Palpadude’s Endor Operations

Title: Palpadude’s Endor Operations
Author: Alan "Palpadude" Sutton
Date: Feb 6, 2002 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (9)

Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost


Endor Bunker

Endor Landing Platform

Prepared Defenses

Conduct Your Search

Crush The Rebellion

You Cannot Hide Forever & Mobilization Points

Fear Is My Ally

Locations (2)

Endor Back Door


Characters (20)

Emperor Palpatine

Lord Vader x2

Darth Maul, Young Apprentice

Janus Greejatus

Grand Moff Tarkin

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Piett

Commander Merrejk

Major Marquand

Lieutenant Watts

Navy Trooper Fenson

Sergeant Barich

Sergeant Elsek

Sergeant Irol

Corporal Avarik

Corporal Drelosyn

Corporal Misik


Weapons (3)

Vader’s Lightsaber

Maul’s Double-Bladed Lightsaber

AT-ST Dual Cannon

Starships (7)




Death Squadron Star Destroyer

Boba Fett In Slave 1

Dengar In Punishing One

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Vehicles (5)

Tempest Scout 2

Tempest Scout 4

Tempest Scout 5

Tempest Scout 6

Speeder Bike

Admirals Orders (1)

Battle Deployment

Effects (7)

Closed Door

Enter The Bureaucrat

Establish Secret Base

Lateral Damage

Ominous Rumors

Perimeter Patrol

Relentless Tracking

Interrupts (6)

Endor Occupation

Evader & Monnok

I Have You Now

Imperial Command x2


Defensive Shields (10)

A Useless Gesture

Allegations Of Corruption

Battle Order

Come Here You Big Coward

Do They Have A Code Clearance?



Secret Plans

We’ll Let Fate-a Decide, Huh?

You’ve Never Won A Race? ‘

Strategy: ‘

Response to bad reviews

vader69, I only have 6 troopers, not 8. And I never have several at one site. I just need to control 3 sites with troopers or AT-STs to flip the objective. Then I use the rest to lose when I need to lose a card or two, and get them back during my draw phase. I dont need trooper assault because I would never get a chance to use it (unless I wanted to use it on one or two troopers). Troopers are not the main source of my ground power.

Now, back to the strategy

This deck relies on the Closed Door/Perimeter Patrol combination to slow down my opponent?s attempts to attack me on Endor.

First turn, before I activate, I use Conduct Your Search to take the Back Door into hand, and use Mobilization Points to take the Executor, and then if I know I?m not facing a numbers deck, I toss YCHF & Mob Points to the lost pile to take Perimeter Patrol (or Relentless Tracking if I already have PP). Then I activate, then use Endor Operations to take Ominous Rumors into hand, and deploy it.

If I get any biker scouts or Fenson, I deploy them to the Bunker along with Perimeter Patrol. Next turn I take Establish Secret Base and Closed Door into hand, deploy characters to the Back Door and Landing Platform, and deploy Closed Door and Establish Secret Base, and flip Endor Operations.

Then I start to concentrate on space. First thing I do in space is play Imperial Command to look for Piett, then use him to look for Merrejk, then use him to deploy Sullust from Reserve deck. Once I can afford the Executor, I deploy it, and keep playing more ships as I get them to Endor and Sullust.

With Endor Operations flipped, its very easy to survive in space, and if I get Vader and Tarkin together its even easier. They wont get any destiny. Unless my opponent has some trick up their sleeve to block my Force drains, I can Force drain for 2 at the Back Door, 1 at the Landing Platform, 5 at Endor, and 4 at Sullust (unless I deploy Chiraneau, then its 6 at Endor and 5 at Sullust).

If my opponent deploys an Undercover spy to an Endor site, I can put Relentless Tracking on the spy to make him lose 3 Force each turn.

Endor Occupation is in there mainly for preventing any celebrating. The other part of it can come in handy too sometimes. ‘