The Five Senses

Title: The Five Senses
Author: Legolas "Legolas_" Greenleaf
Date: Feb 5, 2002 Rating: 4.5





Naboo TPGC

Naboo TPG

Deep Hatred


(Ten shields, whatever turns you on)


Tatooine Podrace Arena

Sebulba’s Podracer

Boonta Eve Podrace

Watto’s Box


Blockade Flagship Bridge

Imp. Holotable


Lord Maul x4

Emperor Palpy x4

EPP Vader x2

Broken Fett (R3)

Tech M’or x2



Darth Maul’s Double-Bladed Lightsaber x2


3720 to 1 x2

The Phantom Menace x2

Visage of the Emperor x2

S & D


Force Lightning x2

Podracer Collision x4

Masterful Move/EO

Masterful Move x2

Stunning Leader x3


Sense/Uncertain is the Future x5

Maul Strikes x2


Vader’s Obsession

Holonet Transmission x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Editor’s Note #1 Yes, I expect them to use shields. The whole point is that they run out of shields and can’t stop what else I’m doing. Please read the strategy before rating

This deck uses the 5 senses and a host of other cards to decimate your opponent. BTW, you should label over each of the Sense in the title of the combo(in sleeves, of course). One with Sound, one with Taste, one with Touch, one with Sight, and one with Smell. Always gets a laugh plus it looks cool in TR’s when you say “Man, hearing was rocking today. He sensed 3 cards” Heh heh

Props to Brad Reinholds because I got the main idea for this deck from his deck, “Defensive Shield, It’s What’s For Dinner v2.0” which if you haven’t check’d it out before, than I suggest you do.

Okay, this decks premise is to get the opponent to play shields and then cause damage. Lots and Lots of damage You start Podracing which is a good card swing and will lure out at least one shield, if not two or three. The light shield needs to keep it close to be as effective, so I play four collisions to remove their destiny. You then have Numbers, S&D, and drains and others to prevent problems. You play a lot of SAC, so you can counter most any annoying interrupt and Alter those nasty Projections or Honor. I know you have four 7’s in the deck, which is bad for sensing, but that makes it easier to win the race and let’s you always win combat because you can pull them. I usually pull them early game, and then keep track of them to prevent messed up senses.

Early Game Get Lord Maul with stick to the Core, and Palpy with Janus to the Generator. Win the race and start draining. If they come early, Maul sends two people per battle to the used pile. Against Palpy, Stunning Leader and then Force Lightning is evil. You have 2 Holonet Transmission to get Janus.

Mid game You should be causing at least 4 damage a turn due to various things. Drop Tech M’or, insert, fry Janus if he’s on table, and then make the Future uncertain til’ it pops. Usually good for at least 7. You should also be combating at this point.

Late Game if they’ve got this far, use Vader/Fett to mutilate them where they’re weak. Continue draining/combating. Try to pull of an Obsession for extra retrievel.


High Destiny High destiny is always tech. This deck has a great destiny average. Here’s the layout of stuff that starts in your deck

O’s 2=0

1’s 8=8

2’s 6=12

3’s 10=30

4’s 1=4

5’s 11=55

6’s 9=54

7’s 4=28

Total 51 cards, 191destiny total=3.75 approx. average.

Holonet Transmission between this and 5 senses, your opponent will never cancel the Holotable. Also Pulls Janus or Vader from the Used which is great if you just retrieved one of them

Broken Fett Him plus vader equals three Destiny and a Forfiet zero Character. Not bad at all

Force Lightning awesome when combined with stunning leader. Stop the battle, fry a character, then combat next turn.

Sense cancels all kinds of nasty interrupts. The combo is great for popping inserts. Tight card

Palpy he’s awesome in this deck Combats, pulls and uses lightning, sense almost without fear, all around awesome card.

EPP Vader messes up your numbers if left on table, so he just goes on beat down trips. Can combat, if necessary.

Lord Maul Gotta love extra force loss Really important so four copies.

Tech M’or Numbers bait. High destiny

No space? It’s not worth it. Playing Zuckuss would require multiple back up cards and Lateral damage and stuff. You have enough to pay for drains as is. S&D kills decks with space anyway. Besides, no one plays the regular battle plan or combo, only the shield. That means if they play it, they’re helping you.

You play the same against every deck and there’s nothing really difficult to deal with. Just play smart, and stop whatever they’re trying to pull. Hope you enjoyed it,

Legolas ’Legolas_’ Greenleaf