the drug busters (ii)

Title: the drug busters (ii)
Author: Jonathan "Vanshitoo" Ballin
Date: Mar 24, 2002 Rating: 4.0



’ starting

             Rebel strike team/ODÕD 

             the shield is down 

             strike planning 

             sqad assignments 


             busters landing site 


     Unusual amount of fear+10 shields, I have all



             hidden dealing trail 

             back door 

             dense forest 

             Characters(the busters) 

             Wedjie DSL 

             gen calrissian 

             dash rendar 

             quite-gone Jinn 

             crix madine 

             corran horny 

             lt. blout 

             clnl. crackhead 

             corp. midje 

             sgt. carlson 

             sgt. junken 

             mjr. panno 

             corp. bezzer 

             corp. kenesaric 


             gen. solo 


             daughter of skywalker 

             luke JK 

             luke RS 


     Obi w/saber 


             gold sq. 1 

             red sq. 1 

             tala 1 

             tala 2 

             R2 in red 5 


             home 1 


             manakinÕs saber 


             concussion gernade 

             E-11B blasta 





             throw me anotherchargex3 

 endor celabration(everyones invited) 

             we with 2 board at 1nce

             take the initiative 

             E ffects of drugs 

             close air support 

             insurrection combo

             menace fades 


             concentrAte all fire 

             capital support 

             taking them with us 

Strategy: ‘

this deck sets up like a well organized drug bust.

on the first turn (force impending)I pull

(and deploy) crix, who pulls his CoK who pulls

wuta who pulls a site i can also pull back door and

bunker (i get a force because TSID). If i have enough force which is xtremely doughtful I pull genaral calrissian who pulls GS1. Anyways Even if I dont do all those steps I will still have plenty of

activation on turn 2 where I pull more sites

and scouts. by turn 3 or 4 I will be set up for

flip when I flip I send scouts into bunker and use the +4EE bonus and a charge to blow it away. If

the druggy’s come to the bunker i’ll blow them

straight to hell with concussion gernade or a charge.once I clean out the bunker I spread out in my grace turn (they have no hand) and drain. the game should be quick after that because of the force swing and O.K. drains at Endor. this deck isn’t a battling powerhouse on ground or space but i have good enough forces to maintain what i need to of both places (8 destiny 6and7s help).

Why 3 different AO’s? even people on crack can

see that lots of AO’s R compatible w/scouts concentate all fire=scouts immune <6 better

             weapond draws 

capital support=give enemy capital punishment


             xtra force loss 

taking with us=cheaper deploy, harder to hit etc.

Thanks for reviewing this deck

             it will beat all druggies (if they R high) '