The Senate is Bogged Down with Mindless Beuracracy So Let the Mexicans Roll On In

Title: The Senate is Bogged Down with Mindless Beuracracy So Let the Mexicans Roll On In
Author: Rypcord "Rypcord" Kline
Date: Jan 25, 2002 Rating: 3.5



‘Start [8]

My Lord, is that Legal?

The Phantom Menace

Crush the Rebellion

Imperial Arrest Order / Secret Plans

Tatooine Desert Landing Site

Coruscant Senate

Fear is my Ally [10 Best Shields]

Prepared Defenses

Vehicles [1]

Blizzard 4

Locations [2]

Naboo Theed Palace Generator Core

DSII Docking Bay

Weapons [3]

Mara’s Saber

Vader’s Premier Good Saber

Maul’s Double Bladed Momma-Whoop-Ass Saber

Starships [3]

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Fett in Slave 1

Political Effects [3]

This is Outrageous [We cannot let Mexicans take over the Senate]

Accepting Mexican Control

Our Mexican Blockade is Perfectly Legal

Total Characters [26]

Mexicans… err… I mean Senators [12]

Lott Dodd the Mexican x3

Yeb Yeb Adem’Mexican’Thorn x2

Orn Free Mexican Taa x2

Aks Moe, wanna be Cheech

Baskol Yeesrim, wanna be Chong

Edcel Bar Gane, Mexican Boarder Patrol

Toonbuck Toora, Mexican Hat Dance Music Player

Tikkes, the Mexican Hat Dancer

Droids [2]


4-Lom With Boarder Patrol Beat Stick

Mauls [4]

Tatooine Darth Maul x3

Coruscant Darth Maul, Young Apprentice

Vaders [3]

Old School Vader with Mexican Hair x2

New School Vader with Mexican Dirt Weed

Others [5]

Keder the Mexican

Emperor Palpatine, Master of the Mexicans

Mara Jade, Mexican-Whore

Janus Greejatus, Mexican Hat Supplier

Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter, Boarder Patrol Officer {Ref.3}

Effects [1]

Senate Hovercam

Interrupts [13]

Control x2

Alter x2

Sense / Uncertain is the Futre x2

Squabbling Delegates x3

I Have You Now x2


The Point Is Conceded

Theres the deck.

..... here’s the strategy.

Strategy: ‘

Well, I hope I haven’t offended any Mexicans out there, but since I’m Mexican, I can make fun of em all I want. =-)

So, all those Mexicans {senators} do there thing in the senate.

Use Squabbling Delegates, and the higher number of senators to attempt to flip first turn.

Use IAO to get DSII DB out first turn.

Use Lotti Doddi to get out good sh1t from your force pile {its like having a Backlash deck from WWF}.

The Point Is Conceded is a nice used trackable destiny 6, which also lets you activate 1 force.

Yeb Yeb, is the freken man. Use him every turn you can, instant 1D to there deck every time, only time not to use it, is when they have a 1 for a destiny, and your going to battle.

Tikkes helps out against Honor.

Baskol provides a little extra damage when need be.

Aks Moe can be a fill in guy if need be, cuz hes a 3/3, and a 2/5, which is always good.

Hope ya like the deck.