‘