MEGA combat

Title: MEGA combat
Author: Al "MoTU" Schaefer
Date: Jan 20, 2002 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (10)

Let Them Make The First Move/At Last we Will Have Revenge

Deep Hatred

Naboo Theed Palace Generator Core

Naboo Theed Palace Generator

Start Your Engines

Boonta Eve Podrace

Tatooine Podrace Arena

Sebulba’s Podracer

Watto’s Box (unless they have racing too)

Fear Is My Ally

Defensive Shields (10)

Pretty much whatever you want, you should know what to play with by now.

Locations (1)

Blockade Flagship Bridge

Characters (18)

Lord Maul x4

Emperor Palpatine x3

Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x2

Broken Fett, Bounty Hunter x2

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Dr. E & Ponda Baba

4-LOM With Concussion Rifle

Prince Xixor

Mighty Jabba

Janus Greejatus

Effects (12)

The Phantom Menace x3

Visage Of The Emperor x3

Search And Destroy

First Strike

No Escape

Blast Door Controls


Bad Feeling Have I

Interrupts (16)

We Must Accelerate Our Plans x3

Blow Parried x2

Podracer Collision x2

Masterful Move x2

Masterful Move & Endor Occupation

This Is Some Rescue

Omni Box & It’s Worse

Force Field

Maul Strikes

Force Lightning

I Have You Now

Weapons (3)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Maul’s Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Vader’s Lightsaber

Strategy: ‘

strategy update**

s_ skywalker apparently doesn’t like that i dont run space. the reason for this is that you should be able to do enough damage on the ground to mess up any space decks enough to keep them from screwing you over. if you get a first turn maul and a 3 turn race, that’s anywhere from 14 to 20 damage in the first three turns if they have the racing shield. (8 for drains with the stick and at least 6 from the race) the only ship i could think of running might be zuckass in mist hunter, but how long is one ship going to stay out vs a big blue LS deck. this is SABER COMBAT, not a big blue deck, even if i did run zuckass and maybe a lat dam, i really have no way of pulling zuckass and the most power i could generate at a system would be 11 if i drew a 7 for destiny. it’s up to you folks if you want to run space in this deck, but i think it leaves you open to a big beatdown that you cant protect with out putting in more space only cards. if you like big blue, play isb or ties, not saber combat.

update #2 i been playin the deck without watto’s box lately. the box doesnt really do you a whole lot of good unless they chose not to race with you. try playin with young fool instead. another card i’m trying to encorperate (sp?) is sidious. park him at the blockade flagship site to help vs light side combat.

**end update

This is not a hardcore combat deck, this should be played more like a hunt down that doesn’t start epic duel.

Most of your games should go like this

Turn 1 Activate, start the race, (if they played anakin’s racer, flash him with sebulba, otherwise dont bother). Get maul down to naboo, if maul isn’t in your hand, you should have one of the seven interrupts that let you look through your deck. Look through your deck for either the flagship site or an effect. Draw till you get maul.

Turn 2 Draw for the race, deploy maul (if you havent already) to naboo generator core, the emperor should go to the generator. vader, fett, dr. e, 4-lom, jabba, and xixor should all be used to harrass whatever your opponent is doing off of naboo. hang on to mara in case you need her to be a spy, or if they try to invade naboo.

Turn 3 Draw for the race, you should be close to winning, so keep an eye on your force pile if you want to retrieve and they have aim high out. If maul isn’t out yet you should be cursing me vehemently for posting this deck. In a perfect world, you should win the race this turn, have maul and stick at the core, palpy and janus at the generator, dlots and stick at one of the opponent’s battleground site.

ugh, this turn by turn thing just isn’t workin, let’s look at some specific matchups.

vs Saber combat.

Against a hardcore combat deck you will most likely lose, especially if they are also racing. Your best bet is to use mara and a team of guys to beatdown on qui-gon when he’s not at the same site as maul. if that doesnt happen, you have to get a series of sevens stacked in your deck. dont stack sevens on your maul cuz then the oppponent will play his version of blow parried and maul will lose to qui gon every time. so get maul his stick, get no escape on the table, and put your tracking hat on. hardcore combat is a very tough matchup for any ds combat. d-shields to play in this game are allegations of corruption (to grab their Strike Blocked) you’ve never won a race (if you know you’re going to lose) the third shield should either be fanfare, battle order, or secret plans. use your best judgement.

vs WYS

WYS is always a tough matchup no matter what you’re playing, but combat has a very good chance of putting the smugglers away. just the speed of this deck will make your oppenent @#$% himself. the only thing the wys player can do to give you a real hard time is start draining at kessel on the first turn. make sure you have bad feeling have i and the phantom menace on the table. a lone maul is a very appetizing battle for han, angry chewie and luke with stick. just play smart and watch for how much force your opponent is saving, and what interrupts are going to the lost pile from your drains. d-shields to play Allegations, a useless gesture (i know it doesnt kill wys, and your opponent will laff at you, but play it anyway) the third one is your choice.

vs HB flip

HB flip can be a very embarrasing game for this deck just because they naturally run all the cards that can f.uck your drains. projection of a skywalker, it could be worse, and a vergeance in the force are all death cards for you. they probably run it’s a hit to cancel surprise assault and it’s worse. the combat deck has to be running perfectly for you to beat a good hb flip deck. first turn maul and a three turn race is almost necessary for you to win the game. d-shields to play ALLEGATIONS, and either secret plans, code clearance, battle order.

just about every other deck should be auto win for you. ebo can be pretty bad, but if you get a decent draw and can get vader or mara to hoth before they can start draining you for a lot. this is a fun deck to play and you’d be surprised at how easily it will beat some of the tougher decks out there.

other cards that would be good in this deck


weapon levitation

counter assault

thanks in advance for any constructive reviews

enjoy the MEGA ‘