Keeping Star Wars Alive(Dueling Admirals)

Title: Keeping Star Wars Alive(Dueling Admirals)
Author: James "J.J.Binks" Bottoms
Date: Jan 10, 2002 Rating: 4.5





NabooGen Core


Deep Hatred

Prepared Defense

Imperial Arrest Order

Mob. Points

Combat Response


3 Lord Maul

2 Lord Vader

2 Aurra Sing

Emp. Palpatine

Darth Sidious





Boba Fett,BH



Baron Soontir Fel

Major Turr Phennir





Saber 1

Saber 2






3 Visage of the Emp.

3 The Phantom Menace

Security Precaution

Fear is my Ally

First Strike

Lateral Damage


2 Masterful Move

3 Imp.Command

Force Lightning

2 Weapon Levitation

2 We must accelerate our Plans


3 Aurra’s Blaster Rifle

2 Maul’s Double Bladed Saber

Vader’s Saber


A useless gesture

Battle order

Allegations of corruption



Oppressive enforcement

Secret plans


We’ll let fate decide


Strategy: ‘

Update Guri and Stinger comes out for Saber3 and it’s pilot. And as far as using Duels and Maul Strikes, I use Weapo Lev. for 2 reasons 1 to pull all my weapons and 2 to get Aurras Rifle to use as a Combat Card.

A Combat deck that uses Admirals to control space.

First turn pull the ExecutorDB and get Comm. Merrejk there. Use your Imp.Commands to get Adm. Piett to pull Comm.Merrejk.Use Mob.Points to Pull the Executor first thing.

Some cards I use and The reasons.

Guri–She can be pulled with Combat Response with her ship or vise versa. She adds a destiny in her ship and causes the Opp. to get only 1 destiny at that location. She also deploys free on her ship.

Barron S Fer–Adds a destiny in Saber 1 and helps out my space by being able to get out easy.

Major T Phennir–Same as the Barron.

Weapon Lev.–Can’t be countered by Strike Blocked and can be used to get Aurra’s Blaster and the Sabers. It is also an used interrupt not lost.

Why no combo cards–I want to get a plus 2 bonus from both of my Starting effects and I can pull Secret Plans from my shield.

What to do against other decks.

WYS–Deploy to your sites and drain with your Jedi. Set up yor space and control your systems. Duel luke if he comes to Naboo if he don’t don’t worry. You will out drain them. Just stop their retrieving.

LS Dueling–The hardest match up their is. First thing you do is get your space set up. Then put a jedi down at the same site with one of their Jedi.

You have a better chance to get higher destiny for your duels using the Masterful Moves to get a Visage or Phantom Menace. Don’t expect to win every duel. Your 5 drain in space with Adm.Chiraneau will out drain them(they can’t drain where there is a Jedi). Just remember to keep a Jedi down At Naboo.

Hidden Base–Remember they can’t cancel your Drains. If the y do play with Jedi just duel the with your stacked 7’s and remove them from the game with Darth Sidious. Get security precautions out ASAP after they flip. Keep Guri With Thrawn and Don’t spead out until they flip. With Security Precautions protects you from tacking battle damage until you probe their base.Drain on ground all that you can.

MWYHL–Pull Secret Plans and Come Here You Big Muppet and Drain. Duel there Jedi when they come down and DRAIN.

Anything else should be pretty easy. ‘