Hidden Bothan Version 1 1

Title: Hidden Bothan Version 1 1
Author: Sean "einnobevoli" Weigold
Date: Feb 18, 2002 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers

Kiffex (Hidden Base)

Rendezvous Point

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Battle Plan & Draw Their Fire


Squadron Assignments

An Unusual Amount Of Fear

(Ten Defensive Shields)

Locations (8)








Spaceport Docking Bay


Bothawui Operative x 5


Bren Quersey

Chewie With Blaster Rifle

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol

Elyhek Rue

Lando With Blaster Pistol

Lieutenant Naytaan

Luke With Lightsaber

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x 2


Padme Naberrie

Qui-Gon Jinn With Lightsaber

Tawss Khaa

Theron Nett

Starships (6)

Lando In Millennium Falcon

Red 7

Red 8

Red 9

Red 10

Red Leader in Red 1

Weapons (3)

X-wing Laser Cannon x 3

Interrupts (11)

Organized Attack x 2

The Signal x 2

Power Pivot

Put That Down x 2

It’s A Trap x 2

Rebel Barrier x 2

Effects (4)

Goo Nee Tay

Menace Fades


Legendary Starfighter

Strategy: ‘


For anyone who cares, this deck did pretty well

at Megacon this weekend. It went 2-0 with +25 and

+20. Helped me get second place.

—————–End Update———————-

Destiny Layout

Starting – 8

0s – 8

1s – 9

2s – 10

3s – 9

4s – 9

5s – 7

Total 60 cards, 127 total destiny

127/52 = 2.44 average destiny


First Turn

Draw your eight cards. Activate 3 + what your opponent gives away. Deploy Bothawui from reserve deck with hidden base. Immediately follow up by deploying <>Spaceport Docking Bay from deck with insurrection to Bothawui. Now check your hand. If you have a Bothawui operative, and a backup character put them on the docking bay, and get out another site. Preferably the forest. If you don’t have a backup character, or operative, or you don’t have enough force draw up until you get both. Save the rest.

Second Turn

Activate 6 + whatever your opponent gives up, or if you deployed an operative, 7. Get out sullust, or Kiffex. Your choice. By this time you should have enough force, and hand cards to get out an operative if you didn’t earlier. Put them down at the docking bay and get out a site. If you did have one, get out the other <>site. Now you have a choice of either deploying some ships, or backing up your characters on the ground depending on your hand. Make sure not to leave the poor guys on the ground open to beatdowns. Draw anything you have left.

Third Turn

Activate 9, or 10 + opponent. Get out either Kiffex, or Sullust whichever you didn’t deploy earlier. Also if you didn’t have an operative out first turn get out your last site. Back up the space, and start to power up on ground. This is the turn where you start to really role and have to watch out for beatdowns. If the opponent is being annoying with drains, try to signal for menace fades, or play projection of a skywalker, or boushh. Make sure to start getting cards for a space kickout, so that your opponent has to use 3 each turn to drain you.

Fourth Turn

Activate 11 + opponent. Start to kick your drains up, and get out Coruscant. Move any ships you have hanging over Bothawui there. Continue to reinforce the ground, and try to spread out to two sites. Make sure that you don’t leave yourself open to beatdown. Focus on the forest and jungle, because of their good text. Put an operative, and at least two backup guys at each one, so you can drain for 2 and 2 on the ground. Get out any remaining ships and draw.

Fifth Turn

Activate 12 + opponent. Drain for 2/2/1. Deploy Kessel from your deck and flip Hidden Base. If you have any ships in your hand, put them at either Kessel or Kiffex depending on how much space your opponent has. If you are afraid of a beatdown, stay in the core at kiffex and coruscant. If you think you can get away with it, hold Kessel. Make sure you continue to reinforce your sites. If your opponent is doing scary things on the ground, and you are afraid he might come down after you, you might want to just move everyone to the forest and drain there. Otherwise, continue to hold your two sites. Shift your ships around, so you have at least two at each system you want to drain at. Make sure you have an organized attack in hand, if opponent is playing any space.

Sixth Turn

This is the game winner right here. If you manage to last this long, you’ve pretty much got the game won. You can drain for at least 7 by this point, but hopefully 10. You should be canceling a bunch of your opponent’s drains. Whenever you smell a beatdown, make sure you can hold it off. If opponent manages to wipe you off of the ground, you can still win by spreading out in space and draining. If the opponent scans your base, it’s no big deal either. All it does is prevent you from canceling his drains. Continue the buildup of forces at your sites/systems and drain the hell out of your opponent for a victory.

More stuff

This deck is very effective, if your opponent leaves you alone. He might think that he can outdrain you, but with Menace Fades and Hidden Base, you can totally wipe him out. The only trouble this deck has is that it is slow to set up, and vulnerable to beatdowns. Maul with Saber is this deck’s worst enemy. For version 1.1 of this deck, I added It’s a Trap x 2, Rebel Barrier x 2, and Put that down x 2. These interrupts help to prevent beat-downs, and save my characters. I didn’t just put six of one of them, because of grabbers. Put that down doesn’t really stop beat-downs, but it saves my characters from weapon shots because attrition usually isn’t much of a problem. Your guys at the forest are immune to it, and at the jungle attrition is – 2. If they are playing heavy space, you can just blow them out of the sky with x-wing cannons, and orgy attack. S-foils is a big helper in defending your systems, but its not necessary. Power Pivot is in there to take out the Executor in case it hits that table. Zuckuss in his ship is annoying, but organized attack and X-wing Cannons help in a big way. The planet selection are great. If the opponent beats down either Kessel or Coruscant, they will be stuck there unless they have a hyperspeed of 5. Every ship in this deck can move between Sullust, and Kiffex, so it doesn’t create a problem for you. Now for the deck matchups.


Drain race. You might want to consider starting Menace Fades instead of hoping to draw a signal. If you decide to start it, take out the battle plan combo, since they will probably be occupying a system anyway. Play normally, and ride out with your drain modifiers. When the Executor hits the table, try to power pivot it. Otherwise just run. The opponent can’t move to Bothwui anyway because its too far from Bespin for the Executor to go to. With their dark deal not adding anything, the opponent may get pissed off and try to beat you down. If you think you can do it, beat down on cloud city with your ships, but try to keep your characters away.

Against Hunt Down

Keep Obi and Luke off of the ground unless you have some tracked 5’s. Dominate in the air, while losing to visage. It will take it’s toll, but your drains will hurt more. Make sure your sites are doubly reinforced and expect a few beatdowns coming your way. Other than that, just play it safe.

Against Saber Combat

Stay away from Naboo. Don’t even go close to it. Drain and drain and hope you win the drain race. This is a tough matchup, but you will win if you set up fast, and play carefully. Watch out for Maul w/ his stick, because he will slice you up faster than you can say Pizza Delivery. Remember to get big drains in space.

Against Court

Easy win. Stay off Tatooine and lose the stupid one force per turn. Expect Zuckuss in his ship to come out, and stay prepared for it. Slice up the little bounty hunters that try to invade, and blow up their ships with X-wing cannons if they try to fly around.

Against Invasion

Damn droids. Anyway stay away from Naboo sites. Naboo sucks anyway. Set up normally, and only occupy Coruscant. Save your other ships in your hand and prepare for a beat down on the naboo system. Unless the opponent has some annoying junk there, get an orgy attack, and bring down the roof. Try to take out the annoying blockade ship with overwhelming battle damage, or a tracked five. Once the opponent can’t flip, they just have to drain on the ground. Leave their droids be, and drain yourself. Watch for battle droid attacks, and take them out.

Against just about anything else

Just play defensively, and follow the instructions above.