Take a walk on Raltiir

Title: Take a walk on Raltiir
Author: Per "Foppalandet" Wahlgren
Date: Jan 9, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (11) Raltiir Swamp Forrest Spaceport Docking Bay Jungle Kashyyyk Coruscant DagobahCave Medtitation Chamber Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave

Characters(18) Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Darth Vader Zuckuss Brangus Glee Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle IG-88 With Riot Gun Admiral Ozzel Lieutennant Commander Ardan Navy Trooper Vesden Lieutennant Arnet Lieutennant Cabbel Officer Evax AT-ST Pilot X5

Starships(6) Boba Fett In Slave 1 Dengar In Punishing One Bossk In Hounds Tooth Dreadnaught x3

Vehicles(5) tempest scout 1 tempest scout 3 tempest scout 5 tempest scout 6 blizzard 2

Interrupts(10) Alter Twilek Advisor Evader X2 Torture x2 Trample X3 Omni Box

Effects(7) Crush The Rebelion Imperial Arrest Order Battle Order Bad Feeling Have I Security Precautions There Be Hell To Pay X2

Weapons(1) Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

Creatures(1) Bubo

Objective Raltiir opperations/ In The Hands Of The Empire

Strategy: ‘

This my version of my friend Martin Akesson’s Raltiir-deck. When I saw him playing it, I decided it needed some changes. I added Bad Feeling have I, Another AT-ST Pilot(5) and Torture x2. I removed some Alter’s and Evader’s. Now, just make sure you get a fast control on the ground of Raltiir and keep it that way thruogh your reacting AT-ST’s. If you have Bad Feeling Have I, opponents most dangerous characters will cost +4 to deploy. This is a great advantage in your quest to keep the control on the ground. When the time is right, use your high destiny’s to wipe out your opponent. This shouldn’t be too hard, considering you can search your reservedeck for the cards you want with your flipped objective. Navy Trooper Vesden and the pair of Torture’s will provide the extra protection aganist odds… ‘