Deadbody’s DS thing

Title: Deadbody’s DS thing
Author: garrett "deadbody" larson
Date: Mar 21, 2002 Rating: 4.5




Hoth Ice Plains

Prepared Def.

Conduct your search

Wipe them out All of them

Crush the Rebellion

Fear is my ally plus 10 def shields

Locations 7

Naboo Generator

Endor Forest Clearing

Endor System

Blockade Flagship Bridge

Tatooine Mauls Site

Death Star 2 Throne Room

Endor Back Door

characters 20

2x Palpy

2x Maul with Stick

2x Mara Jade TEH

2x Vader with Stick

Commander Merrejk

Prince Xixor

Grand Moff Tarkin


Dr. e and Ponda


Boba fett BH




4-lom w/gun



Maras saber

Blue 6



Dengar in P1

Bossk in HT

Zuckuss in MH

Blizzard 4

racers 1


Effects 2

Bad feeling have i

Lateral Damage

interuppts 17

3x Sense

2x Alter

2x Oh switch off

2x Imperial Barrier

We must accelerate our plans


I have you now

The Circle is now complete

Sniper and Dark Strike

Look Sir droids

Ghhk & those darn rebels

Evader and Monnok

Strategy: ‘

Edit 3-23-02

Allright the first strat section was really weak I know, but the deck is really so flexible that you do very different things against different decks. I will swap out Mejjerk for an elis helrot, I might do the restraining bolt for Look Sir droids as well. here are some matchups.

WYS first turn search for something with crush, see whats in your force pile. If it’s sites or very useful cards, or you have no one good to deploy draw, otherwise deploy to their cantina and start draining, this is the only matchup where I won’t deploy the backdoor right away, and in fact save it for when I need it, since WYS doesn’t activate a great deal on its own, you can force choke it fairly effectively, or at least I have always been able to, S/A anything they play before they flip, if possible, load up the cantina and Tatooine. Then keep your ground drains going and chase them in space, and use Maul and Vader with friends to do Drop, Kill, Repeat. Should be a good game, but you will have an edge.

QMC You will beat it bad, no Power Pivot, save your senses for that and to kill the evasion cards. You have enough space to hand on bespin, and even kick them off, and enough ground to keep a few of their sites, and at least the backdoor. should be a fairly fun game and a definite win.

HB Rape and pillage them in space jump out to a quick lead with ground drains, and never give it back, keep probing their systems.

LSC your hardest matchup, drop 2 jedi at the same site of theirs, so if they want to come combat you they have to stay for a battle, you will only get 1 or at most 2 shots at them so beat them for all your worth. should be a fun game, and it is winnable.

all right I hope I’ve given some insight into how to play this effectively, any thing I haven;t mentioned here, fortify 2 key drain sites, then beat them anywhere they are.

okay this was originally a BHBM deck, but I decided that to use that platform wasted cards. you start by deployiong the back door and if you have stuff you need in your force pick it up, otherwise deploy a guy if possible to the back door to start the pressure early. then back him up and deploy all the sites you can. this deck is very flexible, and can stand up to anything. any specific question d-mail me otherwise.

Happy Beatings ‘