Profit My Way

Title: Profit My Way
Author: Erich "The E-man" Hawbaker
Date: Jan 29, 2002 Rating: 4.5




Either Profit By This…


JP Audience Chamber

Han (cheapo)



Your Insight & Staging Areas


Home One DB

Spaceport DB

T DB 94

T Obi Wan’s Hut

T Cantina


2x Han with Blaster

2x Master Luke

2x Leia with Blaster

Chewbacca, Enraged

Chewie with Blaster

Lando with Vibro Axe

Lando with Blaster

2x Qui Gon Jinn

Ben Kenobi

Obi Wan, Padawan Learner

Dash Rendar

Biggs Darklighter

Lt Blount

Corran Horn



2x Landing Claw

2x Mercenary Armor

Luke’s Lightsabre

Anakin’s Lightsabre

Qui Gon’s Lightsabre

Jedi Lightsabre


Millenium Falcon


Red Leader in Red 1

Gold Leader in Gold 1


2x It Could Be Worse

2x Rebel Barrier

2x Narrow Escape

2x Someone Who Loves You

2x Sorry About The Mess


I Know

Life Debt


Bo Shuda

A Gift

Lightsabre Proficency

Scramble ‘

Strategy: ‘

I guess the only thing I need to explain is some of my card choices. The Landing Claws are to block drains in the air, this is a ground intensive deck and I don’t have room to devote any more to space. I can fight unless I’m seriously overwhelmed. Sorry About The Mess can get rid of some enemy characters before I fight or before I move away, and it is legal to use it with lightsabres. Lt Blount is insurance against ISB, I got stomped by an ISB deck at states last year with this deck and ISB is one of the tougher matchups I’ll have to deal with. Mercenary Armor, Panic, Life Debt, and I Know are all life insurance for Han, whether I’m whipping out a buddy for him or adding destinies when he’s getting battled. Since cheapo Han is an alien, he can’t be battled at Audience Chamber while I have Bo Shuda out. Corran Horn can also protect him from Arica. All the sites are for generation and to spread out to after I flip, and I won’t pull Obi’s Hut or Cantina unless I need force or if I’m sure I can control them. Finally, Biggs Darklighter is in here because he’s the man. Tatooine native, best friend of Luke, hero of Yavin, and definately underappreciated. I never make a deck without him, and please don’t reduce my rating just for that. Well, I think that’s about it. Thank you for your time. ‘