Tatooine Celebration/OMDH

Title: Tatooine Celebration/OMDH
Author: Brian "Red 81" Guthrie
Date: Jan 9, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations/Objective (11) Hidden Base Rendevous Point (s) Alderaan (x2) - HB location Tatooine Tibrin Tatooine Tosche Station Tatooine Mos Eisley Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Ships, Vehicles, Weapons, Devices (8) Millenium Falcon (x2) RLR1 and GLG1 Spiral Tantive IV Redemption Obi’s Saber

Characters (22) Ben Kenobi (x2) EPP Obi EPP Luke (x3) EPP Leia (x2) Captain Han (x2) ECC Lando ECC Chewie Orrimarko Taws Khaa Melas Bo Shek Harc Seff Wedge Antilles Jeroen Webb Derek Klivian Biggs Darklighter Commander Vanden Willard

Effects/Interrupts (19) The Signal (x2) Insurrection (s) Battle Plan Wise Advice WYTTPOU Ulitimatum Tatooine Celebration (x2) Our Most Desperate Hour (x2) The Planet Its Farthest From Bacta Tank Mantellian Savrip Order to Engage Glancing Blow Courage of a Skywalker Eject, Eject Transmission Terminated ‘

Strategy: ‘

The deck starts with HB and Insurrection, but is primarily a ground deck (I almost always start Insurrection, but will use Wise Advice against a known SAC player and Battle Plan against Operatives). If the opponent wastes his starting interrupt to pull Security Precautions, all the better Use the objective to pull Tatooine and Tibrin for early force generation, but don’t deploy Alderaan until later in the game Your opponent will quickly realize you’re playing ground once you set up shop on Tatooine, so you want OMDH to come as a surprise later in the game. There are 2 spies and 1 Transmission Terminated to deal with HDADTJ, which is the deck of choice in Central Texas. Lots of people like to duel, so Courage and Glancing Blow are also must haves. With the release of ECC and EJP, I’ve added Eject Eject to deal with Boba in Slave I. I may add another, but deck space is tight.

This deck is a variation on my old Harvest deck, but I’ve found Celebration to be a more reliable retrieval engine. Tibrin is nice if you lose a vital card to a force drain, or to retrieve OMDH near the end of the game.

Comments are welcomed. This deck is strong against most deck types, but can struggle against a dedicated space deck. ‘