WifeBeater- No hold barred

Title: WifeBeater- No hold barred
Author: Darryll "217" Silva
Date: Apr 9, 2002 Rating: 4.0



‘fear is my ally(1)




Ice Plains(S)

Defensive perimeter

Echo DB

Executor DB



Emperor Palpy

2x Epp Vader

Enhanced Maul

IG with gun






gen veers

Dre& Peanut Butter

Insane in da membrane Fett




4lom with gun

Starships and Vehicles(11)


Dengar in ship


Bossk in ship

Zuck in ship





2xIntro Hoth Walkers


Lat Damage

Rebel base Beating

You may start you landing(S)


Mob points(S)

imp decree(S in case of drains)

no escape


3x trample

2x walker garrison

4x imperial command

2x we mush accelerate

sniper dark strike

force lightning

imp barrier

prep defenses

There still coming through

ommni box combo


Battle deployment

Strategy: ‘

some people are finding my title offensive..heres the deal I wear undershirts and they are commonly called wifebeaters.

-Please Read the Strategy Before u rate…so u can see teh method of my madness- thank you Enjoy

Well this is a deck that is made to destroy your oppenents life force in a minimal amount of time. I made this a while ago and used some of John Patchell’s deck archetype…so mad props to John. Anyways I wanted a deck that can battle good and has great drains and potent battle damage, The battle power is is very high. This is a very basic but powerful deck…This deck get going fast and has many different strategies. you can drain there aresses off or u can or you can beat them down(hence the name) This is how the deck starts off..after u get your opening hand go get Executor,Walker Garrison, and 3rd Marker..and use any commands if u have them to get Adm. Piett in your hand. The u want to activate and deploy the Executor DB and all the 3rd Marker..Deploy Piett to the Executor DB and go get Merrejk if u don’t have him..if u do get the AO(if u didn’t get any walkers in your opening hand) or get Commander Igar if you did get walkers. When u get merrejk out go get fondor or Hoth whichever u want..Then draw all your remaining life force if u have any… Early Game still now that u have an adequate setup use IAO to get HothDb then use Merrejk to get the other system. use your Imp. cmmds. to get Veers then other stuff as you need them.start to setup your walker force and make them lose to YMSYL as you setup. Now if u control the 3 sites start to use walker garrison.

Mid Game Now that u have setup up your side of the match you can drain away. use Rebel Base Occ. to get direct Damage of about 5(including YMSYL damage) per turn then setup the walker garrison and you will be getting an average drain of about 9 which is very good in conjuntion with the direct damage they will be losing ALOT.

Late Game There shouldn’t be much left if the game has gone as planned. you want to squasht there characters with your tramples. and battle with your vaders this should end up in your victory when played right.

as i said befor thare are many ways to play this game and I can’t go over how often u will have to switch your playing styles. I have played qmc where I just used mains and ship and no walkers. you have to adapt to the others decks and this deck does the best job I’ve ever seen. many differnt ways to play and this deck gest every job done.

Card Choices Fondor-helps to get and early Executor really cheap  Dr E COmbo character.well they add 3 to power of the walkers and they like to hang with Vader and kill jedi 4-Lom with Conc. Rifle- adds one destiny with Zuckuss and adds 2 with Boba Fett, BH great card and cancels game text. Guri and Stinger- well this is a great combo add battle Destiny and they only draw one...awesome  Boba Fett,BH- Need I explain? well they are all great cards

Matchups well here it goes

    EBO- U own them...they won’t keep there EBO up long and there drains will be no match for them because tehy give you more sites you can get more walker drains... how convient. This Mathcup is fairly simple...u don’t need to start decree for the reason u have 3 twil’leks. And u should have no problem satisfying Battle Order(defensive shield) and they will easy win....at least in my mind )

QMC- well they will play smart and prolly not use any exterior sites and if they do your walkers will be free to move about...take control of Bespin ASAP get your executor and GA Thrawn ASAP if they can’t flip you will win. they will not drain...you need to watch for different strategies that QMC poses..and don’t let them have the north corridor to cancel your drains at CC. Be aware that u will see Path of least resistance so only do it when you are sure u have an advantage...Drain on Hoth and u should be sitting pretty...very Close matchup if played right.

Duel of The Fates- here is the best matchup I think. they will prolly try to come to you to stop your drains...you will have to beat them down....forget about battling just drop maul vader and empy to occupy naboo and drain there asses off at hoth. you should EASILY outdrain them

 WYS- well they use DB’s and Walkers like DB’s and Smugglers like Trample Just trample and use Lat Damage to get Outrider and you should be pretty well off. just don’t let your guard down...because smugglers deploy CHEAP A$$ so you will have alot in a little amount of time. just play hard and you should win.

Profit- well stick Mara and Dr E in the Chamber and get them to JP first turn and drain for 3 until they do something about it...back them up with Walkers and setup up the COLD DRAINS on hoth....I don’t know what to really do...Vader will be very handy and so will Mara. Just make sure Ben dies and doesnt come back..or bring anybody back with him...

TIGIH-nobody even plays this anymore...but your drains will SOOOO outnumber whatever they could or want to do to you...you will have a free drain in space...unless they pack starships which is very unlikely

RST- Occupy the bunker and drain....kill madine early and crush there scouts to little pieces. Stop there boom session so the will not be able to blow the bunker...keep on them and keep your 3 sites occuppied with walkers...and use your extras to bring the fight to them.

Senate- There are many senate variations and I can’t take into account what everyone does just play with your senses....And expect the unexpected. all I know is that most of your Admirals and Generals Politics +2 so u can beat down on lone senators.hehe

Well this is my 3rd post of my walker decks and u may say u should stop but they only get better. Look for this deck at upcoming major tournies being played by many alike.

See you all at Vegas and Alderaan regionals

Darryll Silva Shadow32 ‘