Revised Choke Deck

Title: Revised Choke Deck
Author: Gabe "Phillipe2" Drapos
Date: Feb 18, 2002 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (1)

Heading for the medical frigate

Locations (10)


Yavin 4


Coruscant Jedi Council Chamber

Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room)

Hoth Echo Med Lab

Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Hoth Defensive Perimeter

Hoth Power Generators

Hoth Snow Trench

Ships (8)

Correlian Corvette x 4 Back up other ships

Millenium Falcon Drain in space

Outrider Drain in space

Red Squadron 4 Drain in space

Queens Royal Starship Drain in space

Characters (15)

Ric Olie Pilot Queens Royal Starship

Han Solo Pilot Millenium Falcon

Artoo, Brave Little Droid Pilot Queens Royal Starship

Derek “Hobbie” Klivian Pilot Red Squadron 4

BoSheck Pilot Millenium Falcon

Dash Rendar Pilot Outrider

Chewie, Enraged Defend various sites

Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout Defend EBO

Bothan Spy Get to sites where I don’t have presence

Jerus Jannick Defend leaders while with Leia

Princess Organa Increase force drain at Hoth

Plo Koon Protect council chamber from force drain

Yoda, Master Of The Force Protect council chamber from force drain

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Learner Defend EBO

Qui-Gon Jinn Defend EBO

Effects (17)

Traffic Control Get all of the cards I need out and put the ones I don’t back in

Haven Get extra force activation

We Didn’t Hit It Cause opponent to use more force for deploying ships

Do Or Do Not & Wise Advice Help protect my revolutions

Wars Not Make One Great Cause it to be harder for battles to be initiated

Revolution x3 Choke opponent (or increase force drain)

Logistical Delay Cause opponent to use more force to deploy ships

Civil Disorder Opponent must deploy characters or lose force

Order To Engage Opponent must initiate a battle or lose force

Nabrun Leids x 3 Get characters around

Squadron assignments Get ships and pilots out

Echo Base Operations x2 Increase force drain

Interrupts (4)

Rebel Barrier x 2 Prevent ships from moving and battling

The Signal x 2 Get effects out

Creatures (2)

Nudj x 2 Choke opponent

Weapons (3)

Anakin’s Lightsaber

Obi Wan’s Lightsaber

Qui Gon’s Lightsaber

Strategy: ‘


Starting Heading for the medical frigate. Effect 1) Do Or Do Not & Wise Advice. Effect 2) Squadron Assignments. Effect 3)We Didn’t Hit It

Starting Location Hoth Main Power Generators

Get out Traffic Control and Wars Not Make One Great as soon as possible. Continue to draw until I get Civil Disorder, Logistical Delay, and Order to Engage. At the same time getting my EBO starting. As soon as I can I will deploy nudjs and Revolutions to the majority of the locations. Get Ric Olie on the queen’s royal starship with artoo, brave little droid and deploy them to Raithal. Get Han on the falcon with BoSheck to Yavin 4. And deploy a Corellian Corvette to each of the planets. Deploy the Outrider with Dash, Red Squadron 4 with Derek, and Corellian Corvettes to various enemy planets. Drain at all of these planets. Use the rest of my characters to battle and keep the enemy busy on ground. I will arm luke obi and qui gon with their lightsabers. Once EBO is completely in position I will deploy the exterior hoth sites. I will use the lightsabers to increase the drain. Now they are being drained at both ground and space. This will prevent them from concentrating in space. Continue to drain in space while choking and battling on ground.

The Civil Disorder and Order to engage forces them to use force they might want to use in other places. With Wars not make one great it causes a player to have to use two force instead of one to initiate a battle. So they are using their force where they don’t want to. Being choked everywhere except for the places where they are being drained. And before you know it the games over.

Okay, basically it’s a choke and drain deck. I think its pretty powerful… if you could give me some suggestions that would be great