Newbie DS senate to be torn apart please

Title: Newbie DS senate to be torn apart please
Author: Eric "Tempest-HD" Martin
Date: Jan 2, 2002 Rating: 2.5



‘Starting (7)

My lord, is that legal?/IWMIL

Cor Senate chamber

Naboo Battle plain (switch w/ the system?)

Podrace prep.

Sebulbas pod

Pod race areana

what effect here?

Locations (4)

Naboo OR Naboo battle plain (depends on start)

Naboo Theed Palace Throne Room

Naboo Theed Palace DB

Tatooine market place

Star Ships (3)

Mauls sith infiltrator

Trade fed. Battle Ship (x2)

Senators (14)

Baskol Yeesrim (x2)

Passel Argente (x2)

Edcel Bar Gane (x2)

Tikkes (x2)

Toonbuck Toora (x2)

Orn Free Taa (x2)

Yeb Yeb

Lott Dod

Non Senate Characters (12)

Tey how

Rune Haako (old)

Nute (old)

Darth Maul (x2)


Lord Maul



Destroyer Droid

Jabba Djec Tjiure

Gardula the hutt

Cor Guard (I have keder the black, do i need him?)

Devices (3)

mauls double stick (2)

mauls binocs


Interupts (12)

the point is conceded (x2)

No civility..(x3)


Alter x2

podracer collision

Squabbling delegates

Maul Strikes

P effects (2)

Accepting fed control

Our blockade is legal

Strategy: ‘

---EDIT deck also starts boonta eve podrace, and isnt exactly 60 cards (i need help there too (

This deck is designed to grab a whole bunch of senators and flip 1st or second turn. The first things to grab are lot (who can help grabbing) and yeb yeb (always helps to see what destiny is coming).

 The podracing is thrown in because for 5 cards I have the chance for a 12 card swing. Against a non pod deck, I can easily win (esp with high destiny denators in the deck). 

 The rest of the deck is designed to control the big drain nabbo site, put rune or nute at the thrown room with some droids, maul at the battle plain and maybe some suport senators for forfit fodder at these sites. Try to eliminate all other characters so you can use the text of Baskol to force the opponent to lose 3 a turn if you can keep em off of naboo. The battle ships and tey are there to hold the system naboo. If you havehte cards, you cna also try to hold the naboo DB or any other naboo cards the opponent has. Use senate text/mauls binocs to modify destiny draws and track everything. My card supply is limited (as i said, 1 box R3, 1 box cor 1 box tat) but it looks )semi) solid to me.  '