Agents of The Killing People

Title: Agents of The Killing People
Author: James "Capt Pellean" Sowden
Date: Feb 7, 2002 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Agents Of Black Sun/Vengeance Of The Dark Prince

Coruscant Imperial City

Prince Xizor

Coruscant (Special Edition)

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Arrest Order & Secret Plans

Mobilization Points

You Cannot Hide Forever (DSII)

Fear Is My Ally

10 Sheilds of your choice

Characters (17)

Emperor Palpatine x5

Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter

Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle

Prince Xizor

Guri x2


IG-88 With Riot Gun

Dengar With Blaster Carbine

4-Lom With Concussion Rifle

Vigo x2 Djas Puhr

Starships (4)

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter x2


Locations (3)


Death Star Docking Bay 327

Coruscant Docking Bay (Special Edition)

Effects (10)

Death Mark

Enter The Bureaucrat x2

Lateral Damage

Crush The Rebellion

No Escape

First Strike

Search And Destroy

Presence Of The Force x2

Interrupt (17)

Force Lightning x2

I Have You Now

Jabba’s Through With You

Main Course

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Imperial Barrier


Blow Parried x2

Projective Telepathy

Sense & The Future Is Uncertain

Evader & Monnok

Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us

Control & Set For Stun x2

Weapons (1)


Strategy: ‘

——I would like to apologize about calling the Jedi homos and for those who read it and figured I was making fun of gay people and also if you were ofended by it I apologize for saying that, it was never my intent to offend anybody and it is being changed.——

—-I have been thinking about putting in Sebula’s Kart cause it seems alot of people are playing podracing again, if you got any thoughts on that please post that.——-

I am not gonna say this deck is the best cause its not the best till you play the best in the world and seeing that I have never gotten to play the best its not the best. The starting in this deck is pretty basic with all the new cards and stuff. The one thing you might be looking at is why I chose to start “You Cannot Hide Forever”. Well I start it because the new most popular deck is LS Combat with some numbers. I know the sheild cancels the numbers but it doesn’t make the Jedi defensive value -1, which might not seem like a lot but when you have a lot of bounty hunters that have guns or can capture its very good. Since I don’t start with Crush The Rebellion I have been thinking about taking it out and putting in a drop just to put more cards down during my control phase, but I don’t know so if you have any thoughts on that just post it with your rating.

This deck basically is to give yourself a @#$% load of force without giving your opponent that much. Like the dude who made the Dark Surgeon deck “giving your opponent force is like saying I want to let you beat me and I wanna give you the force to do it” and this deck definatly doesn’t give up a lot of force and basically it is a DS choke deck with a big beat down.

Set Up & How To Play

Before you activate pull kaut if you need too for some activation, if you don’t then keep it in your deck for some tracking to use for overload. First turn pull the Coruscant docking bay and put it down with kuat(if you needed it). If you get a Guri in your hand first turn which for some reason I always do and same with a Presence of The Force and have enough force to move Xizor over to the docking back with Guri there then flip your card first turn, other than that keep her in your hand and don’t flip your card. I am the cautious type so I try to flip my card with some back-up for Xizor but its up to you. If you have an Empy in your hand, which you should cause there is 5 and you are playing a non LS Combat then try to put him down, if possible since he is a hard target to get rid of him. Keep your bounty hunters in your hand for beat downs for the rest of the game unless you really need to protect some sites or use it to get rid of Menace Fates

Middle of the game you should have your Obj. flipped if you don’t that pesky nerd Luke is down and that means you need to kill him. The Best way to do that is put Snoova with the Ax and Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter. You have an amazing chance of capturing him with the Ax. Don’t worry about having to pay the maintainace for the Boba, since you generate enough force in this deck that its not even funny. If your lucky enough to capture Luke your obj. is flipped and you can go back to kicking some serious ass. Also you should have your Vigo’s down force draining with the Empy and any other place you can find to force drain.

Last few turns of the game, you should have everything set up with the Vigos down and force draining like a beast and just killing your opponent and eventually winning the game.

Card Explainantions

Blow Parried x2 Your probably wondering why I have this in my deck, well basically it is an amazing card and not just for a DS combat. First if your obj. is flipped you get to put one card down in your used to pill to look at your force pill. You don’t have to shuffle it so if you see something you really need then use some force play Blow Parried and there you got your card. It saves you waiting another turn to beat the crap out of your opponent. Also against LS combat it cancels their combat card and causes them to draw destiny and subract one off it. It also cancels clash of sabers and glancing blow, which is just amazing. Its also used, so you can keep on playing it as many times as you want.

Overload I use this card since I hate weapons especially those nerd X-Wing Laser Cannons, with Rebel Artillerary. The cannon is a 5 destiny so its pretty easy to hit and when you are attacking in space you can also see if you have the right destiney to get rid of it. Also the new Qui-Gon’s lightsaber is also a 5 destiny and you can easily overload that pesky @#$% and if you never pulled the Death Star Docking bay then you can make him lost too.

Death Mark WYS is even bigger around here the LS Combat just cause a lot of use to have Ref III or naboo. What you do is deploy Death Mark to Corsucat Imperial City and target a smuggler and from now on they gotta lose 1 force during their control phase and its almost impossible to get to Imperial city so it makes them loose a lot of force and if they do pick it up the smuggler goes to their used pile, so it’s a bonus you get rid of one of their good smugglers and make them lose force. It’s a win win situation and if that homo summgler is at Kessel draing for a lot, put enter the Bureacrat and only lose one force there and they are still losing 1 force and when you are ready go and slaughter that homo. My fav combo is Zuckuss in Mist Hunter, With 4-Lom and Boba, Bounty Hunter. You get 4 destiny and the opponent most likely gets no destiny.

Snoova Snoova is the capturing king. You can easily capture anybody including those nerd jedi.

Playing most common decks

Agents VS Combat this deck just slaughters it. It captures their jedi with no trouble and since you only have one Dark Jedi their card will be rarely flipped unless you gotta stick him down there and in that case I was actually thinking about putting in a Naboo Docking Bay just in case

Agents VS WYS I am not gonna even waste my time talking about this deck. (sorry to all those WYS fans, I used to be one too, till I started playing LS combat. WYS is just a @#$% deck even if played right, it doesn’t have much activating or power to it and with all the new cards it is even worse.

Agents VS QMC I have no clue about this deck since no one in my area plays it, so I will have to let you try the deck to decide if it works good. I am assuming it does cause this is a very very strong deck.

Thanks for looking at my deck, and have fun playing it and killing those homo jedi. Any comments you have or for more explaination on this deck mail me about it.