Pinned Down Tech - That’s All

Title: Pinned Down Tech - That’s All
Author: michael "Deck" Gemme
Date: Mar 27, 2002 Rating: 4.5





Insignificant Rebellion

Your Destiny

Fear is my Ally

Throne Room on DS2

Prep Defenses


Crush the Rebellion

IAO/Secret Plans


EPP Vader x4

EPP Maul x3

Aurra Sing

Emporer x2

Janus Greejatus

IG88 w/ gun


Boba Fett w/ BLASTER x2

Dengar w/ BLASTER x2

Mighty Jabba

4Lom w/ gun


Spaceport dbay

cc dbay

death star 2 dbay


No Escape

Sebulba’s Pod

Blast Door Controls x2

Emporer’s power

First strike

Reactor Terminal


Dark Strike

Imperial Supply x2

Force Lightning


Circle is now Complete

Ihave you now


Zuckuss in mist hunter


Aurra Sing’s BLASTER x5

Imperial Artillery x3

The Phantom Menace x3

Visage of the Emporer x3

Strategy: ‘

first of all myyers didnt even read the strat because i haave beaten hidden base flip with this deck.

also this deck isnt virtual card updated… i tell you this - that blaster rack helps this deck bigtime, and major modifications can be made to include ponda baba’s blaster and shizzzzz its hot. lata

This deck was made to beat LS combat, which it does.. steve, justin, hayes, eric and i went ot a tourney in albany, and hayes, eric and brad reinhold all played LS combat, and this beat their version with out a problem.. so that is why this deck was built. plus its fun.

First off, i know people think 14 sevens is bad, but its just more fun that way. Plus pinned down

Okay so people cant leave the battle, if they do and cancel it, you draw a seven and they lose seven. THe guns that work with this are, dengar’s, boba’s and aurra’s none of the other guns like p59 or IG or anything like that, so dont get confused please.

basically with this deck you drop and beat, they cant run away. so theyre stuck dealing with aurra’s sick gun, or pretty much just getting shot anyways because you can hit anyone, even quigon.

why five of her gun?? read pinned down, its a seven, why not?? you only need one of her so who cares.

Sebulba’s pod is in there cause you have mad sevens.

zuckuss is enough for space because him, 4lom, emporeres power, you just have to win a battle or two.. this beat hidden base flip played by a top100 in the world player.

just get vader down. if they give you luke fine.. just go win battles. if you’ve ever read my bring him up the anus, its the exact same strategy.. all of the guys in this deck add destiny with each other for the most part and i just like p59 for the direct damage and stuff like that.

i’m not saying this is the best deck in the world but it is a pretty fun deck and it wins games in the hand of a good player.. i ahvent posted in a while and this is the best deck ive made recently and it helped me in a tournament where i beat hayes and eric hunter, as well as steve baroni and got me to 1942 rating.. which is huge.

so i hope you like it enough.. later yo

i actually made this deck