Blue D-Machine

Title: Blue D-Machine
Author: Karl "yammosk" Walker
Date: Mar 19, 2002 Rating: 4.5




Endor Operations


Endor bunker

Endor Landing platform

Prep. Def.

Mob points/YCHF

Conduct your search


Fear - sideboard


Endor Back Door

Endor Dark Forest

Endor Forest Clearing





Grand Admiral Thrawn x2

Admiral Piett x2

Darth Maul with double-Saber x2

Lord Vader x2

Commander Merijk

4-LOM with Concussion rifle

Boba Fett, BH

Emperor Palpatine

Janus Greejatus


Tempest Scout 1

Tempest Scout 2

Tempest Scout 3

Tempest Scout 4

Tempest Scout 5

Tempest Scout 6


Vader’s lightsaber x2


Fusion Generator Tanks(virtual)




Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

IG-88 in IG-2000

Dengar in Punishing One

Bossk in Hounds Tooth



Evader/Monnok x2

I’d just as soon kiss a wookie x3

Imperial Barrier x2

Sense/UITF x2


Defensive Fire/Hutt smootch x2

Nemoidian Advizor


Perimeter patrol

Ominous Rumors

Establish Secret Base


(Admirals Orders)

Combat Response x2

Strategy: ‘

Setup- draw either the executor or Rendili as your first action with priority on Rendili. Then use that MP combo to draw Perimeter Patrol. Then draw out the Back Door and you should have good first turn activation.(Except that your opponent does too.)

The object is to get control of the planet sights first. This deck makes it easy because it limits the opponent in the following way

-they can not draw more than one battle destiny

-they can not block or modify your drains

-they will have a hard time deploying to attack

-they have to wait to attack giving you time to set up

Now these may seem like only slightly good bonuses, but they allow you to set up big drains that the opponent can do nothing about. You can wear them down with constant little attacks. Use the Monnoks to keep them on their toes when it comes to their hand. Use Imperial Barrier and IJASKAW to delay key characters and make the strategy wait a turn more. And use the characters in small surgical strikes, these are expendible characters. With the bonus you have on Endor the AT-STs (pull with AO)can hold the planet, they all react and PP is going to keep away surprises. Speaking of surprises watch out for Nubrein Lieds, that is why the IAO and Senses can be useful.

The point of the deck is you need very few recources to set up your offensive damage strikes. And you can use whats left to try and keep the opponent away from those cards.

Space is pretty much secure. Limiting their destiny makes power the key to the systems and that is what you have.

Please review my deck, include some comments, and I look forward to your insight. Thanks ‘