
Title: Versatality
Author: Alex "Greedo" Tennet
Date: Jan 8, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘LOCATIONS (2) Tatooine Obi-Wan’s Hut Tatooine Tosche Station

CHARACTERS (21) Ben Kenobi x2 Biggs Darklighter Chewie With Blaster Rifle Derek ‘Hobbie’ Kilivan Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 Harc Seff Kal’Falnl C’ndros Leia With Blaster Rifle x2 Luke With Lightsaber x2 Melas Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 Orrimaarko R-3PO (Ar-Threepio) Tawss Khaa Threepio Wedge Antilles

STARSHIPS (4) Gold Leader In Gold 1 Lando In Millennium Falcon Red Leader In Red 1 Tantive IV

WEAPONS (1) Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

DEVICES (1) Landing Claw

EFFECTS (13) Beggar x2 Draw Their Fire Goo Nee Tay Lightsaber Proficiency Order To Engage Revolution x5 What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? x2

INTERRUPTS (18) Alter Careful Planning Gift Of The Mentor Nabrun Leids x2 Sense x2 Shocking Information x2 Sorry About The Mess The Signal x2 Tunnel Vision x3 Were You Looking For Me? Yoda Stew x2

STRATEGY This deck molds itself around an opponent’s strategy and can quickly change its game plan if situations demand. Therefore, there is actually no set strategy for the deck. But a little explanation is in order I think….

First off, Tosche Station. Instant activation. (The start is always Obi’s Hut/Careful Planning/Tosche Station - in case there’s any doubt). The now classic first turn Obi at the Hut, who moves to the Station is of course a good early boost if you can get it. However, this is not always a possibility as we know, so feel free to substitute with another character (I’ve used Chewie for this purpose many times). Make sure you use the Station as and when you need it. It’s an important, but not necessary, aid. If you’re away fighting on Bespin with Dark Dealers or on an Operative planet, then leave someone there for an activation bonus if you think it’s safe.

Revolutions - These babies DEFINE versatality. It’s very hard for an opponent to recover from a first-turn revolution on their Coruscant or Meditation Chamber. Sensible people will of course be packing counters - really sensible people will have a contingency plan for when their Evader is caught by a grabber (like the kind seen under the section labelled ‘Effects’ -) Use them in combination with Beggar - this is frustration for an opponent and no mistake. Use them with Goo Nee Tay. And if you’re unable to get at an opponent’s locations, or they’re playing a very rogue strategy, then go ahead and revolve the Hut for some high drains. I’ve actually done this in about half the games I’ve played with the deck, something I hadn’t anticipated when designing it. I’m also thankful for that Lightsaber Proficiency..

Threepio - Play with this card only if he works for you. But give him a try before writing him off as binder fodder. The combination of Were You Looking For Me and Threepio/R-3P0 (you can grab both of them in one go) is a great one. The fact that he now adds a destiny with Chewie from ECC is just a bonus. I really believe this guy is a card that no modern M&T style deck should be without (provided you’re packing WYLFM as well).

Just a word on meta-ing This deck has no numbers protection currently. And yes, that’s a meta decision, and one that I’ve been happy with thus far even after playing against numbers decks (and winning)…. If you don’t like it, then I recommend the following Remove Lightsaber Proficiency or a Beggar and a Nabrun (with the amount of IAOs around right now, it’s probably a sound idea) and add a couple of Don’t Forget The Droids. More high destinies are always good in any case, but it does mean that a vital Sense or Alter will not always work. No duelling protection? No. Hunt Down with no duel is far more popular. If it is faced though, the destinies are good enough to put up a reasonable fight, and Ben is always handy with his inherent bonus against a Circle. Ultimately though, if duelling is feared (in the wider enviroment, true, it should be considered) then add duelling cards. Again, base it on the meta.

And finally, the lack of locations. They simply aren’t needed. The Revos and the Tosche station, combined with whatever force you are given, is enough. This has an added bonus in that there is space for the cards you really need, and most of all - no zero destiny cards. Thanks to the multiple battle destiny draws you will get, walkers should pose no problem, and the standard destiny in this deck is surprisingly good.

There are many uses I haven’t mentioned, but they probably speak for themselves. Uncontrollable Fury is one card I’m deliberating over - in the end it’ll probably go in there in place of Lightsaber Proficiency or a Beggar. Just something to consider. In the end though, this deck is versatile. In the modern enviroment, that’s a vital factor. ‘

Strategy: ‘

See above… ‘