Pre-ECC Dark Deal Deck

Title: Pre-ECC Dark Deal Deck
Author: Jason "X" Comstock
Date: Jan 5, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations Bespin Cloud City CC Carbonite Chamber x2 CC Chasm Walkway x2 CC Upper Corridor CC Lower Corridor CC Security Tower CC East Platform CC Incinerator CC Dining Room

Characters Davin Felth Dengar Lando Calrissian Garindan Bossk Salacious Crumb General Tagge Djas Puhr Myo J’Quille Labria Admiral Motti Aqualish Tonnika Sisters Admiral Ozzel Trooper Jerol Blendin Kittik Keed’kak Captain Piett Grand Moff Tarkin DS-61-3

Starships/Vehicles VCSD x2 ICSD Stalker Cloud Car x5 Obsidian Squadron TIE x3 Obsidian 8

Weapons/Devices Dark Jedi Lightsaber Thermal Detonator

Interrupts/Effects Dark Deal x5 Reactor Terminal x2 Undercover x4 Hutt Smooch Furry Fury ‘

Strategy: ‘

The basic idea of this deck is to get Dark Deal down on turn 2 or 3. Lots of locations are so your sure you get the force you need to get DD quickly. Most of the characters are relatively cheap and have some particular reason for being in. SDs are for just in case opponent has a light starfighter or 2 sitting alone at a system draining. Cloud stuff is to make sure you control BespinCC for the start. Saber is for Djas Puhr. TD for the hunters [TDs are fun against a bunch of mains piled up at one site =)], Undercover and spies to lure opponent to CC. Furry Fury against Han+Life Debt. ‘