There Is The Best In Ewoks V2 0

Title: There Is The Best In Ewoks V2 0
Author: Nico "Tusken84" Kreidl
Date: Feb 7, 2002 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (11)

There Is Good In Him

Chiéf’s Hut

Endor DB

I Feel The Conflict

R II Luke (read below)

AAAoF (Starting Effect)

HFTMF (Starting Interrupt)

Ewok Celebration

Strike Planning

Staging Areas


Charackters (30)

[20 Ewoks]

Ewok Sentry 10x






Graak 2x

Kazak 2x


General Solo

Daughter Of Skywalker

Chewie Of Kasshyyk

Major Panno

Tawas Khaa


Itorian 3x

General Crix


Locations (3)

Landing Site

Back Door

Hidden Forest Trail


Interrupts (11)

Nar Shaddaa Wind Shimes & Out Of Somewhere 2x

We Wish To Border At Once 2x

Hojix & Out Of Nowhere 2x

Inconsequential Barrier 2x

Rebel Barrier 2x

Free Ride & Endor Celebration

Total 55

Effects (5)

Bargain Table


Bacta Tank


Mant. Sarvip

Total 60

Defensiv Shields


Aim High

Insert Protection

whatever you want to add [SAC Protection etc]

Strategy: ‘


1) This isn*t just a fun deck

2) I will make the best Ewok deck out there and one of the best LS decks, so be sure that V2.1 … etc will follow.

3) Don*t review my English, review my deck please.


Thanx To ALL who review this deck and like it

I hope you will build it and make some games and that you don*t review it just to get more tech points.


Armaedes wrote

Unless you play space, Staging Areas is a wasted card slot (Fanfare). You probably don’t need 2 Houjix, but whatever works for you. I think the Bith Shuffle combo is better than Inconsquential Barriers for cancelling Imp. Barrier because it is a higher-destiny and recycles more easily. Nice deck, anyway.


I dont know, the review of Black Viper wasnt that wrong.

But yeah, you are right… Unless I play space, staging ares will get suspendet. But first They must have the defensive shield card in the pile + they use one of three…

maybe I gonna add some inserts.. [thinking about Anger Fear Agression].

Armaedes also wrote

I have thought RST Ewoks would be a good platform, but it is SO hard to flip - oh well. TIGIH is a great platform if you aren’t gonna need Luke.


Yes, TIGIH is the best platform for an Ewok drain deck.

Of course, thats 11 start cards, but Its worth it, because

1) you start with one great effect (stacking)

2) You start with two locations

3) You get one of the best charackters out right at the beginning.

Black Viper wrote

  • Sound The Attack lost is ALWAYS worth the card slot. I played 3. They’re great destiny, you most certainly CAN use the used part (what secret are you keeping from your opponent? MORE EWOKS?).

  • Why does everyone play Crix to pull Chewie to pull Wuta? SCREW CHEWIE Wuta is a scout, people Use crix to pull Wuta and take a fairly useless destiny 1 card out of your deck for something helpful. You’re playing deploy 1, power 7 characters. Who needs Chewie’s power 6?


two good points I won*t ignore that. specially the chewie part. I am d-mailing with Meto about space… check out the 2.1 version please


Here*s the strategy which was already standing in V1.0

First Dont review it bad, because you dont like Ewoks and review it not until you

read the whole stretagy. Thxs


First of all, I will make a new There Is The Best In Ewoks.

But here are the responses I am going to answer, because I don*t think that they are right. If you think not the same just d-mail me.

Wickey wrote

okay, this deck is good, but add in some high destinys. you will get slaughtered to a deck that has sixes tracked, drop most of the unique ewoks for destinys.


I*m sorry but you need at least 10 unique Ewoks because

the senrtys react only to unique ewoks + thats the real use of ”Ewok Celebration” + The Ewoks dont have a bad Destiny for charackters.

Wickey also wrote

if you are worried about retrieval go to the deck, rst. blow the bunker and retreive 8, that is not that might want to add some space to hold a sight so that you don’t get hurt by battle order. though if there are alot of big blue just play what you said, the she’ll be alright. you do need higher destinys but other than that it looks really good.


NO, There Is Good In Him is a better platform to play because you need your Hut [security for walkers, spy (WUTA)]. + You have better activation [objective, panno, staging areas] so Battle Plan isn*t that problem. OKay, staging areas can be suspended.

Okay, the big blue problem. I played twice against a big blue deck. If you don*t make a mistake you will win the drain race (they loose from top of reserve deck).

There isn*t enough slots for space, believe me. I tried (before Coruscant). I am thinking about to add some space, but I will let you know in the new strategy section.

Duke Devil wrote

probably the best ewok deck out there, but the problem is that ewoks don’t beat a whole lotta things, even if u do beat the occasional hunt down.


they have beaten Hunt Down decks, BHBM decks, Big Blue Decks, Dark Deal decks, TIES…what else can DS play? I looking foward to add someting against Watto. But I didn*t play against it. The direct Damage ain early game is hard…

check out V2.0 coming soon.

Officer Evax wrote something I am thinking about…


Okay, everyones knows Strike Planning pulls Solo

and Crix Madine Madine pulls your scout (first

turn Chewie, who puts Wuta who puts your 3 sites)

Madine pulls also your Sentrys which you can use

to chancel drains (Bargain Table).


A Guy I know was playing a similar deck (based by this deck)and I saw the game. He always forgot to stack cards on ”I Feel The Conflict”. I realized that I sometimes forget that too. But thats one of the most powerful cards what opponent doesnt expect. NEVER forget to stack

Once I won the game by crossing Vader.


here are some Cards

Ewok Sentries

YEAH, deploy 1 and May deploy as a react or may move as a react (for FREE) to a battle with a unique Ewok…

I think thats the second suprise for the DS (FIRST is that you ARE playing Ewoks)… I like the spearmen too, but I think thats the better way of playing it.

