Killing In The Name

Title: Killing In The Name
Author: Chris "vader69" Seymour
Date: Feb 13, 2002 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Quiet mining colony/independent operation


Cloud city west gallery

Heading for the medical frigate

Keeping the empire out forever

Menace fades

Squadron assignments

An unusual amount of fear

Characters (18)

Arcona x4

Luke with lightsaber x2

Obi wan with lightsaber x2

Lando calrissian, scoundrel x2

Chewie enraged x2

Leia with blaster rifle

Captain Han

Derek hobbie klivian

Dash rendar

Wedge Antilles, rogue squadron leader

Threepio with his parts showing

Starships (5)


Millennium falcon

Red squadron 1

Red squadron 4

Red 8

Locations (3)

Cloud city carbonite chamber

Cloud city leia`s guest quarters

Coruscant jedi council chamber

Weapons (7)

Intruder missile x3

x-wing laser cannon x2

Ewok catapult x2

Effects (4)

Cloud city celebration x2

A vergeance in the force x2

Interrupts (15)

Path of least resistance x3

Jedi presence x3

Clash of sabers x2

Gift of the mentor x2

All wings report in/darklighter spin

A jedi`s resilience x2

A jedi`s escape x2

Defensive shields

Battle plan

Your insight serves you well

Don`t do that again

Ounee ta

A tragedy has occured

Aim high

Only jedi carry that weapon

Another pathetic lifeform

Your ship

A close race

Strategy: ‘

PLEASE NOTE take out a intruder missile for bren quersey, pilot of red 8

You can get a site out from reserve deck, using the objective to give you more force generation; coruscant Jedi council chamber is in there for more activation. You really need to get bespin under control. The starships in the deck are quite powerful and x-wing laser cannons are really good. Start putting your arconas down on the sites; they are very good for cloud city celebration. The intruder missiles and ewok catapults are in there just for the destiny 7.

If the opponent plays ground which they probably do, get the cards for the beatdown, flipping your objective with the arconas helps this. Keeping the empire out forever lets you take a card from the force pile every turn, which helps you get the cards. Youve got most of the good mains with very good power and jedi presence makes rebels double power when youve got a light Jedi. Clash of sabers can exclude a character from battle, Gift of the mentor adds 2 battle destiny when obi wan and luke are together. Threepio with parts showing can recycle a card.

A vergeance in the force limits the opponents drain down to 1 if they drain for 3 or more. Menace fades shuts down the opponents force drain modifiers when your occupying ground and space. Here are a few matchups.

-vs- invasion

Start by getting site from reserve deck for more activation, put down ships to bespin, they are quite cheap with their pilots so it shouldn`t take that long, if they play on naboo, wait till you have got good cards so you can battle them and make them lose a lot of battle druids or lots of force, retrieve force with cloud city celebration every turn unless they play endor occupation. Gift of the mentor adds battle destiny creating more attrition and battle damage.

-vs- tatooine draining deck

You need to control bespin as soon as possible with your ships, the arconas only cost 2 force so you can get menace fades up and running, therefore shuts down their force drain bonuses.

Once you`ve flipped the objective you can get a card from force pile every turn getting good mains and a jedi presence into your hand giving you the cards for the beatdown, retrieve with cloud city celebration and play vergeance early on in the game to limit a force drain.

-vs- huntdown

Start like usual getting your sites from reserve deck, it depends if they play on naboo or tatooine or docking bays, try to control bespin as early as possible and put down a laser cannon so you can shoot an opponents starship, if they come down to you, you can react away from the battle, if they think your just playing arconas for the celebration, get the cards for a beatdown and surprise them, if you put down the jedi and they initiate a duel you can play jedi escape to cancel it and move away that character. Youve got cards that add battle destiny which is very handy since youve got some good destiny, retrieve with cloud city celebration.

-vs- lightsaber combat

Start like usual getting your sites out for force generation and you know they play ground so get the cards for the beatdown, clash of sabers can exclude a big character, if they play maul with lightsaber he`s not immune to it so better for you, if they have a big early drain before you do something to them, play vergeance to limit it right down, retrieve with the celebration, and if they come to space try and kick them off with your starships and shoot them with your cannons.