activation/smackdown MASSACRE style

Title: activation/smackdown MASSACRE style
Author: Mark "MASSACRE" Carila
Date: Mar 18, 2002 Rating: 4.5




Fear Is My Ally(10 shields)

My Kind Of Scum/FAI

TatJabba’s Palace

TatDesert Heart

Prepared Defenses

Power Of The Hutt

First Strike

Mob Points

(show rep-Myo)



Jabba’s Sail BargePassenger Deck

JPAudience Chamber

JPLower Passeges


Darth Vader W/stick

Darth Vader (V)

Darth Maul W/stick

Emperor Palpatine

Janus Greejatus

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Dengar W/gun

Prince Xizor


IG-88 W/gun

4-LOM W/gun

Mighty Jabba


Bib Fortuna


Chall Bekan

Aurra Sing

Myo x3(rep)

Abyssin x5

Mercenary Pilot


Zuckuss In Ship

Fett In Ship

Bossk In Ship

Maul’s Sith Infiltrator



Jabba’s Sail Barge


Presence Of The Force

Search And Destroy


Imperial Artillery x2

Masterful Move combo card

Masterful Move

Ommni Box combo card x2

Limited Resources

Jabba’s Twerps

Force Lightning


Aurra Sing’s Blaster Rifle x2

Naboo Blaster Rifle x2

Strategy: ‘

here’s a few turns

1st turn

first action pull carida(or if you have it in your hand pull executor). activate 5 plus what they give you. deploy carida and jabba’s palaceaudience chamber. while you’re looking for jpac, look to see if the sail barge and passenger deck are in there. if they are deploy them (with power of the hutt) to jabba’s palace. draw the rest unless you are happy with your hand

2nd turn

activate 11 plus what they give you. deploy jabba’s palacelower passages and Chall Bekan to audience chamber(with audience chamber’s game text). pull the mercenary pilot with Chall’s game text and deploy it on the sail barge free(-1 for chall and -1 for sail barge’s game text) deploy boelo from reserve with power of the hutt -1 to back up chall. you now have 4 force to deploy back up characters as you see fit. (before too long try to get somebody to the passenger deck to make the sail barge immune to attrition and people on board <6)

3rd turn

build up your sites and Carida(if possible). You should have an Abyssin out by now which will flip your objective if you have enough sites under control. draw up/save up as needed.

This deck is a powerhouse which gets out all of its locations out first turn except one. It gets a constant flow of characters and It’s destinies are AWESOME once you get tracking. Once you flip EACH of your destines are +2 so it doesn’t matter too much anyways. (with extra destinies it gets so much better) It has retrieval (one Abyssin a turn, Jabba’s Twerps, and first strike) to help it out in those long games. It also has direct damage (Imp artillarys and S&D). It is very versatile.

here are some matchups


with the virtual(V) cards out it might be a little hard. start Jabba and Xizor with their obj. start as normal but immediately deploy boelo to cancel their destiny if they battle.(with jabba adding a destiny with Xizor it can stop them for a turn). Try to draw your sites because they converted tatjp at the beginning. second turn deploy more characters or deploy sail barge(with passenger deck). try to outpower them with your superior numbers long enough to flip and then kill them with the added destinies(must have jabba and bib to get destiny bonus)


start as normal. save up your fleet and DESTROY what they have out mid-game at kessel(might not go as planned always. try it as soon as you get the resources because a drain of 3 is bad). be sure to get the smuggler shield out as soon as they get out a few smugglers. deploy to your sites only(unless their drains are building up) and fortify your drains. if they deploy to audience chamber you can cancel 2 of their drains(one with boelo and one with myo on obj.) if you crush them in space then you can nullify menace fades and drain them to death.


start as normal. if they deploy a lone jedi, chunk it with a lot of characters. crush them if they come to you. use your retrieval to outlast them. (i have a 4-lom in here not just to drop on zuckass. if they do the annoying start brisky morning muchywhatever and drop jarjar every turn and assassinate one of your characters you are in trouble. if they drop him and wait until your turn, effectivly blocking your drain, and then use his gametext to kill himself when you battle, drop 4-lom and end the game).

Hidden Base

set up on ground fast and draw up S&D and your ships. if they deploy on the ground chunk them. (if they do the obi w/stick to a forest trick drop maul and whatever else you have and chunk him). drop all your ships to one of their systems and battle. if you suspect a hyper escape, see how many cards are in their force pile and deploy all your ships to the system with too many starships to run(should happen at least a few times during the course of the game). If you see luke in ship, run for your life. Lukeinship+afewmaneuvers+darklighterspin+xwinglasercannons+powerpivot=all your ships chunked. outlast their drains with your drains, retrieval, and blocking their drains with your ships.


Draw your ships fast because it’s the only thing that’s going to save you. build up your drains as fast as you can and chunk any ground forces they have. don’t deploy to hoth until you’re sure they don’t have ice storm.

I hope you like the deck and it helps give some board person a deck idea to try out. d-mail me with questions. thanx everybody

                            Mark Carila  '