Kazak Adds 1 to force drains whereever you have an ewok

Graak LS mosep

Loogray Adds One to battle dest. where you have an ewok

Teebo Adds one to forfeit (2 if with Logray) to forfeit of each Ewok.

Wicket Track and Execlude

Romba + Major Panno Adds Force Generation

Wuta Puts the Sites

Okay, that means you have tons of activation

Your Ewok Sentry (forfeit 1) can get up to forfeit 8

This Deck is one of the best Ewoks deck out there.

I don’t use Spearman because I think to react is one of the best you can do with Ewoks.

NEVER LEAVE ENDOR (execpt with EPP Obi for a single beatdown ( TRACK and be sure opponent doesn*t play Barrier )

The basic of SW;CCG is the activation…

You activate ( if oppenent doesn*t get a Imperial )7 Force

(if opponent doesn*t give you 1 force) If he gives you one force you can get Crix, chewie, Wuta on table, so your sites can be pulled. If not, move Luke to the DB and activate next turn 9 force ( 7 if he plays anti Mob.Points stuff, but then he has to play one of three Defensiv Shields, and thats a good aim, so ”Either Way, you win.

You get activation of 10 if oppenets catch Luke, and DOESN*t give you any Force that’s enough for you cheap Ewoks

Retrivial is bad, so use Firin, Reaflection…

Reflection allows you to retrieve one force for paying 3.

Doesn*t sound much.

But 3 turn=3 force

10 turns=10 force

Ultimatum is the best Defensiv shield you have Don*t forget

Every game is the same Drain until your opponent decides to

come to Endor… and at that point he has lost the game…

Here are the card changes I have made

R II Luke FOR D*II Luke

We Wish To Border At Once (2x) FOR The Signal (2x) [If you haven*t WWTBAO twice use Signal]

Hojix & Out Of Nowhere (2x) FOR one Signal and one Hoijix

Pabloo FOR Lumat

Free Ride & Endor Celebration FOR Chief Chirpa

Inconsequential Barriers (2x) FOR one EPP Obi and one A Jedi Resilience

Rebel Barrier (x2) FOR one EPP Obi and one A Jedi Resilience

Okay… let*s start with the start

Why RII Luke…??

I often move Luke to that DB for exxxtra activation and for draining… there is really nasty card called „Always Thinking With Your Stomach“. I remebered that the @#$%-Luke is immune to that card, so he is IN. If you still think your Jedi Luke is better, use him instead of RII Luke.

Why „We Wish To Border At Once“..?

This card pulls also your effects + in late game it pulls itself without paying force.

Why „Hojix & Out Of Nowhere“ and why still no space?

There is no space because that would be too card intensive. You can still beat opponent with drain potential if he plays big blue. I can*t add „Han,Chewie And The Falcon“ because they are on ground

Believe it or not, this deck is better without space..But why the Hojix Combo? It*s a destiny 2 instead of 1 and you can still use the best function of that interrupt.

Why „Pabloo“ ?

Yeah, you can pull Lumat… but you can also pull Pabloo (crix)…. who pulls Free Ride…

I realized that the tracking of the v1.0 was bad… you could only track the three signals…

But now you can track your barriers (four cards), we wish to border at once and Free Ride… what allows you also to look at your opponent hand (one card)… and if you are lucky steal one vehicle.. that*s nice…

So what is better in that deck…

You realized that I*m still not using „Sound the attack“…

I needed cards for tracking… and you cant play „Sound The Attack“ on used function. Sure you can, but do you want that DS looks through your deck? The lost function of that card sounds nice but you get destinys from the Effect „Ewok Celebration“. You dont need that card…

What about 7evens like „Ewok Catapult“? Yeah, two of the catapults and two „sound the attack“, thats a nice combo. But how do you get the sevens back?… ASP droids… but then you need two of them…isnt that to much stratgy for one deck??

That are six cards If you tell me what six cards I can drop for that combo I will do that… but I can*t find that six cards… Maybe the last six cards

Pabloo and Free Ride Combo

And the four Barriers ( 2x Rebel Barrier and 2x Inconsequential Barrier )…

What do you think about it?

Why did I drop the 2x EPP Obi…

I always though I can use him for a single beatdown, but that didnt work. This new deck have playtestet and its more defensive and that*s better for an Ewok deck I play it since September.

I was asked by d-mail how I can beat DS…

Yeah, there are ways to beat opponent…

1) draining

2) beatdown and reactions with ewoks

3) the flipped side of the objective

Here are some Matchups

Hunt Down

Hard matchup, but not impossible.

Be carefull and stay in the Hut until you can beatdown him once our twice. Stack Cards on I Feel The Conflict and get Luke to Vader.

Against Space Drains Decks

Drain for 3 at Back Door

Drain for 2 from Landing Site and Forest Trail

There*s at least one Itorian out, so you drain for

8 from reserve deck If you suspect a lot of Big Blue Decks

you can add I hope she is alright (for one of your four barriers)

Against Endor decks

LoL, you will beat him because nobody supects Ewok (so WHO uses Imperial Tyranny??) Even if he suspects, you can use the Trail Forest Game Text, you can React, use bacta tank…


hardest matchup, but the same as Hunt Down


Watto decks often give you the damage in the first three turns,… after that your drains will hurt him…

Safe force… and loose two instead of use… instead you have one of your Rebel Barriers in your hand…

If you suspect Watto add Lost In The Wilderness.

Thanx to all who like this deck

Keep the game alive

Nico Kreidl ‘