Slave Quarters My Style

Title: Slave Quarters My Style
Author: Legolas "Legolas_" Greenleaf
Date: Jan 11, 2002 Rating: 4.5




Tatooine Slave Quarters

AUAOF (the shields are don’t do that again and ehatever turns you on for the other nine)


Battle Plan/DTF

Scrambled Transmission

YISYW/SA (combo is just to throw them off)


D Yoda’s Hut

Hoth Echo War Room

Rendezvous Point

Endor CC’s Hut

Home One War Room

Y IV War Room

Y IV Massassi ? (whichever one is the twix)


EPP Qui-Gon x2

EPP Obi x2

LS,JK x2

EPP Han x2

EPP Leia

Chewbacca, Enraged

Bomarr Monk

Shmi Skywalker

The Naked Droid

Corran Horn


Lando Calrissian, Scoundrel



Millenium Falcon


Anakin’s Lightsaber


Anakin’s Podracer (yes, Anakin made some donations to this deck. ;)




Traffic Control

Goo Nee Tay x2


Affect Mind or Bacta Tank (your pick)


We’re Doomed


Alter/FF x2

Sense/RIF x3

It Can Wait x2

On The Edge x2

Nabrun Leids


It Could Be Worse x2

Don’t Get @#$%y

Life Debt

Gift of the Mentor

SI/Grimtaash ‘

Strategy: ‘

Props to Hayes Hunter for coming up with the first ’pile’.

okay, pretty simple to play. Just pull Shmi who pulls Threepio who helps you get out your twixes to activate more to get more stuff. You have a nice assortments of mains and supporting cast so your ground is plenty solid. Not a lot of really high destinies but plenty of 4’s and 5’s which work fine. This deck puts a major lock on their activation with Revo/Goo/etc. You have plenty of battle interrupts and some SAC to protect them. On the Edge’s retrieve, ICBW prevent damage. 2 Falocns means that you can hit space more than once (not to mention Life Debt pulls it). We’re Doomed is great because if they are putting the hurt on you, this can slow it down (and then you can draw with the droid. repeat.) The Bacta Tank is good for getting back mains, but Affect mind is tech. It reads (destiny 5) Use 1 force to deploy on your Jedi. Unless opponent also has a Dark Jedi present, their total ability at that location is reduced by two. This saves EPP Qui-Gon/Obi. Picture this (happens more often than you might think) opponent has DS-61-2 or some other ability 2 pilot on a walker draining for 2 at a kit-kat (two for me, two for you). EPP Walks in (tracking a 5 to kill walker). BAM Affect mind=no destiny=EPP takes over the site and the walker dies. pretty cool, huh? Also kills Mara. Ok, so you’ll probably prefer Bacta Tank, but I’d rather just save him all together then pay to get him back. I play traffic control over Thrown Back because I can pull Grim anyway. Orri over Melas because higher power and direct damage. It Can Wait is just as tech as the Wookie kisser and you have 3 sense/RIF so they just paid 10 to drop Lord Vader(took them 2 turns to get that much, heh heh), but he can wait. The dark side recoils in fear at the thought of deploying him for free (unsportsmanlike) so they stick him back in their deck. Sweet, eh? Okay, now for the matchups

Against any deck with Merrejk just pull SI/Grim, cancel the Scomp Link. repeat. Equals no pulling systems.

ISB Scum kill nasty ground people. SATM takes care of 5D6. If he’s on a walker, oh well. they give you plenty of lovely drain sites and the Monk doesn’t like people pulling JP sites. The Superfalcon can make an appearance, if necessary.

ISBig Blue grab Imp. Command w/the shield ASAP. once they’ve played 3 or 4 or you just Grim’d to check, then you can throw the Superfalcon at ’em. Stuff them on the ground and watch them try to pay for battle plan and continue deploying big stuff (not easy). Be careful of spy beats.

Huntdown so I Revo your MC, kick you off Carida, and prevent any DB activation. ICBW and the AIM High shield will serve you well if they race. Oh, remember the ICW Vader scenario?

BHBM Corran horn and Qui-Gon should make an early strike. they have no retrievel and even if you give them Luke, you can still beat them down with other stuff. I don’t think BHBM is a problem for any solid deck. no inserting thanks to your starting effect. (don’t pull Honor unless you deem it absolutely necessary. They’ll probably be playing No Escape anyway.)

AOBS Haven’t play this one much. But you out activate him by a ton and you’ve got SAC so the matchup should be yours. (Affect mind can really screw them)

Tat. Occupation beggar their cannon force and then throw the superFalcon at them. No system means no Occupation or Fighter Coming In.

Lightsaber Combat EPP Strikes and maybe a beatdown or two should give you the game. You have better retrievel than them.

TIES knock them off the DB with your 5 lightsabers, then wait for an opportunity for the Uber-Falcon.

I’m sure there are other good decks out there, but I’m out of time. I’ll update later. Hope you enjoyed it, and once again props to Hayes (u da man)

Me, Myself, and I ‘