EBO Runned By Scubs

Title: EBO Runned By Scubs
Author: Ryan "Dooger511" Fugett
Date: Dec 29, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (6)

Hoth Main Power Generators

Hoth North Ridge

Heading For The Medical Frigate


Staging Areas

Squadron Assignments

Locations (7)




Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Hoth Echo Corridor

Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room)

Home One Docking Bay

Characters (14)

Qui-Gon Jinn

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber

Luke With Lightsaber

Luke Skywalker

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Captain Han Solo

Admiral Ackbar

First Officer Thaneespi

Commander Wedge Antilles

Dash Rendar

Colonel Cracken

Lieutenant Blount

General Crix Madine

Figrin Dan

Starships (9)

Home One

Millenium Falcon

Red 5


Tala 1

Tala 2


Tantive IV


Interrupts (12)

The Signal x5

Hyper Escape

Out Of Nowhere

Rebel Barrier

Houjix & Out Of Nowhere

On The Edge

A Jedis Resilience

Out of Commission & Transmission Terminated

Effects (9)

A New Secret Base

Echo Base Operations

Battle Plan

Menace Fades

Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Order To Engage

Frozen Assets

Bacta Tank

Legendary Starfighter

Admirals Order (2)

Capital Support

Ill Take The Leader

Podracer (1)

Anakins Podracer

Strategy: ‘

This deck has a few problems that need to be worked out. There are some cards that I want to put in, but as always I never know what to take out. I don*t know if I should put more characters in or more starships, or take out the podrace and the AOs. This is the best version I have built with the cards that I have. I know I need some cards like Wedge RSL and Artoo in Red 5, but I do not have them. Please tell me what I should do to make my deck better. -)

First turn just pull a docking bay. I usually pull the Hoth docking bay so spies can*t go there, but if it is not in their, pull the Home One docking bay. If you got a signal in your hand, use it to pull ANSB, if not draw till you get one. You should know if there is one in their because you seachred through your deck. If possible deploy a scrub to the docking bay for that extra activation next turn. Once you have ANSB out, pull everything you can and get EBO set up. I try to use scrubs to get EBO running, but if I half to I will use somebody good. If you use a good pilot, like Han or Dash or someone, you can transit them up to their ship or whatever later. Use SquAs to get get your ships into space for big drains. Before you go to space make sure you have something to protect you, (I.E. Spiral, Hyper Escape, Rebel Barrier, Houjix). If needed you can hold the 4th Maker with your Jedi and anyone else you can use, for the AO or Menace Fades or whatever, or you can use them to wipe out and threat your opponent gives you.

Try to get Legendary Starfighter out early, even if it means losing a big ship or character. There is always the Bacta Tank witch comes in handy when you are forced to lose a character. The AOs ae key for immunity to attrition, and they help with some extra force loss. The main thing with this deck is to keep your space fleet intact for big drains in space. Don*t spread thin to early, wait till you know what your opponent is doing, and then spread out for the bigger drains.

Madine is in this deck to pull the scouts and he can help set up EBO. If I had Strike Planning, I whould start that to pull him, but what are you gonna do. Frozen Assets is good if the opponent is saving up for a big attack next turn, it delays them and gives you more time to prepare for the attack. Order To Engage makes the opponent bring in to you, instead of them deploying and waiting for you to initiate battle so they can use an interrupt or something.

This deck has not know defeat, but it only has one win against a poorly built Bring Him Before Me deck, (haha j/k Erik). Tell me what you think and how I can change my deck. Thanks for reading.

Ryan Fugett